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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 93

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 93 by desirenovel


As if nothing happened, the normal life in Phanteon came back a day after the war. Normal for my subjects at least but for me, it was the start of my wonderful life together with my luna. There was certainly nothing normal in that considering I had been a woman-hater all my life. Serena changed me and I was glad she did.

With her written speech safely inside my pocket, I neared her before she could climb up the podium.

The opening of the new market in Cirelles was postponed right after knowing both of its royals couldn’t attend. The residents and businessmen said they owe it all to Serena’s superb leadership and compassion so they decided to wait for us to be available. She was certainly ecstatic when she heard about this and didn’t hesitate to leave our bed this morning.

“Ready?” I asked her when she ended her conversation with Alpha Margaret. They both stood in the sidelines, happily chatting while the attendees of the opening ceremony gradually thickened.

Alpha Aaron, Alpha Trevor, Alpha Edmond, Elijah, Rhea, and General Halcynos were present, already sitting in their seats awaiting the program.

Serena turned to me and nodded. “Yes, I am,” she said and shifted to face Chris who was already at the podium. I gestured for him to start. He took the mic and started his introduction to Serena.

While this was happening, I looped an arm around her waist and stopped her from climbing the stairs.

“Aero?” she asked, turning sideways to look at the grin forming on my lips. She had no clue what I was about to do since I blocked my thoughts from her reading.

Gently, I slid the paper inside her coat pocket and murmured, “You might need this.”

With her brows twisted, she waited for me to step back before pulling out the paper from its enclosure. Her eyes widened instantly then.

“Oh, so you actually have this all along! I thought I lost this,” she exclaimed.

“I didn’t read it, Serena,” I explained. “I mean, I wanted to, but I decided not to. Whatever it is inside that paper must surely mean to you and I wanted to respect that.”

“Yes, it is, Aero,” she stated whilst cupping my face and giving me a gentle smile. “This will help me greatly. Thank you.”

“Go ahead. Own the stage,” I told her.

She smiled widely right before she joined Chris.

“Good morning everyone,” her voice filled the entire square using the mic. All eyes and ears were on her. “It is my pleasure to see us all gather here to open our new market. Not a month ago, this place was engulfed by fire caused by malicious souls. But, it is said that from the ashes there starts a new life, and true to that statement, this is a new life for all of us.”

I was proud to hear her words, the audience too for they bobbed their heads in affirmation.

“But before I would declare the market open, I’d like to share a secret with you…” she paused and hesitantly gave me a glance, “well, this was right before I discovered another secret that basically changed my entire existence, but anyway, allow me to be honest with all of you.”

I opted not to read her thoughts this time as my way of respecting her privacy. Anyway, I didn’t need to as she was about to confess whatever was on her mind.

“King Aero and I…we made a deal. I accepted his offer to marry him in order to save his crown and in return he brings me back to Earth.”

’Ah, so that was what she wanted to come clean.′ I sat stiffly in my seat, feeling as if the scrutiny of everyone shifted to me, but somehow, a part of me wanted this out too, so I didn’t feel as much guilty as I should be for fooling my kingdom.

“Yes, you heard it right. I am a human, or at least I was before all the other revelations happened, but anyway yeah…I wanted you to know that initially, this marriage of ours was just a sham. It was never real and we never…well…there was no love involved, until…until all of that changed.”

Serena blushed. Maybe I was too but I masked it with a neutral expression. Elijah, next to me, was irksomely tipping his brow up and down towards me. I wanted to pummel his face, but since he was my brother, and since he was my voice of reason that time, I surrendered to his teasing.

“My point is, I didn’t want to fool you anymore,” Serena continued. “You should know the truth and I hope you would forgive both of us for this deception.”

The square fell silent when she was done. Nervously, she stood as she waited for a response. I heard faint murmurs in the audience and saw some nodded their heads and shrugged their shoulders.

“We know…” Then, someone said from the crowd. It was Alpha Trevor, standing straight whilst behind him was his pack of builders.

“Yes, we know,” Alpha Margaret seconded, and together with her, the rest of the healers stood up.

This encouraged the others and in less than five seconds everybody was standing up.

“We knew you were human, Queen Serena, and we knew you came from Earth,” William explained, nearing the edge of the stage. “Yet, despite this, we accepted you because we knew you were right for our king. All these wondrous revelations aside about your true identity, we saw already how much both of you clicked.”

“We believed you were destined for each other,” Alpha Aaron added. “Now, that is verified.”

“You saved our king, my dear,” Alpha Margaret added. She also neared the stage. “You heard our pleas and kept your word, and for that, we are utterly grateful. You are the greatest luna we could ever hope for.”

Their answers just went to show I had been giving them a hard time on this queen aspect. I was supposed to be offended with this, they knew I had a valid reason why I was what I was, but then, I had to admit I was stubborn, and this turned my kingdom desperate.

I released a deep sigh, submitting to the situation.

Serena got teary-eyed. She sobbed a little and cleared her throat before she could use the mic again.

“Thank you, everyone. This is a surprise. It really is.”

With her expression glowing with happiness, she glanced at me. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

‘Does this lift your worries?’ I asked through mind-link.

She nodded back. ‘Yes, it does.’

Her attention returned to the crowd and with a simple wave of her hand towards the freshly cobblestoned path to the new market, she announced, “We now open the new market for everyone’s use. Enjoy!”

Loud cheers erupted thereafter. Fireworks burst in the sky courtesy of Queen Adna’s ambassadors.

Serena climbed down the podium and hugged the nearest family she could find.

“Auntie! Father! It seems I am the one who got surprised,” she cried out just as I approached them.

She went to me, hugged me tight, and turned back to face her father and aunt.

“Us wolves can scent a human, Sweety, but yours was masked,” General Halcynos explained. “Or at least to the Council but not me. They couldn’t determine what you were and where you came from. They just went with what King Aero and Prince Elijah claimed: a she-wolf willing to become your wife. No one dared to question this. With how hateful King Aero was with women, they couldn’t be picky. You were a necessary solution to a problem.”

Serena narrowed her eyes at me and gave me a jab at the ribs.

“You really had been giving your Council headaches huh?” she muttered under her breath.

Chapter 93 1

Chapter 93 2


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