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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 198

Feeling tricked by her son, Nancy could do nothing but wear a gloomy face. She had to somehow show him that she didn't like what he did.

More than that, Nancy wasn't clearly informed of what happened between Charles and the woman and thought that he at least owed her an explanation.

And to top it all off, Nadia and Bobby had gone missing! If it weren't for the children going missing, the police officer wouldn't let Charles out so soon.

So with all these problems to deal with, Nancy was fuming mad. Her eyes bore a deathly stare while her nostrils flared vigorously.

Fortunately, when she saw that the children were safe and sound, her heart was somehow pacified. Nothing was more important than the safety of the kids.

Even Charles, who was entangled with some charges, didn't mind his situation at all. His priority was his children and not some trivial case, which was clearly manipulated by that cunning woman.

"Are you going to the police station? You haven't even explained yourself clearly yet!"

Nancy's sarcastic tone made Charles frown slightly.

"Daddy, what happened? Why do you have to go to the police station?"

Bobby asked curiously, gazing at his father with a pair of big, innocent eyes.

"Daddy is going to ask the police to arrest the bad guy.

Don't worry about me!" Charles raised his hand and rubbed his son's head.

Then, he looked at Nancy and said, "It's not what you think. Alright, let me explain."

But Nancy looked out of the window as if she didn't want to hear his explanation even when she just demanded it.

At this moment, a phone call came from Jay.

"Charles, I have taken the witnesses to the police station and reported what happened that night. Now that woman has been officially detained." Charles heaved a sigh of relief from Jay's update. But then, what the latter said next arose his confusion. "But something doesn't sit well..." Jay wanted to say something but hesitated.

"What's the matter?"

At this point, Charles thought it was just simple blackmail.

However, what Jay revealed next shocked him.

"Charles, the woman said she was with those men. I suspect that there is someone behind this!" After a pause, he continued, "It might be a well-planned plot against you!"

Charles narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, let's talk about it later. Doris is still in the hospital but is now in good condition. If you're going there, don't say anything stupid to irritate her again. Otherwise, she will be in danger!"

That was also the reason why Nancy didn't let Jay go to the hospital. The guy was just too reckless! If he opened his mouth and deliberately muttered something foolish, it would only make the situation worse.

"What?! What's wrong with her?" Jay asked in a daze, but the hint of worry was still evident in his tone.

"She's fine. Remember, from now on, you have to behave well in front of her. Your wife should come first before your child! Just be careful when you speak with her! You know pregnant women and their hormones!" Nancy yelled so that Jay could hear her from the other line.

"Okay, I know!" Then Jay hung up the phone, and hurriedly drove to the hospital.

"Is what Jay said true?" asked Nancy as she watched Charles putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm not sure, but it's possible!" Charles was afraid that Nancy would worry too much, so he changed the topic in a hurry. "I'll have it investigated soon. Take care of yourself and the children, and don't forget to finish your painting!"

"Well..." She wanted to know the truth, but if Charles wouldn't really disclose anything, then she could do nothing about it.

As forthat drawing...

She would finish it.

At this point, Nancy knew that the wall between her and Charles had slowly been torn down. It was only a matter of time before they could freely be together.

But what about Frederic? And Angelina?

What would they do?

Even if their relationship hadn’t gone public, a lot of accidents had already occurred one after another. It couldn’t be merely just a coincidence! So if they really get together, what kind of disaster would they cause?

Every time Nancy thought of this, she felt a chill down her spine.

How could she risk it when even the kids were now involved?

Although Bobby seemed all right, Nadia was sensitive to recall what happened in the past after going through so many things.

Fortunately, Bobby was there with her, and Nancy could only thank the young boy so much for that.


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