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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 4

  A few of the same men I served the other night stand outside. They’re staring intently at me. One of them nods and another goes inside. I quicken my pace knowing Ryker might be with them. For a while, I am left unbothered, and I think this will be a non-event before Ryker is suddenly standing in front of me.You’ve got to be kidding me.How did he get here so quick?I step around him.

  ‘Astrid,’ he says. I keep walking and Ryker keeps pace with me. ‘Astrid,’ he repeats himself. I keep my head down and keep walking. He grabs my wrist, and I feel instant sparks fly between us just from his touch; the sexual tension is crazy.

  ‘Ryker! Let me go!’ I yell.

  ‘No. I looked for you all night when you ran off, and all day yesterday and today. We are going to the diner to talk,’ he says.

  ‘There is nothing to talk about!’ I say, trying to pull away.

  Ryker grabs me by the waist and lifts me up over his shoulder. I cry out in pain from the injuries I sustained, so much so, tears fall from my face. Ryker quickly puts me back down.

  ‘What's wrong?’ He asks.

  ‘Nothing, just please don't touch me,’ I say. Ryker pushes my hoodie down.

  ‘Astrid. I need you to look at me, please,’ he pleads. He can see the bruises on my neck and chest.

  I look into his blue eyes, my tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't know why but I feel so ashamed of myself.

  ‘Oh, Astrid...’ he says, as he tries to gently wipe my tears from my cheek; I flinch and take a step back. I’m not used to his kindness at all.

  ‘Astrid, I didn't mean to hurt you,’ he says.

  ‘I know,’ I say, looking away.

  ‘Can you please walk with me to the diner and let us talk?’ I nod and we head toward the diner.

  At the diner, I don't have a chance to open the door before one of Ryker's men opens it for us.

  ‘Alpha,’ he says, nodding. Ryker walks in while I hesitate.

  ‘You worked here for almost a year and now you’re afraid to come in?’ Ryker says.

  ‘I'd prefer Jim didn't see me like this,’ I explain. Ryker stares at me for a moment.

  ‘I’ll tell him to stay in the kitchen,’ he suggests. I hug my arms, nod and keep my head down.

  A few moments later, I hear a ruckus of pots and pans falling, and Jim yelling ‘let me see her, damn it.’ Ryker is trying to hold Jim back; he is obviously very angry and distraught that I've been beaten again, and this time worse. I know Jim isn't going to calm down anytime soon, so I take a deep breath and go in.

  ‘Jim, I don't want you to see me like this; I’ve caused quite the commotion. I am so sorry,’ I say, standing at the kitchen bench, and looking at the mess of pots and pans on the floor. Jim stiffens at the sight of me. I’m glad the extent of my beatings is covered by my hoodie and jeans.

  ‘Astrid...’ Jim says, staring at me. His eyes well up, he steps toward me and I rescind; he frowns and looks away.

  ‘I'll go get you some ice,’ he whispers, walking to the freezer. The other men in the diner are all staring at me, sympathising with me for my injuries.

  I make it obvious I’m feeling uncomfortable by glaring at them; they all look away.

  ‘Astrid, come take a seat,’ Ryker says, walking to the diner door, flipping the OPEN sign, and locking the door with the key. I am worried.

  ‘It's fine, Astrid. I just don't want us to be interrupted. I'll unlock the door when you’re ready to leave,’ he reassures me. I nod and sit at one of the tables with the booth seats. Ryker sits beside me. Jim passes me the ice pack without looking at me and returns to the kitchen.

  ‘Astrid, we need to discuss your living arrangements,’ he says.

  ‘There's nothing to discuss,’ I reply.


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