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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 6

《 Aurora’s pov 》


“Is the broth ready?” Gomery asked in the doorway of the kitchen. I shook my head no. I knew she would be mad but unfortunately, I didn’t possess the powers to heat up food quicker.


“Have it ready within fifteen minutes.” She demanded and walked away without another glance or my response.


I sighed and continued to stir the pot. My hands were burning with an ache that wouldn’t go away. I guess I should expect that seeing as I had been scrubbing and shining the floors the entire day.


After I had washed all the dishes Gomery commanded me to wash the floors. It was my punishment for apparently upsetting the Alpha and Luna last night. No matter what I do, I seem to always upset them so it didn’t shock me when Gomery mentioned my ‘behavior’ last night angered the leaders of the pack.


I did nothing unjust, I know that. But pleading my case would only result in me getting even more punished. My fingers, arms and legs couldn’t withstand anymore.


“Hey Rora!” The voice of Cas made me stop stirring as I whip around to the backdoor in surprise.


Her eyes are wary as she sweeps them around the empty room. As if pleased with the emptiness she enters inside, tiptoeing.


“Is dinner almost cooked?” She asked, darting her eyes to the doorway. If Gomery were to see her here with me, we both would get into trouble.


“No, but it’s almost done,” I whispered, hoping Gomery wasn’t listening on.


Cassandra nods and walks over to me. ” It smells good.” She compliments, darting her eyes back to the doorway. I couldn’t blame her, we both know how it’ll end if Gomery sees her.


“I brought some stuff that will make it taste really good.” She whispers digging into her pockets and pulling out something that looked like a wild plant. I lift my confused eyes to hers. I’ve never stumbled on a plant like that before and didn’t know what exactly it was.


“What is it?” I asked, nervously looking around in case Gomery decides to show up.


Casandra’s eyes fixed me a look I couldn’t interpret. “It’s Valerian root. Just trust me okay?” Her tone had a pleading edge to it that I couldn’t say no to. Cas was my friend and I trusted her with my life. She wouldn’t cause harm to me or put me in jeopardy on purpose.


So I nodded and eyed her as she separated the root from the plant, pushed the roots under the cool water of the running pipe then dropped it into the pot. I gasp. I had expected her to put the plant, not the root.


“Cas,” I whispered, and looked at her questionably. She wasn’t acting like herself. She seemed a little, skittish. “What is it?”


“I already told you, it’s valerian root,” Casandra answered, tugging the huge spoon out of my grasp to stir the pot herself.


I furrow my brows as my eyes followed her actions. “No not that. What is it with you tonight? Is Ama okay?” I whispered, my stomach dropping with fear. Ama was Cas’s mother who was very ill.


Since I had no mother, Ama was like one to me. Until she fell really ill and struggled to even breathe. Seeing her in so much pain was also very painful to watch.


Cas smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “You know she isn’t.” She whispers painfully and takes out the spoon from the pot.


“Don’t worry Aurora, I know you think something is off but I promise you that everything’s okay. I just thought I’d spice up the broth tonight.” She grinned.


Flicking her eyes to the kitchen’s doorway her smile drops. Turning back to me, she whispers. “You know I love you right Aurora?”



I’m confused by the painful crack in her voice but still nodded. “And I love you too Cas,” I whispered truthfully.


Smiling sadly she pulls me into a hug.” Then you know that I’ll never get you into trouble.” She whispered in my ear before pulling away.



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