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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 174

Chapter 24


I wake up with a nasty headache and my body hurts all over. The sounds of voices arguing nearby makes the throb- bing even more intense and it's all I can do not to claw at my head until the pain goes away. Somehow, I fall back into a deep sleep and when I wake up next, some of the pain is still there but it's tolerable. I sit up and look at my surroundings. I' m in my room back at home in England and I'm trying to re- member how I got back here.

Wait a minute... how did I know that this was my room and that I'm in England? Oh my God, I've got my memory back! I remember everything; everything down to the very last mo- ment before waking up here! Cici and Spencer. Oh God, where is Spencer? I go to stand up, but I get dizzy right away. Damn, what the fuck did they use on us? I try using a spell to get me back to normal, but it doesn't work. Cursing, I remem- ber now, Randy and Ronny, the Mitchell brothers; they sy- phoned my magic right after they beat me within an inch of my life. I remember how we were arguing about the Dark Moon pack. I was trying to lead them away, telling them that we had the wrong pack, but Randy had snuck behind me and hit me over the head. Suddenly I see clubs appear in their hands and they start beating me with them.

The bastards were laughing the whole time and chanting for me to die, and that I was nothing but a spoiled brat who needed to be taught a lesson. A voice inside of me growls, startling me, but then I remember my wolf. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the presence within.

'Hello, what's your name?'

I get more growling.

'It's okay boy, I'm your human. You have been sleeping for a very long time, but now I want you to wake up. You are my wolf, are you not?'

'You are Ledger, my human.'

'Yes, I am, and you are my wolf, but I don't know your name.'

'I am Ares.'

'Ah, like the God of War?'

'I am no God, but I am a killing machine when it comes to war. Tell me human, where are my mates? I do not feel them anymore.'

'That's what I'm going to find out. I just woke up myself. Cici and Rani are back in the states but as for Spencer and Sterling, I'm not sure what happened to them after Randy and Ronny attacked.'

'I feel Alpha Duke close by...'

'You do? Damn, they must have taken Declan too; this isn' t good.' I say more to myself but then realize that I said it to Ares as well, 'We need to come up with a plan. Father will nev- er let me leave if he believes I have reverted to my werewolf side. Somehow, I will have to convince him that I still want to be a Shikari.'

'He will sense me, Ledger. He may lock us up like he did your mother.'

That's right. I had forgotten that I had found out shortly before I had left for the states that my mother is locked up somewhere. I had grown up hating her because I believed that she left me and my father. I was never told about my werewolf side or that my mother is a shifter. I didn't learn that little bit until I met my mates, but I did find out that my mother had never left us but that my father had her locked up some- where.

I'm not sure if he found out that I knew of my mother's im- prisonment and that's why he sent me to the states, but it was pretty coincidental that it just so happened that only a few days after finding out my mother's fate, I was sent away: and with dumb and dumber no less.

'So, how am I supposed to go near my father without him finding out about you?'

'Silver. You must find some pure silver and put it on. It will hurt like a son of a bitch but as long as you wear it, it will keep me back and he shouldn't be able to sense me.'

'I don't want to force you back just when you are finally able to come forward Ares.'


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