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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 179

As Charles flashed a brooding, grim face, Nancy was at a loss.

She didn't know whether to feel ecstatic or angry about it.

"Do you mean that you were thinking about her while you were having sex with me?" she asked with furrowed brows and voice dripping with so much fury.

But even with an angry face, Charles merely pinched her chin and teasingly asked, "Is that what you really want to know?"

"I don't want to know anything. Let me go!” Nancy shoved his hand and glared at him.

"If I tell you that she never even crossed my mind, will that make you happy? Would you be able to please me better from now on?"

As Charles spoke, his big hand slid into Nancy's clothes, unbuckling her belt in an instant.

"Don't be mad. I was just asking. I didn't mean anything else!" she defended herself after noticing that she struck a nerve with such a question.

And although he started teasing her, Charles let out a snort, packed up the medical kit, and went upstairs without saying anything.

His face was even more fickle than a woman's.

But even with that, he was able to perfectly wrap the bandage on her injured foot. Obviously, his meticulous skills compensated for his stubborn attitude.

Meanwhile, Nancy was left alone with a face completely flushed, thinking as to how his rough palm brushed against her skin just a while ago.

'That jerk!' she cursed while preparing two bowls of ginger soup in the kitchen to ease her throat from cold.

She was gonna give the other bowl to Charles after thinking that he, too, stood in the rain with her. So, he probably caught a cold too.

So, with a bowl on one hand, she headed upstairs to give it to him, but the guy was nowhere to be found in his study.

Then, she took the ginger soup to Charles' bedroom.

"Charles..." she softly called.

"What?" Charles had just taken off half of his pajamas, and before he realized what had happened, Nancy had already barged in.

"You got soaked in the rain, and I figured you might catch a cold. So here, drink this." As she was explaining, Nancy suddenly caught sight of an unfinished portrait in the bookshelf.

Five years ago, when she was pregnant, she drew two paintings, one completed and the other half-finished.

She ruined the first painting herself, and as for this one, she guessed that Sophie must have given it to Charles.

As she reminisced the past once again, Nancy couldn't help lowering her head as if she was programmed to do so.

More than that, the portrait was an exact artistic replica of her face! She was worried that Charles might catch on to something, so she hurriedly hid her face by staring at the floor.

Luckily, he didn't find anything unusual.

All that was written on his face was the same anger he just showed her a while ago.

"You come in at this time because you want to... sleep with me, perhaps?"

Hearing his mockery, Nancy was even more confused. Did she really offend him with that one question downstairs?

But she didn't need to ask herself anymore. The sharp expression he was sporting made her uneasy and certain that he was indeed fuming mad. More than that, the way his jaw moved showcased how he was trying to control himself.

"I made some ginger soup. Have some." Frightened, she put the bowl down and turned around to leave.

Charles then opened the drawer of the bedroom and took out a small bottle of pills.

"What are you doing? What is that?" Nancy asked in surprise. She took a step back, thinking of what might be inside that plastic bottle.

'What kind of medicine is that? Is it for birth control or something?'

she wondered, unsure of what Charles intended. At this point, Nancy was almost certain that he was a different man—someone dangerous and scary.

Ever since they met, she had never seen him like this, or lest act so arrogant towards her.

"If you catch a cold, you should take some pills." Pulling her arm, Charles placed the bottle on her palm.

'Damn it, Nancy! What were you thinking?! It's just medicine!'

Although she smiled sheepishly, Nancy was cursing herself deep inside for overthinking things.


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