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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 285

Nancy stopped in her tracks, transfixed.

Charles had come into her vision, the morning light casting a soft glow all over him, making him look especially handsome despite his disheveled appearance.

"Good morning, Mr. Fu," Nancy drawled, smiling sarcastically at him.

"What reason can you possibly have to argue this early in the morning?" Charles asked, his voice laced with irritation. His brows wrinkled to form a frown as she continued to smile at him, feigning ignorance over the noise.

After waking up hung-over with a dull throbbing in his head, the last thing he needed to wake up to was a commotion in the house. He remembered the night before spent drinking, still tasting the remnants of alcohol on his tongue.

Rubbing at his temples, he found his initial annoyance towards her quickly dissipating. With her smiling at him, even in that mocking way, it was surprisingly easy to excuse her.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you had a long night out. Someone's parading around downstairs and making a big fuss. Go see for yourself," Nancy said. She teasingly ran a finger across his chest as she moved away from him to go upstairs.

He continued to rub at his temples, hoping to ease the throbbing that intensified after his encounter with Nancy. It didn't cross his mind that Lilian would still be around. He assumed she would've been gone by morning. Lilian strolled into the kitchen, taking it upon herself to prepare Charles some breakfast. She ran her hands across the glossy marble counters, marveling at the luxurious space. After spotting an apron across the room, she walked towards it and put it on.

Charles entered the kitchen and moved towards Lilian. Her back was turned to him as she continued to explore the contents of his kitchen cabinets. When she turned to face him, his eyes zeroed in on the array of ingredients in her arms. She smiled at him excitedly after seeing him. The sight of her made his head hurt. His mind was still a mess, struggling to wave away his hangover.

He turned away from her to take a deep breath in the hopes of collecting himself. Gazing at her again, he noticed that she was wearing an apron. She looked like the hostess of the house. No wonder Nancy smiled at him like that earlier. He took another deep breath, mentally preparing himself to deal with the situation.

"Why... Why are you still here?" Charles grimaced as he asked her.

She giggled at his question, charmed by his confusion. "Mr. Fu, you asked me to stay the night. Did you forget?" she stated, smiling.

He nodded absently to himself. "Yes, I remember telling you to stay. You can leave now," he said curtly.

"I didn't mean to be a bother," she replied. "If you insist I leave, I'll leave now." Her face colored in embarrassment as she quietly set the ingredients she had gathered on the counter.

However fondly she thought of Charles and admired him, she wasn't bold enough to disregard the gap between them. Even if she preferred to stay and attend to him, she knew her place and was aware of the obedience he expected from her.

If she continued to do as she was told, she hoped that he wouldn't start having reasons to dislike her.

She glanced at him shyly, quietly hoping he would change his mind and ask her to stay instead. When he said nothing, she lowered her head, biting her lips as she untied her apron.

"I'll be leaving now, Mr. Fu, if you don't need anything else," she said.

As she was turning to leave, Charles raised a hand to stop her. "Lilian, before you leave, come with me to explain to Nancy."

"Yes, Mr. Fu." Taking in her soft manner of speaking, Charles was reminded of a docile animal. No matter what he demanded of her, however inconvenient or unreasonable, she unquestioningly obeyed.

Charles dragged his feet up the stairs with Lilian trailing behind him, already dreading this confrontation. The two reached the main bedroom, standing side by the side at the open door.

They found Nancy lounging on the edge of the bed, her arm leaning against a cushion. She idly flipped the pages of a book, pretending not to notice them.

"Madam..." Lilian called to her in a soft voice.

Nancy's eyes remained on her book as she spoke. "Yes? Did you two come together? Should I leave?" Finally gazing at them, she slowly trailed her eyes up and down Lilian, schooling her face into nonchalance. She hoped they wouldn't catch the sadness in her voice.

She realized now that she had lost her temper and acted unreasonably the night before. But if Charles loved her like she thought he did, he wouldn't go and seek out another woman over a small disagreement. 'Or would he?' she considered.

"Nancy, at least try to be nice," Charles said as he rolled his eyes, irritated at the show she was putting on.

"Oh, did I make her feel bad? It seems like you feel sorry for her," Nancy said as she placed her book on the nightstand. "Please tell me, what can I do to make it better?" She straightened herself from the bed and looked at Lilian with a smile.

"Mr. Fu wasn't able to bring himself home last night, so I brought him back. I planned to go home right after, but since it was late, there were no more taxis available. Mr. Fu kindly asked me to stay," Lilian explained.

"Why did you come all the way here to explain? Did you do something wrong?" Nancy crooned at Lilian with a mock expression of confusion on her face.

"We thought we should explain, to avoid any misunderstandings," Lilian replied, carefully considering her words.

"Why? Do you think there's a misunderstanding between us?" Nancy arched a brow at her. Lilian remained quiet, not wanting to provoke her any further. Nancy took an exasperated breath before speaking again. "Is breakfast ready? I'd like to have some now."

"Nancy!" Charles grabbed Nancy's arm as she moved past them. "Nothing happened between us!"

Nancy stared at his hand on her arm, and then looked at him with a smile. "Charles, don't worry. Even if something did happen, you don't have to come and explain it to me. Really. I don't mind."


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