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The Accountant novel Chapter 28

She had to do this. It was a risk she could take for Beau. Whatever information she gleaned from him, she would share it with her brother right away.

Despite her bravado, she trembled. Questioning if she was doing the right thing.

Danger lurked in the shadows. Maman had always drilled in her head that predators dwelled in the darkness. It was midnight.

She was waiting at the estate's perimeter for half an hour and growing restless. Anytime she will be found by Dominic's security.

Why did Arturo want to meet here? His letter was vague. All it said was he had something very important to tell her. About Beau's enemy. Why did her sister have enemies? She was an angel and as harmless as a person could be.

Dinara was a whole lot dangerous compared to her. She was trained very well by her maman. Knives were her specialty. And she was holding one right now. One wrong move from the Mexican commander and he's dead.

"Brrrr...its getting cold!" Where the fuck was he?

"Mafia princess," She twirled around and came face to face with an unfamiliar balding middle-aged man. She palmed her knife and relaxed her stance.

"Not even the slightest movement, princess. We wouldn't want to ruin your Mickey mouse shirt." Dinara glanced at her chest. A red beam was pointed on her. Some fucking hitman had her in his sight.

"Where is Arturo?" Her voice was hard. Not a hint of fear laced it.

"He's compromised. Maybe dead."

Now was the time to be afraid. She had just helped organize her own kidnapping. And their Mexican guest was a spy for the enemy.

Their loyal men were constantly patrolling if she kept stalling this one, they were bound to find her.

"I know what you are thinking, princess. It's wise to come with me instead of Antoine Lemonte. You wouldn't want to know what he will do to you. What Samuel and I want is money. After that, you are free to go."

He was lying. They would never free her once they got their hands on her. She would rather take her chances.

What happened next was a blur, she crouched down and slashed the man's calf with her sharp knife but the sniper shot her shoulder and she hit her head on something hard.

It fucking hurts! This was a stupid idea overall. Her head was vibrating from the impact and she felt blood soaking her cute Mickey Mouse shirt. Her vision blacked and she was lost.

Stupid stupid Dinara.



Fuck! She was nervous. And Lizzie was wringing her hands and tapping her foot. Both of them looking at several screens, monitoring their men.

Bulletproof SUVs were cruising around San Francisco despite the hour. Stopping at warehouses on docksides and dubious buildings heavily armed with men one only saw in gangster movies. Thankfully none of the bosses was brave enough to tangle with The Butcher and the Cartel Leader. All willing to provide information.

It was midnight. There were supposed to be in bed. Yet Dominic and his men, including Rafael Montero was hunting. And she was their virtual eyes and ears.

Dr. Lizzie Hope was on standby just in case someone from their team got injured. "If Alec got so much as a scratch on him..." Her friend muttered, her green eyes flashing.

"He can take care of himself, Liz. Stop pacing. You are making me dizzy." Beau jested.

Her thick glasses perched on her slender nose, she squinted at the screen. An old habit. She scowled.

The team had stopped on an imposing building. Men were quickly moving in position.

"There are five armed men on the first floor, my love. Same number on the second and third floors. The rest of the building is clear. Three moving bodies at the top. Be careful."

"Copy, detka."

She could hear and see them silently communicating and she continued to scan the building for booby traps. If there was a bomb somewhere she could stop it remotely.

Beau had never been so grateful for her abilities. She could do this.

"You can enter the building anytime. No decoys or bombs in place."

"Thanks, my love."

Once the snipers were strategically in place, Dominic and his men, trained elite force stormed the facility. Fires and gunshots everywhere. Grunts and groans, filled with pain were easily heard. Enemies were writhing on the floor.

She held her breath. Watching everything unfold before her. Praying to every god known to men Dominic and his men won't get hurt.

"First, second, and the third floor cleared. We are going to the top. Snipers, cover the rooftop. Shoot anyone that moves not from our side."

Reaching the last floor where the man Dominic was searching for was located, they crouched down. The room sitting at the east corner was made of thick glass. She was guessing it was bulletproof too. With a silencer, someone from their team shot the heavily tinted door. It didn't do anything.

She would need the building's software mainframe to unlock the doors.

"Alec, find me a computer that's working. I will unlock the doors from the inside. The thick fiberglass is bulletproof, you won't be able to shatter it."

Chapter 28  The Storm

Dinara 1


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