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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 157

His mischievous tone made her flush, but she had to pretend she didn't understand anything. "Well, Mr. Fang. This is an extra reward. The more, the Merrier!" Glancing at her with a meaningful look, Jay responded, "Remember to call me by my name from now on. Not Mr. Fang but Jay. Okay?

Doris nodded. "Jay," she called his name sweetly and gently.

After getting dressed properly, she looked at the mirror and instantly liked what she saw there. She looked elegant in this blue lace dress and a pair of white highheeled shoes. She left her hair down and wore very light makeup.

She looked like a beautiful recently blooming lotus in the water and as gentle as the willow. Even the crutch in her hand couldn't hamper her beauty. It even added loveliness in her dress up.

As Doris emerged before Jay, he put down the fashion magazine in his hand and eyed her with an unwavering gaze. "Not bad!"

He although commented that in a calm voice, his heart was satisfied with the view in front of him.

Jay had always been confused in matters of women of his choice. He was uncertain about what kind of women he liked.

But Doris had changed his viewpoint about that. No matter how much he'd been rejecting her, it was undeniable that because of her appearance, he finally understood what type of women that he wanted to be with.

The last time, when Doris visited the Fang family, she got no proper opportunity to take a good look at it.

But this time, he took a good look at it.

Both the exterior and interior of the villa were of retro style. It clearly showed its owner's low profile and majesty.

Doris felt slightly nervous being there.

When Jay noticed her hesitation he asked, "Are you feeling cold?" He detected something was off the moment he took a careful look at her.

Doris let out an airy nervous laugh. "No, I'm just nervous, " she said honestly.

Jay's eyes softened at that. "Don't be afraid. I'm here!" Jay whispered in her ear comfortingly.

'Don't be afraid. I'm here!'

As Doris repeated his words in her mind, her heart filled with warmth. It made her almost burst into tears of happiness. He was being such a gentleman today.

"Hey, you!" Right then a sharp pitched voice came from upstairs. Doris looked up that way hastily and noticed a noble lady standing there looking right at them.

It was Jennie, Jay's mother.

However, the person Doris had been expecting to see the most was Sarah, Jay's sister. She turned towards him and asked softly, "Jay, where is your sister?"

"She went abroad with Stoney the other day. She won't be here for a while." After answering her question, Jay regarded Doris intently. "Are you missing her?" "Humph" Doris replied. Doris thought if Sarah was here, she would have made her comfortable around Jay's family.

She would never have allowed Winnie to be disrespectful and aggressive towards her. She would, perhaps, be the only friendly person among Jay's family.

"Auntie, this crippled woman is the one who's been seducing Jay and now she's got the audacity to come here!" Winnie barged into the villa and then ran straight to Jennie's side. She threw Doris an aggrieved glare.

As Winnie said so, Jennie's expression also changed in a blink of an eye. She frowned and looked aggressive. It made Doris nervous all the way more.

"Mom, this is Doris." Jay however, ignored what Winnie said as he gazed softly at her. "She came to take care of Grandpa, you know."

"Hello Aunt." Doris looked at Jennie with a gentle look on her face and addressed her sweetly.

Doris thought that she needed to be careful to not leave a bad impression on the Fang family. What happened the last time at the banquet, it was not her fault.

Dorothy and Lucy were the ones to be blamed.

Doris noted how these ladies in the rich families were too unreasonable.

"Doris, I don't think you are suitable for our family!" Jennie stated flatly.

Doris remained silent as she heard those words. She didn't know why the words hurt her so bad.

"Don't be so unapproachable. Let them in first." It was Landon who came out right then in a wheelchair.

But Winnie yelled aloud, "Grandpa, you can't let this bitch in. Jay is mine." She ran to Landon, like a child craving candy. In fact she was in a denial that Jay could even bring some other woman in the house.


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