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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The next morning, he wore a grey shirt and a black tuxedo. At breakfast, he beamed at his subjects when he saw that Lucianne’s head remained up when the rest of them were bowing. After greeting the attendees, he made his way to her, and kissed her on her forehead as he said, “Thank you, for not bowing.”

“It felt very awkward.” She complained with blushing cheeks.

He chuckled. “You’ll get used to it.” He took in her stunning figure hugged by a dark purple ruffled top and black skirt before he said, “You look beautiful.”

She smirked and said, “You look great too, Xandar. Are you going to say that every morning?”

“Mmm. Maybe.” He was looking at her flirtatiously, and started closing the distance between them.

With her hand on his hard chest, Lucianne kept their remaining distance as she said, “Behave

now, your Highness. There are people you should meet.” “Fine.” He groaned.

With his hand on her waist, Lucianne introduced him to the pack members of Lunar Eclipse, Night Howl and Glimmer Moon. It took a lot of encouragement and prompting on Lucianne’s part before the members felt like they could speak up about their concerns without sugar-

coating anything.

When it came to damaged borders, Xandar promised to contribute financially without hesitation. However, things like hospital supplies, rusting pipes and a seasonal shortage of

clean water were trickier.

He had to call for a meeting with his ministers to address these issues. He made mental notes on what they needed, and promised to get back to them on the aid that his government can


Alpha Juan and Luna Hale walked up to them with wide smiles as Juan called out, “Lucy!

Your Highness! Busy morning, I see.”

Some Lycans were glaring at him for speaking so casually to the King but Juan and Hale couldn’t care less. Xandar shook Juan’s hand with a smile and said, “Yeah, well. I guess that’s

what happens when I get an over-responsible mate.”

“Don’t I know it.” Juan rolled his eyes in Hale’s direction, earning a slap on his arm from his

Luna before she lovingly slipped her arm into his.

Lucianne narrowed her eyes at her mate and said, “Xandar, you asked for this.”

Hale then chirped in, “Lucy, forgive them. Men don’t always know what they want.”


“That’s true.” Xandar agreed without hesitation, and locked eyes with Lucianne before he proceeded to say, “But there are certain things that I can never be more sure of.” He kissed her on her cheek, and watched as she blushed. She pressed her lips together to force back tier smile, internally frustrated that she could never control the warmth that would creep up her cheeks whenever Xandar kissed her.

They got breakfast and sat together as they ate. Lucianne invited the members of White Blood over, who gave suggestions on how they think the government could facilitate their efforts in providing training to untrained packs.

Xandar tried his best to control the jealousy he felt whenever he caught Lucianne and Gamma Tobias throwing each other knowing glances and cheeky smirks as Alpha Tate

spoke. Even the Alpha was stealingglances at her whenever Lucianne wasn’t looking. ‘

Xandar held onto Lucianne’s hand, and pecked kisses on it from time to time to remind her that his feelings for her are real, and to make an implied statement to the Gamma and the

Alpha that Lucianne was HIS mate.

About half an hour before training was bound to start, everyone left the dining hall to change into their training attire. They then gathered at the royal training ground.

Unlike during meals, there were fewer present since many Lycans didn’t feel comfortable sharing the ground with wolves. They used their old age as an excuse to escape the need to train. The Lycans who were there were more open. although hesitantly open, to the werewolf


Everyone was to pair up and spar with their partner on a mat beneath their feet For the first two weeks, the training was non-shifted combat. The following two weeks would be shifted combat.

As the Defense Minister, Alfred Cummings spoke a few words with his deputy. Plerre Whitlaw, by his side. Lucianne and Xander stood side~by-side. She changed into a sleeveless

top and her yoga pants hugged her figure. Her hair was tied up into a tight bun. Xandar was also in a sleeveless shirt and shorts as he glared at any male who was looking at his mate’s


At the end of Cummings‘s speech, Xandar received a brotherly pat on the shoulder before a

voice called out, “Your Highness.”

Xandar saw who it was, and pulled the man into a friendly hug as he said, “Goddess, it’s you! It’s great that you could make it, Christian. How’s Annie?”

The man smiled in satisfaction. “Good. The trip away did get rid of the stress she had been

enduring for months at work.”

Xandar then pulled Lucianne to his side and said, ‘Lucianne, this is my cousin from my mother’s side and my second-in—command, Christian Blackfur. We grew up together, and he

worked for hours into the night with me when I first ascended the throne. He was the one

Scanned with Cams nnnn er who suggested that we start scrutinizing our laws.”

Lucianne bowed politely and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Grace. Thank you for all you’ve done to help the werewolves.”

To her shock, Christian took her hand and knelt on one knee before lightly kissing the back 0 f her hand and letting it go as he stood. “My Queen, you shouldn’t have to bow to me. It is an honor to finally meet you. I’ve read many great things about the Blue Crescent Pack.”

Embarrassed, Lucianne said, “Your Grace, please don’t do that again. And I’m not your Queen.”

‘Yet.” He chuckled as his eyes fixed on Xandar, who was looking at Lucianne with nothing but love and adoration.

“I should…” Lucianne said, and started pointing in the direction where most of the werewolves were, “…go help them train.”

Christian’s voice stopped her when he said, “My Queen, if you‘don’t mind. I would love to

watch you spar our strongest Lycan here. Wolves take training more seriously than Lycans d 0. Your pack is so strong that Xandar and I have a theory: one day, even a wolf can go against a Lycan. And from what I’ve been hearing in between the gossip of the crowd, you’re the best 0

f your kind.”

Lucianne was a little lost for words. Xandar thought she was hesitant and said comfortingly, ”

You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Lucianne.”

Cheekiness sparked in Lucianne, and she smirked at Xandar as she said, “You’re not scared o f being beaten by a little wolf now, are you, your Highness?”

“Now we’re talking!” Chirstian exclaimed in excitement. 2

Xandar’s look of concern was quickly replaced with a short stint of surprise before he took on Lucianne’s challenge with a cocky smirk. “You asked for this, sweetheart.”

They took their positions on the mat, and the Lycans and wolves training closer to them started to lose focus when they saw that there was going to be a spar between their species.

They slowed down but kept working on their techniques.



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