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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 137


After dinner, Declan and I decide to spend it with the boys. I know Asher doesn't know what's going on yet, but just having Holden being around him will help strengthen the bond that we hope they will have as they grow up. Holden is a smart little cookie and he's always wanting to be around me when I have Ash in my arms. As soon as tomorrow comes around, we will start referring to Asher as his brother when we talk to him. Not having his mom around in the first year and a half of his life has been hard on the little one, and I can't thank the Goddess enough for bringing him into my life because even though he isn't biologically mine, I will always consider him as my own. That is if Declan and I truly are mates.

"Dada!" Holden bounces up and down as he claps his little hands because he sees a bunny hopping by.

"Is that a bunny?" Declan asks his son and the little boy nods.

Another bunny comes hopping towards the other and Holden gasps and looks at his father. I glance down and see that Ash has spit up, so I wipe it up with the burp rag. Suddenly, I hear the words "mama", and I whip my head up to see Holden looking straight at me as he points to the bunnies. I'm in too much shock to look over to where he's pointing, but I finally shake it off and follow his finger as I smile.

"Yes, bunnies!" I laugh and then look over at Declan who is smiling also.

He leans in and kisses my temple, "And what a great mama you are..."

"But what if we're not

"Quinn, I think we can both safely say that we are mates. Our wolves know, and we will know for sure by tomorrow, but our instincts are telling us who we are to each other, at least mine are."

I smile and then reach my lips up for him to take, and there is no hesitation on his part. He takes them softly, lifting a hand to cup my cheek as he does. Giggling breaks us apart all too soon, and we see Holden just standing there watching us.

"I think we may have a peeping tom on our hands." Declan chuckles.

I slap his chest, "Declan! He's just a baby; he doesn't know any better."

"Mama," holden motions me to come with his little hand, so I pass Ash over to Declan and go to Holden. He holds his hand out for me to take and then leads me over to the slide on the playset, "Up, mama!" I lift him up, but he calls out for me once again, wanting me to go up with him. Giggling, I climb the stairs and then sit at the top of the slide and set Holden on my lap. He giggles all the way down the slide, which isn't a very long slide, but I guess to an eighteen-month-old, it is.

We play for about an hour before we have to take the boys back in and give them their baths. Instead of calling Demi in to do it, we do it as a family. Not knowing what tomorrow, or the days ahead are going to bring, we want to spend this last night doing everything together, including giving the bath and putting them to bed.

It's only nine in the evening but we turn in anyway. I'm staring out our bedroom window, watching the sky as it darkens. I glance up when I feel strong arms come around me and smile at the gorgeous Alpha. We just stand here in silence, staring out the

Dividing into pages now window. When movement catches my eye, I look down to see Amelia hurrying off to the woods. I look past her and chuckle when I see Dr. Sands standing at the tree line waiting for her.

"Look! Seems as though your mom may have a hot date." I point towards the forest and Declan follows my finger.

Just as he spots them, they embrace and start kissing, "Oh Goddess, I don't need to be seeing that!" He states.

"What's wrong with them kissing? I think it's sweet! It's not all that bad...oh Goddess!" I spin around, blocking my eyes, "They are both naked now! That isn't a picture that I wanted to see!"

"Oh, I thought it was cute?" Declan tries mimicking me and laughing.

"I was talking about the kissing! I didn't realize they were going to get ready to shift still in plain view!"


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