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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 989

Chapter 989

Maxine was deep in thought while James was sewing her clothes.

Amid her thoughts, she failed to notice James turning around.

James had already been staring at her for a while before she regained her senses.

James swallowed his saliva and said, “I-l’m done.”

Maxine immediately took the clothes and quickly turned around, exposing her smooth back to James.

The sight of her butt immediately caught James' attention.It was incredibly voluminous.He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his lustful desires.

Maxine quickly got dressed.

After James calmed down, he picked up his clothes and inspected them. They could still be worn if he mended them.

Then, he began to sew them together.

In no time at all, James was also dressed.

After getting dressed, the two sat around the fire silently. It was an unusual atmosphere because neither of them spoke.

James roasted the hare that the soldiers had given him earlier.He occasionally glanced at Maxine, who was sitting opposite him. Due to her silence and the unusual atmosphere, he tried to find a topic to discuss.

“Actually, you have a pretty good figure,” James blurted out.

“Oh, is that so?” Maxine blushed at his comment. She reached out her hand and stroked her hair to cover up her embarrassment.

Her unnatural expression only lasted for a moment.


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