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The Alpha and the Mistake novel Chapter 17

“So you don't think I'm a monster?" Ryder asked, looking unsure.

"No. I just got scared is all. I didn't really understand what all this werewolf stuff really meant," I said, packing my things back into the backpack. "Well have a nice life."

"Wait, what? What do you mean - have a nice life?"

I slung my backpack up on my shoulder. "Exactly what I said, have a nice life. Mom's here, and if I play my cards right, tomorrow we'll be heading to California."

"So soon, I was hoping..."

"What? That I'd stay here, play house and give up on every dream and plan I made for myself?" I demanded with my hand on my hip.

"Well, no, but..."

"Right, I might believe you if it wasn't for that but. You were right about one thing Ryder, it's time to think of myself. So see you later and have a nice life." I moved around him and started for the door.

"God, I'm bad at this," he said, sighing.

I froze with my hand on the doorknob. Just walk away, Brook. You have no reason to feel bad. Instead, I turned around. He was sitting on the bed, looking as if his Goldfish had died. "Bad at what?"

"Being your mate. I did nothing to stop Mike. I've scared you and upset you to the point you don't even want to consider being with me. And if I can't take care of you how the hell am I going to take care of my pack when it's my turn to be alpha?"

Take care of me? Excuse me? My blood boiled with anger. I walked over to him and nudged his shoulder. "Who asked you to take care of me?"

"No one, but-"

I pushed his shoulder again. "This is the twenty-first century. I don't need anyone to take care of me! I've been doing fine on my own."

"Really? And why did Mike-"

"I let it happen, it wasn't that I couldn't stop it. There is a big difference," I lied. No way in hell I would've been able to stop Mike, but I didn't even try either. I let him do what he did because I thought it was the only way to keep everyone happy. "Just because you saw me lose it once doesn't mean I am not able to handle myself. When Harry shifted, it was fluffy Twilight werewolf not the American Werewolf in London, but here's a news flash Jacob I got over it, and I can take care of myself."

I stepped back when Ryder grabbed my wrist. "Brook, I didn't mean it like that. I only...can you talk to me Brook? That's all I really want to do right now. Just talk."

Ugh. Damn it, he had to go and be reasonable."Fine," I said, defeated and plopped down on the bed next to him. "Don't guys avoid talking?"

Ryder smiled. "The twenty-first century, remember? I get it. You can take care of yourself. I only meant I want to is all. You're my mate."

Still had no idea what he meant by that. "Ryder, let's be real here for one second. This is all a little too much. You don't know me."

"I know enough."

"Enough?" I said, staring at him incredulously. "You've known me for a week at best. You haven't even begun to know me. It's crazy that you'd expect me to stop everything because some goddess said so."

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are. I want to leave, and you're trying to stop me! Have you ever considered I don't like you or want to be around you?"

A dark expression washed over his face. "Don't say that. You're right. You still don't understand so don't say that."

My throat tightened, and it took everything I had not to run to the door. "Why? What would you do if I did?"

His brow pinched as he looked at me. "Not what you're thinking. I wouldn't hit you, Brook. Ever. Let me see if I can explain this without sounding like a dick. When you say things like that it makes certain instincts come awake and it's kind of hard to suppress them."


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