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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50
‘Which sister is the oldest?’ I ask.
‘That would be Addison’ He smiles.
You can’t be seriously thinking about doing this, Magnus? Josie says,
‘What other choice do we have?’
Josie gives Hank a glare. ‘We could kill him?’ she smiles.
Josie, that would only make the situation worse, especially if the evidence is led back to us as the killers.’
Hank is looking at us, mortified that murdering him could be an option.
If you ever tried to kill me, Moss would know you were all behind it.’
He is right, but I already knew killing him wouldn’t help the situation.
‘What if your sisters want to find their fated mates?’ | ask.
“Please, Magnus, we all know you’re a catch and going to be one of the best and strongest Alpha’s in the land, and with a pure white wolf, any she-wolf would give up their fated mate up in a heartbeat.’
‘I need time to consider this, at least give me that?’
‘Fine, I will inform my father and Addison of the proposal in the meantime and that you will consider it, but I won’t mention Nina’s little curse to them… for now, anyway.’ He smirks.
‘Let’s go home.’ I say to everyone.
We return home and meet in Nina’s bedroom.
‘We need to all brainstorm a way out of this. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to have a mateship with Addison.’
Everyone nods as my mother, Astrid, knocks on the door.
‘Time for dinner everyone she yells.’
‘Okay’ We shout back at her.
We all fist pump each other and walk downstairs and join our parents for dinner.
I hope you have been taking it easy today, sweety?’ Amelia asks Nina.
“Of course, mother,’ she forces a smile.
“You lot are extra quiet tonight’ My dad says.
“It’s just been a long weekend, dad, it was my wolf ceremony after all and Nina was in a car accident as well.’
That’s true Seth was able to speak with Moss today.’ He says. We all give each other a look and stare back at my dad to speak
He had some culs and bruises, but otherwise, he is fine. He said Nina, and him left the ceremony at their own will as it was 100 much for Nina to watch When he saw he was being chased and attacked by your wolf, he treaked out, causing the car to crash Most knew you were only there to bring harm to him and not Nina, hence why he left Nina, knowing she would receive immediate Care He thought it best to flee for his own safety and to not take the need for medical attention off Nina by him being there.”
‘Well, that explains that’Mother says
Are you saying that Magnus is the one that put my daughter in danger and not Moss? leon growls and glares up at me
The room goes silent Nine mes to speak, but the words don’t come out
Twould never intentionally put Nina in danger She was supposed to be there while I shined and Moss wouldn’t allow her to stay
Even so, Magnus, that’s no reason to hunt someone down! The cal acoident never would have happened if you never went aller
Moss in the first place.’ Leon growls.
‘If Moss hadn’t taken her away from me, then it would not have happened.’ I growi.
‘Magnus, you are soon to be the Alpha once you find your mate. Your selfishness and recklessness have me worried that you might put this pack in jeopardy.’
‘How dare you speak to me your future alpha that way.’
“How dare you endanger my daughter’s life!!
My dad slams his fist on the table, silencing us both.
‘Leon! Magnus! You both need to stop this. This was an accident and thankfully Nina will be alright.’
‘Dad, he is right, it was an accident. Magnus would never do anything to hurt me.’ Nina cries,
Leon and I look down in guilt for upsetting her.
‘I’m sorry Magnus, I just couldn’t imagine my life without Nina.’
‘I’m sorry too. I also could never imagine my life without Nina.’ I reply
We both give each other a small nod to accept each other’s apology
Nina has stopped crying and smiles at us both.
‘Thank you, daddy,’I hear her whisper.
We eat in silence and welcome the change of topic.
‘Zak, you will have your wolf in a few weeks, then Nina will get hers a few weeks after that. Are you both excited?’ my mother Astrid asks.
‘You bet. I can’t wait to meet my wolf and start my search for my lifelong mate.’ Zak smiles.
“Yeah, I’m excited to meet my wolf and be able to join in on hunts and border patrol duties. I am feeling nervous and on edge about meeting my mate, though.’ Nina says.
‘Why so nervous about it sweety?’ her mum asks.
‘I don’t know why, mum.’ She whispers and momentarily glances my way.
‘Not to worry sweety. I’m sure whoever he is will treat you like a Queen.’
‘Thanks, Mum.’ She forces a smile.
The next morning, I get myself ready for school as I step outside the front. I’m face to face with Alpha Mason, who seems rather happy.
“Good morning, Alpha Mason.’
‘Magnus, I was hoping to have a quick private chat with you?’
‘Um sure.’ I say, We walk towards the trees, away from the packhouse.
‘My son Hank came to me with some wonderful news last night that you would highly consider choosing Addison as your future mate and Luna? I had to ask you yourself if you were serious about this?’
I’m not wanting to be with Addison at all. I want to be with my fated mate and to keep Nina safe from harm’s way, but I can’t tell him that But I think I know a way to give myself more time to meet my fated mate.
“Yes, Hank came to me with the idea that since I’m to take over as Alpha, I won’t have the luxury of waiting years to find my fated mate, If I was to not find my mate by my nineteenth, my pack would become unsettled and I would have to consider a chosen mate. Although my parents wouldn’t approve of it, I would have to pretend Addison is my fated mate.’
‘So, what you are saying if you haven’t found your mate within a year, you will choose Addison as your mate?’
I want to say no, I want to scream no from the rooftop’s heck, from the top of the mountains!

Very well Magnus, it is agreed then, one year to find your fated mate and if she isn’t found by then, then our families will join with you and Addison as mates.’

With great hesitation, I nod.
Nina, Josie, Zak, and Flint exit the house together. Their faces go from smiles to frowns when they see me conversing with Alpha Mason,
I need to go. My friends are waiting for me.’ I say.
T’ll see you around… future son-in-law’ He chuckles.
An eerie shiver trickles down my spine at his words.
“Let’s go.’ I say to the others.
‘What was that about?’ Flint asks.
‘I made a deal with Alpha Mason. It’s not ideal or what I want, but it’s a better deal than Hank’s and gives us more time to get out of
‘What deal? Magnus, please don’t tell me you agreed to anything you will regret?’ Nina says with sorrowful eyes.
‘I have one year to find my fated mate. If I don’t, I’m to be Addison’s mate. Which also gives us a year to break Nina’s curse. That’s if we ever figure out what it is.’ I say angrily, kicking a rock into the distance.
‘What will Hank say when he finds out you’ve extended the deal?’ Josie asks.
“Well, the deal is still on. I’ve just gotten more time out of it. He was probably expecting me to take Addison as my mate within a few days. He will be pissed off, but he will get over it.’
I hope so.’ Josie frowns



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