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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 151

Without saying anything, Nancy lowered her head and took off her white gown.

It was not that she didn't want to say it, but she thought that what she had said was enough.

As much as she wanted to be with Charles, being with him was just impossible

Without waiting for Nancy to reply, Charles went out and left dejectedly.

"Wow, Dr. Nancy, you didn't even get a wink the whole night! I really do admire you for your dedication!" Jessie said sarcastically as she crossed her arms and leaned against the door.

Nancy thought it best to ignore her and didn't say a word.

"I really admire your ingenuity. In order to set up the Second Pediatric Department, you even made Mr. Landon, who was already so old, be confined in the Pediatric Department. You really are something. I'm clapping my hands for you!"

Jessie continued to applaud, not taking Nancy's indifference into consideration and continued on her tirade.

When Nancy finished changing her clothes, she finally got fed up by Jessie's nagging and faced her head on. "Director Jessie, are you done criticizing me?"

"Why are you mad? I was only telling the truth. Dr. Nancy, if you're not guilty, then you shouldn't be so angry. You're just mad because I am right, am I not?" Jessie had loathed Nancy ever since she started working at the hospital. This time, she felt that Nancy deliberately had Landon confined under the Pediatric Department so she could show off her connections. After all, the Fang family was a prestigious family in this city and it would be beneficial to be associated with them.

She thought that Nancy only got to where she was because of her connections. It was the opposite of Jessie's plight, who, without a strong backing, had no one to rely on but herself.

She had thought about it over and over, but she couldn't comprehend why everyone would dote on Nancy.

But the bottom line was, Jessie was just so jealous of Nancy.

"How about I send Mr. Landon over to your department and let you take care of him? Would that shut you up?" Nancy had already figured out what kind of person Jessie was. If you gave her an inch, she would take a miles. The more she was tolerated, the more complacent she would be and would think people were afraid of her. But this time, Nancy had no patience to tolerate her any longer.

"Director Jessie, there's a patient who wants to see you! " Erin came over, trying to ease the growing tension and drove Jessie away.

When she entered Ward No. 12 just now, she heard a patient groaning. The patient was looking for a doctor and seemed to be in great pain. Since Ward No. 12 was under her department, the nurse approached Director Jessie.

"Humph, you are nothing but trouble with a capital T!" Jessie smugly said before leaving in a huff.

"Doctor Nancy, did she bully you again?" Erin asked with concern in her eyes.

Nancy shook her head and patted the nurse on her shoulder. "It's best if you stay away from her. Director Jessie is too narrow-minded. To put it bluntly, she is the kind of person who would bully anyone who is weaker than her, but would fear those who are stronger. We have to stand up and be strong. That way, she will be dispirited and not bully us!"

"Yes, I know her as well. Dr. Nancy, you can do it! We support you!" Erin said and gave Nancy a thumbs up to cheer her up and show support.

"It's best if we cheer for us together!" Nancy replied and gave her a hug.

Out of the blue, Nancy heard a familiar voice, "Are you not done yet?" After leaving, Charles wandered around aimlessly. When his mind cleared a little, he decided to come back to pick Nancy up. But when he came back, he was surprised to see two women hugging each other.

Why was it so difficult for her to hug him, when she could freely give it to others without restrictions?

The thought made Charles jealous.

"Huh, Mr. Fu is here?" The nurse made a face and stuck out her tongue then left in a hurry.

"How is Mr. Landon?" Nancy asked worriedly.

"He's okay now and is sleeping soundly. Sarah and Jay are both with him. But Mr. Landon still has some cough occasionally," Charles said after thinking fora while.

"I'll ask the nurse to give him some medicine to stop the cough." Nancy told Erin, "Erin, please give Mr. Landon some cough medicine."

"Okay, I'll bring it to him," replied Erin, and went to the ward to administer it.

"Come with me. Let's have breakfast together," said Charles while looking at Nancy and trying to coax her at the same time.

"Don't you think there's already too much gossip about us going around?" Having said that, she walked out of the room, every step as heavy as her heart. She walked towards the elevator.

When the door was about to close, Charles squeezed himself in and entered as well.

"How about we go home and I'll cook for you?" Charles said, his voice pleading.

If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, she wouldn't have, in a thousand years, believed that Charles would cook for her by himself.

At this moment, he was nothing like a domineering CEO, but a househusband willing to cook for his wife.

Just thinking about how absurd it would look made her laugh secretly.

They walked out of the elevator together. In order not to attract attention from the passersby, Charles stopped the car far from the hospital.

"Please get in the car, my lovely great Doctor Nancy." Charles opened the door of the passenger seat for Nancy with a big smile on his face.


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