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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 195

To say that Nancy was shocked was an understatement. Her trembling hand almost lost its grip on her phone.

"What's wrong, Nancy?" Doris' heart skipped a beat when she saw the look on Nancy's face.

Knowing that Doris was not allowed to be stressed, Nancy tried to calm herself down. "It's okay. The children may have been picked up by Charles."

This was just her own guess. More importantly, she was comforting Doris.

"Call Charles and ask him. Don't let the kids run away!" added Doris.

"I'll call him later." With a smile, Nancy tried to soothe Doris. She wanted to refrain her from overthinking because it was bad for her baby.

"Update me once you reach him. I am worried about the kids!" It was true that she was worried about them. At the same time, guilt slowly flooded her soul.

"The kids are fine. Don't think too much." Although Nancy felt weak herself, she continued to comfort her. She glanced at her watch and said, "I still have an operation. I'll see you later."

"Okay, go ahead with your work. Don't worry about me!" said Doris.

Nancy stood up and walked towards the door. "Take care of yourself. I'm going to the operating room." "Okay." As soon she stepped out, her mask fell off. She was a mother after all! It was heartbreaking to not know where your children are.

Although her legs felt weak, she rushed back to her office and called Charles.

She prayed in her heart that it was Charles who picked up the children.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get through to him.

Well, Charles was still in the police station. How could he answer the phone?

Nancy was going crazy!

She had to call Hiram.

Hiram was also all tied up. He had been looking for evidence with Jay. Now he had found the three middle-aged women at the scene.

And they all insisted that it was Charles who saved the woman.

They were going to take them to the police station to testify for Charles, and then to find a TV station for an interview to clarify what had happened.

The call from Nancy took him by surprise. "Miss Ning, what's up?"

Nancy was so anxious that she was on the verge of crying. "Hiram, the children are missing."

"The kids are missing?" He wasn't expecting to hear such news.

"Yes, come and pick me up to see Charles. I'll ask him!" She had to talk to Charles, because he was her only hope.

"But Mr. Fu..." Hiram thought that it was impossible for Charles to know the whereabouts of the children, but he couldn't refuse.

They were the parents of the children, and he had no right to make any choice for them.

"Whether he knows where my children are or not, I have to see him now!" said Nancy stubbornly.

"Okay, Miss Ning. I'll pick you up right away!" When the call ended, Hiram turned to Jay. "Mr. Fang, let's not go to the TV station now. The children are missing. Please check the surveillance video of the kindergarten. I'll pick up Miss Ning to see Mr. Fu."

"The kids are missing?" Just like Hiram, he was shocked too. "You'd better go. I'm going to the traffic police team now. Why are these things happening?"

"Yes, sir." Hiram sighed and hurried to pick up Nancy.

While waiting, Nancy felt her heart racing. She was pacing back and forth, thinking where her kids went.

When Hiram arrived, they immediately drove to the police station.

Charles was still in his room.

When he saw Nancy, a hint of joy flashed through his eyes.


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