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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 

The world as I usually see it now suddenly becomes distorted. Everything I stare at either grows in size or has warped. Colours on objects move, swirling around. I begin to giggle and chase after the colours. ‘Come back. You have to return to where you came from,’ I say, leaping into the air, attempting to grab the orange streak.

I feel happier than usual and wave my arms around while trudging through the nearby vegetable garden. I spend a few minutes in awe, staring at the cherry tomatoes for absolutely no reason. I’m fascinated and intrigued by their shape and colour. ‘You are so cute,’ I say as a poke one and watch it wobble. But then, a horrible feeling consumes me. I can’t help but feel the cherry tomato is mad at me. I fall to the ground and hug my knees and begin rocking myself. I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean to upset you,’ I sob.

My surroundings suddenly feel dark. The colours floating around dissipate, and the tomato grows teeth and begins to snap toward me. I stand up, scream and run into the closest field to hide. Then, lying on my stomach, 1 part through the stalks of the corn and peek towards the vegetable garden. All seems to be normal again.

I cautiously step out from the corn and approach Nadia’s cottage. I look at the flowers Quinn showed me, and they suddenly grow to my height and begin swaying. ‘I want to dance too,’ I say to them. I take hold of a leaf on each side of the flower stem and begin twirling around with it. I’m feeling energised and happy again.

Continuing to sway and dance, I hear my name numerous times, ‘Luna? Nina?’ I stop dancing and see Nadia, Maia, Flint,

Josie, Ryker, Astrid and my parents staring at me in shock and disbelief.

‘What’s wrong with my daughter?’ My mother asks.

‘She appears to be under the influence of something?’ My father says with worry.

Nadia steels herself then looks around for someone, ‘Quinn! You need to stop hiding and come out this instance, young fairy!’

There is a rustle in the nearby bushes, and Quinn steps out with guilt on her face. Nadia leans down and takes the pouch with the remaining fairy dust inside from Quinn’s pocket.

‘What have I told you about using fairy dust? I told you to stop collecting it. What if Nina got hurt? She could have wandered off one of the cliffs over there,’ she growls.

‘Fairy Dust! Oh dear,’ Maia says and blushes at me.

I take Maia’s hands and twirl her around and giggle, still under the effect of the fairy dust.

‘How long until she will no longer be affected by it?’ My mother asks Nadia.

‘Probably another hour,’ she replies.

‘We should probably return her to Moon Crest Castle until it wears off. She is meant to be boarding the ship for Emerald Island shortly, but Emerald Island will have to wait until the effect wears off, Maia says.

My parents help guide me to the star portal. Maia takes my hand, and we step through together. We appear behind the

forge and almost fall over before Maia places my arm over her shoulder to help keep me upright.

‘This way, Nina: Maia frowns.

We receive plenty of stares in the courtyard from bystanders going about their day and from workers in their stations as they make swords and armour.

Chapter 139 1

Chapter 139 2


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