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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 11

《 Aurora’s pov 》


Walking wordlessly to the door I had originally presumed was the bathroom he opens it, clearly leaving blood on the handle.


The sight of it made me even more queasy.


I stay rooted where I am, looking around the room for any weapon I could use to fight against him. A lamp was here but what damage would a lamp do with an Alpha his size?


He was bigger and looked stronger than Alpha Raphael. He was bigger than most male wolves, there was no exaggeration.


I hear the sound of rushing water and few seconds later, he reappears. His eyes are on my torn and dirty dress. “Come here.” His command made me swallow a cry of shock from my body’s sudden reaction. A throb. A sudden throb down below.


I couldn’t disobey his command, not if I wanted to die. But perhaps that’s why he was calling me, so I can walk right into my own death.


I looked down at his hand. He had washed the blood away. But it wasn’t that which had my attention, it was how big his hand was compared to mine. He could easily wrap his fingers around my neck and add just a little pressure and my neck would snap.


I squirmed under his piercing gaze and struggled to keep my heart at a calm pace.


Alpha Xavier walks back into the bathroom, silently telling me to follow him without uttering a word. I follow him. My bottom lip trembled as I watch his broad back that stretched his wet light blue shirt. He reeked of raw power and strength.


I let out a shocked breath when he suddenly whirls around and captures me in his gaze. “Strip out of your clothes.” He demanded, his tone growing heavier.


My heart stops then decides to jam into my chest. I tore my gaze from his and looked at the running shower. He was serious about me taking a bath. But would he stay there whilst I remove my clothes?


My cheeks flamed.


Was he going to punish me for stumbling into his territory like this? To humiliate me in this way?




I stuttered, looking back at him with a  pleading gaze. I know he was ruthless but was this how he treated his female prisoners? To have them strip naked in his presence?


But if that was the case, why didn’t he do the same for the rogue?


His face drop a little and flecks of red joined his amber again. His wolf. I was angering his wolf. ” I said strip out of your clothes. Do not let me repeat it for the third time.” He commanded and I let out a cry of embarrassment.


Did I not have a choice in this?


No, I really didn’t.


Tearing my gaze from him, I looked at the white tiles of the bathroom in shame as I do as he commanded.


The cold air brushed against my nipples as the dress slid down my body. I was very aware of his piercing gaze on my body as the dress fell in a heap around my ankles.


His stare should’ve set fear into me or disgust. But it seems to be doing the opposite as I felt the sleekness of heat between my thighs.


“Get inside the shower.” His command washes over me and I found my legs bringing me to the shower without any reluctance.


What did he want from me?




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