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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 145


We circle around each other, waiting for the other to strike first. It's actually quite boring, so I stop and put my hand on my hip as I cock it out to the side. I don't say anything but cock a brow in askance.

She smirks, "What, do I make you nervous?"

"Are you fucking serious right now? I'm bored! How about your hurry up and start it so I can finish it. I've got two babies at home waiting for their mama." That does exactly what I was hoping for.

Lila screeches like a banshee and flings her whole body at me. Bending at my knees, my shoulder goes right into her gut and I stand, taking her with me as I push her up and over my head. The bitch lands on her backside, cursing and glaring at me. Grinning, I motion for her to come at me again with my hand.

"I don't have all day..." I remind her.

Once again she comes at me and I send her flying with an uppercut. I can tell she hasn't had much training, because for one, she's very sloppy, and two, she was always on her back for the warriors, fucking them, instead of on her feet training with them. There are signs that her wolf, Lina, wants to break free, but she keeps her back for the time being.

She actually surprises me when she comes at me with a right, but changes it at the last second and hooks me with her left. There isn' t much power to her punch, though, and the worst it does is make my lip bleed.

"Nice move, too bad, a pup can hit harder than that, though." I

Dividing into pages now antagonize.

"Fuck you, I'm a lover not a fighter!" Lila growls.

"No, you're a whore, not a lover..." I jump and do a roundhouse kick, knocking her on her ass once again, "Are you ready to give up?"

"Never!" She then snickers, "You know, it wasn't that long ago that he might have been calling me by your name, but it was MY body that he was getting off with. He still knew that I am a great time in bed!"

"Oh, is that when you drugged him? You gave him performance drugs; of course, he's going to get off, all cocks know a cum dumpster when they see one! That's all you are, Lila. You fucked up being with your true mate, and now your sorry ass has nobody."

Lina breaks free and lands on all fours in front of me, but I don't even flinch. In fact, I decide to stay in my human form for a bit, even though Tala is biting at the bit to get her paws dirty as well. When the other wolf comes at me, I grab her by the scruff and toss her off to the side as though she weighs nothing. Her own momentum is what takes her as far as it does and has her shaking her head back and forth before baring her teeth at me.

She comes back at me, but veers off at the last minute as she slices her claws down my side. It burns like a bitch, but I ignore it as I growl at her, "Is that the worst you can do?"


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