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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 106



After I had gotten back home from dropping Quinn off at her place, I gave instructions to the night guard at the cells to let Lila out and have her come straight to my office. I know I shouldn't because of all the other shit she has pulled, but now that I know that Holden is really mine, I will try to be a little more lenient with the she-wolf. That doesn't mean that I won't shove her back into her cell is she fucks up again, but for now, I will free her. Besides, The Elders. emailed me again, informing me that they will be here the day after tomorrow to talk with both me and my Luna, so I guess I had better make sure she has enough time to be presentable.

A soft rap on my doorframe has me looking up at a disheveled Lila, "Come in and shut the door."

She obeys my command immediately and comes to stand in front of my desk, a bit meekly. I lean back in my chair and look her up and down. She looks like total shit, but I guess that's what she gets for acting the way she does and doing the things she does.

"I've called you here to let you know that the Elders are coming the day after tomorrow and want to talk to both of us. You will act accordingly while they are here, or you will go back to the cells once they leave." I'm not about to be soft with her just because I know the truth about my son. She's still a heartless bitch that cares nothing of the child that we made together except to use him for her own gains.

"With all due respect, Alpha, I am the Luna of this pack and I feel as though I have been tremendously mistreated. I know what I did.

was wrong, but I did it a long time ago, I'm trying to change for the better now."

I lift a brow, "Oh, so you're not still listening in to my conversations that take place in my office?"

"Well, I..."

"Oh, save it, Lila; I won't believe a word that comes out of your mouth, anyway." I stand up and move over to my window, watching the stars twinkle in the clear sky briefly, "You know, there has been another test done on Holden and me to make sure he really is mine."

I can see her shrug through the reflection in the grass and I turn back to her, "I'm not worried because I know that he is yours."

"That's about the only true thing that has come out of your mouth in all this time." I snicker.

"Alpha, I have never lied about my feelings for you." She tries using her feminine wiles on me this time, putting a bit of sultriness into her voice, but I scoff.

"Give it up, Lila. If that were true, then you would have rejected your mate by now, but you haven't, have you?" I wanted to see her reaction to see if Quinn's suspicions are correct.

Lila doesn't disappoint as her face gives it away before she even tries lying about it, "I don't have a mate, Alpha."

Not having any other choice, I put all of my effort into my Alpha command, "Tell me the truth, Luna Lila, who is your fated mate?" Luna's can fight the Alpha command, and Lila can to an extent, but since we haven't marked and mated, she can only fight it so much.

The she-wolf goes to her knees and bows her head, "Please,



She whimpers, but.when I push more of my aura out, she breaks, "It's Langly...Dr. Langly!"

I let off my command for the time being, "You will reject him."

"What? No..."

"Yes! If you want to keep the Luna position, you will reject your lover, or I will put him to death." I growl.

I will do no such thing, but I do realize that everything that he had a hand in is because of the bond. He is a good male and I refuse to let this bitch manipulate him any longer.

"Please, Alpha..."

"Fine," I walk around my desk and open the door to find Langly waiting on the other side, "Come in doctor." I had already linked him as soon as I knew she was lying.

"Okay, fine!" Lila cries out, "I, Lila Benton, Luna of the Storm River pack, reject you, Dr. Peter Langly of the Storm River pack as my fated mate."


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