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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 159

Chapter 9


I hear hushed voices all around me but it's dark. I know my lids are closed and each time I try to open them, nothing happens. Between trying to figure out what's going on and trying to open my eyes, I don't pay too much attention to what is being said, but maybe I should, because I don't know what the hell is going on. I can make out little words like mate and something about hunting, but honestly, everything is making my head hurt, so I go back to trying to zone it all out.

After what seems like hours and a nice nap that I was finally able to take once the headache disappeared, I hear the same voices as before. Only this time, I feel different, I can feel my eyes moving rapidly as I try to lift my lids, and to my relief, they open. I stare up at a white ceiling for only a moment because an alluring scent grabs my attention. I glance in the direction that the scent is coming from and see two people standing there, grinning as they stare at me. I've never met this male and female, at least I don't think I have, but they are two of the most beautiful people that I have ever seen. I mean, even my cock stirs just looking at them, and I've never known myself to be attracted to males.

I furrow my brows momentarily because now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not even sure if that is true. I glance back at the two people, not bothering to look at the others in the room, "Where..." I cough, and the woman jumps to grab a cup from the table beside the bed I'm in. She holds it to my lips and when I bring my hand up and accidentally touch her hand, sparks shoot through me, and I end up staring wide eyed at her.

I finish drinking the water that she offers and try again, "Where am I?" I croak out.

"You are in the hospital," the woman states, watching me with concern in her beautiful brown eyes, "Do you remember anything?"

I try to think past the softness of her voice, along with her warm eyes and hair that hangs in golden waves down her back, but I can' t seem to remember how I would have landed myself in the hospital. I slowly shake my head and then the male steps up beside her and lays his hand on my arm. I feel the same sparks that I had felt when I touched the woman just a moment ago. His eyes are as blue as the ocean and his hair is similar in color to the woman's, but I don't feel as though they are related, at least not in the way one would think.

"Do you remember you name?" The male asks with just as much concern as the female.

I go to nod and tell them but for the life of me, I can't think of what it is. I try to think about other things, like my age and where I came from, but none of it comes to me. My eyes sweep the room to see if I recognize anything, and that's when I see another couple standing at the end of the bed and another male on the other side of the bed, this one wearing a long white coat.

"Why can't I remember anything?" I ask no one in particular.

The male in the white coat answers, "I was afraid this may happen. You had a pretty nasty gash on your head, along with a lot of blood loss, so I'm not surprised by the amnesia."

"But we gave him our blood! It should have worked!" The beautiful woman says anxiously.

"You have to understand, Cici, sometimes the blood only helps with so much. Every injury is different."

So, her name is Cici...cute. I glance at the guy and just as I'm wondering what his name is, she continues to speak, which is fine because I'm loving the sound of her voice.

"What is Spencer and I supposed to do if our mate doesn't even know who he is? How are we supposed to bond with each other?" She places her hand on my arm once again, and I close my eyes, savoring the feel of both Cici and Spencer's touch. It seems to calm me.

"You need to calm down, Cici." I open my eyes to see the other woman giving her a look of concern, "Just give him time, he just woke up."

This seems to calm Cici down a little bit as she nods and then glances back down at me, "I know you're confused, but Spencer and I will help you in any way we can, as long as you want the help."

I'm not sure what I want but I do know that I want to spend as much time with this male and female as much as possible, "Can I have a word with the two of you...alone?" I wait as they glance at the others and back at me and nod.


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