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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 61

Chapter 1
Nina takes a step back, putting distance between us.
Why would you do that to me? Why would you put a curse on me, Magnus?’ she yells.
She is cursed?’ someone yells.
Nina looks at me with tear-filled eyes and a look of anger and huft in her eyes.
Well, that’s one less thing I don’t have to tell.’ Hank says.
Nina and I glare at him. ‘Nina has a curse that affects your dear future, Alpha. He can’t shift naturally without severe pain as you all know, but what you all don’t know is, it’s because of her curse!’ he shouts and points and Nina.
Everyone glares and point at Nina.
“No, leave her alone! It’s not her fault.’ I say, pulling Nina behind my back.
I have the proof that Nina is not what she seems. She has no wolf because she is a witch and cursed you, future Alpha.’ he shouts and points a remote up, pressing a button. The projection screen shows a video of Nina and me and the lake earlier today. Nina is casting spells.
There is a sudden uproar of pack members and people from other packs yelling, ‘Witch!’ ‘She cursed Magnus.’ ‘What is she has cursed others?
Nina clings tightly onto the back of my suit jacket.
My dad stands up and walks in front of us with my mother.
Please, everyone. You must all calm down and take your seats. Nina is not a danger to anyone.’
“See, she has even cursed your Alpha to protect her.’ Hank yells.
“She would never.’ My mother shouts.
1 suppose they haven’t told you either that their son Magnus has killed Moss?’
What?’ everyone says.
“He kidnapped Nina. He wanted to kill me.’ I explain.
‘Lies! I have a witness here who witnessed the brutal murder of her son.’ He says, gesturing for someone to come forward.
Ahood figure steps out from the shadows and stands next to Hank. She pulls her hood down.
Vanessa!’ My parents scowl,
It’s true Magnus murdered my son after Nina bewitched him. She made him fall in love with her. She willingly came to our pack, pretending we had kidnapped her. Magnus went straight for my son, who was under a spell and ripped him to pieces. And now I will seek my revenge! She yells.
The hall becomes swarmed with hooded figures Everyone yells and scream. The rogues remove their cloaks and shift into their wolves and attack my people
Mum, Dad, Leon, Seth, Mia, and Amelia instantly shift and fight off the rogues. I step back, keeping Nina safe behind me. We watch as my mother’s wolf goes straight for Vanessa Mum lunges at Vanessa and they bite each other, snapping and snarling I have never seen my mother so vicious and put up such a fight with pure intent to kill. This is a fight to the death One that was due many years ago She whimpers as Vanessa nps a chunk of flesh from her side. Mother uses her weight to pin Vanessa down She bites into Vanessa’s neck the same way i bit into Moss’s Blood pools at her neck as her legs finch a few times before she falls limp My mother lets out a howl of triumph She has won the fight against ter greatest enemy
She spots Alice and runs towards her Alice being old, my mother kills her within seconds. The rogues don’t stop fighting, even though Vanessa is dead. Five of them creep towards Nina and me
‘Magnus, they’re going to kill us?’ Nina says
‘Use your wand. I need you to teleport out of here
She nods and pulls her wand out
She grabs my arm. I look down at her arm as she says, ‘Skedaddle Dash
We disappear together. We reappear in the packhouse at the top of the stairs
“Wait, you could port me too?
‘I figured it was worth a try.’ She says, marching to my room
‘Wait, where are you going?
‘I’m leaving Magnus, I need to take the spell book with me’ she says, searching through my room
‘Wait, what do you mean you’re leaving?’
‘Even if your parents beat the rogues, the pack will want to hunt me down anyway because if you have forgotten, they think I have cursed you when it’s actually you who has cursed me’ she retorts.
‘I won’t let them hurt you. I’ll explain everything That it’s all my fault
‘Yeah, because you explaining it all was going down really well in the ceremony hall?’ she says sarcastically ‘And how do you suppose you are going to stop our pack and many others from hurting me when you can’t even shilt into a wolf quickly enough to even save me?’
I walk over to my backpack and put it on and take Nina’s hand.
‘What are you doing? Let me go
I stop walking and face her.
I’m going with you.’
I’m leaving Shadow Crest; I’m going with you until I break the curse. That way we can both come back and no one will have a reason to harm you.’
‘But they know I’m a witch.’
And you can threaten to turn them into a frog if they even try to harm you.’ I smile Nina is trying to stay angry at me. I watch her lips slightly curl up as she contains a laugh. She nods and holds my arm and waves her wand. Skedaddle Dash, Skedaddle Dash, Skedaddle Dash.’ She says a few times. We appear a thousand metres ahead with a blink of an eye, then another thousand metres. This goes on until we are at least a kilometre away from Shadow Crest. As we come to stop and are no longer teleporting, my stomach churns and nausea tokes over. I vomit profusely into the bushes After ten minutes of vomiting, I turn and face an unimpressed Nina with her arms crossed.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, such as why you cursed me, how you caused it and how you are going to break it?’
‘Do you remember the day when we were kids, and you tricked me to stand near the foodgates by the dam and I got washed away?’
‘Yeoh.’ She laughs.
‘That night, after mum told me to go bath, I went upstairs to my room and ran the bath. I was still soaking wet, my clothes clung to my body. I slipped over and laid there on the poor in anger and stared out the window at the sky and yelled these words at the moon
Damn you, Nina, I wish the Moon Goddess herself would curse you and not give you your wolf on your eighteenth birthday and remove your male bond until the day I find my male and I fall in love. A Mash of lightning suddenly hit the roof of the packhouse and thunder roared loudly in the sky. I wondered at the time if it was a sign from the Moon Goddess, but didn’t think it was possible. I never thought about that moment ever again until tonight when your woll never came. Then I remembered this part in the spell book.” pull the spell book out and open it and point to the paragraph where it says.
Anyone can also curse someone using their god’s or goddess’s name. A powerful sign will occur, such as an earthquake, lighịning strike, or a loud rumble from the sky if the god or goddess accepts your prayer, wish, or curse.
‘That was when I realised it was me who had cursed you. I’m so sorry Nina, I am truly sorry.’ I say as tears drip down her face. Sho steps back, glaring at me, as I attempt to wipe a tear from her face.
“And now you’re telling me I won’t get my wolf until you find your mate and fall in love with her?’ she cries. ‘Talk about a slap in the face, Magnus.’
I’m sorry Nina, I don’t understand why the moon goddess would even take anything I say literally, anyway?’
You have more muscle than brains. Do you know that?’
What do you mean?
Your mother is from the Moonstone pack. She is a descendant of the moon goddess, which makes you a descendant also! Of course, the Moon Goddess is going to take her descendants seriously! Ergh! Nina stomps her feet and storms off.


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