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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 115



The electricity of that simple kiss has my cock springing to life and wanting to dominate its mate. I had to leave right away. Now that I' m on my way home, and away from the intoxicating scent of her, I can think rationally again. I don't understand this whole mate thing when it's only one sided. I can only assume that it's a Dire wolf thing, because I've never heard of it with regular shifters. You can't tell they are your mate until they turn of age.

I feel the need to talk to Deke about this. I don't want to tell Quinn' s secret, especially when she doesn't even know about it, but with the last attack, I don't know if I will be able to protect her by

myself. Maybe we should do as Quinn suggests and go after Gray Skies before they try again.

'We must protect her at all costs, Declan,' Duke butts into my private thoughts, 'It's not just about keeping your promise to Gavin and Mace, but because she is important to the whole wolf shifter community. She's meant to be Queen and so she must stay alive.'

'You and I both know how stubborn our beautiful mate is. How are we supposed to keep her from running into danger without her knowing why she can't be included?'

'Our mate is a force for sure, but she isn't anywhere near what her wolf will be when she comes of age. If anyone catches wind of what she can do so far, they will be coming from far and wide to take her out.' My wolf sighs, 'All we can do is our best.'

I scoff, 'Maybe we can chain her up when we go after Gray skies.'

'That sounds really hot for a totally different reason, but our mate will be pissed if we do that. Honestly, we haven't seen the extent of what she can do so far, so how do we know that restraints will even hold her?' Duke gives a little growl, 'And don't even suggest using silver on our 'mates!'

I'm shocked that my wolf would even think that I would do something like that! 'Really, Duke? Do you really think me that much of an asshole?'

'Hey, just putting it out there. A wolf can never know in these times.'

I roll my eyes, 'Go take a nap and leave me to my own thoughts, will you?'

'Fine! See if I try helping to ease your worry ever again!' He states as he heads back to his little corner.

'Really, Duke. If you've done anything, it's insulted me and stressed me out more by reminding me how important Quinn's life is!'

'Oh, me? Did you say something to me?'

'Stop being a smartass, will you?' I tell my wolf.

'It's a hell of a lot better than being a dumbass...' he mumbles and lays back down.

I shake my head and smirk. Having your own wolf is great most of the time, but then there are times like this when you wish they weren't in your head constantly. I can't have a thought to myself, or they make smartass comments, making you feel like the dumb one.

'If the shoe fits.' Duke gives a wolfish smile as he lays in his corner with his eyes closed.

In the coming days, we have learned that the Gray Skies pack have been camping out in the deep forest of the Natural Reserve owned by the humans. There hasn't been much movement and according to my scouts, it almost looks as though they are waiting for something or someone. In my experience, not much movement isn't a good thing. It makes me wonder if they are waiting on reinforcements. After the damaging numbers and how many of their own had fallen the last time, I don't doubt that is what they are doing.

So, what do we do? We call in to every ally pack in the area and hope that it's enough. My scouts also inform me that Gray Skies have their own scouts keeping watch on Dark Moon, so that alone tells me that they aren't finished with what they have started. In order to not let them find out about our own meetings, we agree to meet at the Sun River pack. Deke is almost smack dab in the middle of everyone, so it only makes sense.

Quinn has informed me that she will ride over with Spencer and Cam, which gives me a chance to talk with my cousin before everyone shows up. I hate that I'm going to do it, but even I can admit that I can't handle this alone, not with it still being well over a month before Quinn is of age to find out.

Deke is already waiting for me when I pull up to his pack house. As always, the young Alpha heir is beside him to greet me as I come up the front steps, "Hey, little man! I see you're doing a fine job at holding up the fort with your dad." I fist bump his little seven-year- old fist and then embrace my cousin.

"Okay, Easton," Deke addresses his pup, "you can go on and play with your friends until dinner but make sure you keep checking in with your nanny and stay close."

"Yes, Dad," Easton turns and gives me a toothless grin, "See you later Uncle Declan!" And then he's off before I can say goodbye myself.

"Man, that boy is full of energy all day long!" Deke sighs happily.

"Oh, I can see that Holden is going to be the same way. Do you think it's the Alpha blood in them or just our bloodline?" I chuckle.


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