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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 111



I wake up on the couch in the inner office to my room and Quinn isn't anywhere around. I can still faintly smell her scent, so I snuggle back into my cocoon, only to be bothered by Carter telling me that he has the video footage, and that Quinn is outside talking with the Elders. He also warns me that he is in the process of escorting Lila outside to see the Elders.

I groan. As much as I don't want to see the bitch or the Elders, my wolf and I want to be around Quinn, and I can't leave her down there to deal with that shit show. I don't bother getting dressed as I leave my room and head downstairs. When I move towards the front door, I can hear Lila's annoying voice arguing with who, I don' t know, and I don't care.

Using my command I roar, "ENOUGH!"

Once I'm able to unclench my jaw, I instruct Carter to escort Lila to the cells, and I bring the Elders and Quinn to my office to play the video for them to see. Gasps go all around, and even though Quinn already knew, she was still one to gasp in surprise.

"This is what I've been dealing with ever since you made me take this psycho as my Luna!" I scowl, not really caring that they are the Elders.

"She put the performance drugs in the whole pot?" Quinn asks incredulously, "Did anybody else complain?"

I chuckle, "It's not really something us guys really go around talking about, Luna Quinn, but I believe it gets dumped before.

anybody else drinks any, thank the Goddess."

"We are truly sorry about this, and we will let you handle it how you see fit, but unfortunately, our hands are tied." The Elder really does look sorry for me, "I will speak with the others, but I'm afraid that unless your fated mate comes around, you're stuck with her."

"Maybe you should have kept it in your pants." The other Elder mumbles under his breath, but we are wolves, our senses are very entuned.

"Excuse me?" I raise my voice, "Have you not slept around yourself? In fact, does your chosen mate know that you are sleeping with your receptionist?"

Quinn's eyes go wide as I talk to this Elder with so much disrespect, but he deserves it if you ask me. The Elder just straightens his back and walks out, leaving the rest of us in an awkward silence. I raise my brow at the other Elder.

"You have to understand Alpha Declan, we only follow the laws." The older man states.

"I understand that part, but did they teach you how to be rude while teaching you all in Elder school?" I ask sarcastically.

The Elder chuckles, "There is no such thing as Elder school, but maybe there should be, heh?" he sobers up a moment later, "May I suggest something?"

"By all means, suggest away." I respond dryly.

"Well, I just thought that since she will be held for a while, maybe it would be best that you put her somewhere else..."

"I've tried a more luxury cell for her, and she's continued with her conniving ways. She spends more time in the cells than she does outside of them; she never learns." I run my hand over my face, "I honestly don't know what to do with her."

"I think The Center would be a good place for her. I mean, she does seem a little off her rocker after all." The Elder states.

"You're suggesting that I put a Luna in a psychiatric center? Won't that be frowned upon?"

He shrugs, "It's been done before, mainly after their Alpha has passed and they tend to lose it a little," he glances over at Quinn briefly, and my hackles rise because I know what he's thinking, "All I'm saying is that maybe it will help with her attitude and her conniving ways."

"It does seem like a good idea, Alpha Declan." Quinn speaks up with her own thoughts.

"Hm, well, you have certainly given me something to think about. I will make a decision by tomorrow and email you with it." I shake the Elder's hand, indicating that I'm done with this meeting.

"Yes, well, I'm glad I could be of help. I'm not a huge fan of this law, but until it can be changed, I must abide by it as I said." The Elder turns and walks out, leaving me alone with just Quinn in the room with me.

The room is silent following he Elder's departure, and I take the time to inhale the sweet scent of apples with a hint of cinnamon, 'Is her scent getting stronger?' I ask Duke.

'Now that we know that she is our mate, it will be stronger, as well as the pull of the bond, but we must be careful not to let her know.' My wolf replies.

'Why is it so detrimental that she does not know that we are her mate?' I'm not understanding what it is about the whole secrecy thing.


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