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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 53

"Yes," Charles replied simply to Jay. He didn't know if he loved Nancy, but he had never felt anything close to this before.

All he wanted was to be with her all the time.

The last few times he had been with her, he had had the inexplicable urge to call her "baby," but he had been too nervous to utter those words.

It was only through WeChat that he actually dared to flirt with her or say sweet words to her.

Now, back in his house, Charles was staring at his phone with a smile on his face.

'Nancy will come, right?' he thought to himself.

He was so eager to see her that he wanted to go and pick her up,

but he couldn't leave right now.

Last night, when he had reached home after dropping Nancy off at her place, he had noticed that the light in the living room was still on, which was odd because everyone should have gone to bed by then.

He had quickened his pace in apprehension and found Angelina lying on the sofa with her forehead wrapped in gauze, on which there was a faint tinge of blood.

Bobby was sitting next to her, holding his chin in his hands and looking dejected. A broken phone was placed on the table.

When Bobby saw that Charles was back, he hurriedly explained, "Daddy, it's not my fault. Grandma fell down while chasing me... And the phone fell by itself too." "Oh, good to see you finally home, Charles. I can't handle your naughty son!" Angelina said with a sigh.

All she had wanted to do was to snatch the phone away from Bobby so that he would stop talking to that woman. However, she hadn't expected the little boy to run away from her. Moreover, he was so smart that he ran around the table in circles.

When she chased round and round, she became so dizzy that she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Of course, Bobby panicked as soon as he saw Angelina falling. Without thinking, he threw the phone aside and ran up to her.

The sight of blood on her forehead filled him with fear. At once, he shouted for the doctor and helped his grandmother sit on the sofa with the doctor.

The doctor examined the wound and found that it was a bit deep, so he sewed it up and bandaged it.

After that, Angelina just needed to rest for a while.

While lying on the sofa, she said, "Oh, Bobby, look at the trouble you've made. You have to be a good boy, you know?" She then took this chance to teach her grandson a lesson.

While she was talking, Bobby fiddled with his little fingers.

"Who your daddy marries is up to me, not you. Do you understand?" she asked.

Bobby pursed his lips and remained silent.

Being a smart boy, he knew that he shouldn't argue with his grandma when she was injured. What he needed to do now was to pretend to be obedient.

Therefore, he quietly waited for his daddy to come back.

As soon as Charles walked into the living room, he immediately came up with an explanation that would absolve him of all blame.

After all, he didn't want to be scolded by his dad.

Fortunately for him, Charles took his side at once. "You don't have to worry about him so much in the future. He is not a little boy anymore."

Upon hearing this, Angelina was so angry that she covered her forehead to calm herself down. "How mature can a five-year-old child be? How can you even call yourself a father if you just let him do whatever he wants? And you will even kiss whoever he asks you to, right? You won't listen to me no matter what I say, will you?"

After her dramatic speech, Angelina stole a glimpse at Charles, but he didn't seem to care at all, so she turned it up a notch and whined, "Why do I have to live such a hard life? I've sacrificed so much for the family, for you to become the president of the TS Group, for your father, and even for Bobby. But none of you will listen to me! What's the point of living?"

Bobby bit his little finger and looked at her in confusion. Although he could understand what she was saying, he knew that things would be easier for him if he pretended not to.


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