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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 182

Chapter 32


My whole life I've felt as though I was different than ev- erybody else and now, I know why. My father always spoiled me, and I never wanted for anything except for a mother who he had hidden away from me. Now I learn that I have three sisters who share the same fate as my mother all because their father is too pigheaded to see them as actual human be- ings. I can't and I won't let my father do this any longer.

So, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I make a split decision, I magically produce a dagger and then get my father's attention, "I'm sorry, Father."

He turns, "What is it, son?" For a split second, I see the fa- ther that I remember from my childhood, the loving one, not the vile monster that he is today.

"I love you, but I can't allow you to continue doing what you are doing." I plunge the dagger into his stomach and twist it back and forth, saying a little chant before his life force leaves him for good, all of his magic shifts to me, making me twice as strong as I was just a moment ago. "They are my sis- ters, my flesh and blood, and I cannot let you hurt them any longer, Goodbye, Father. Rest in peace."

The light in my father's eyes dull until it is no longer there, and he slumps in my arms. I allow for a few tears to fall for the man that I was once proud to call my dad, but that's it. I lay him down on the floor and quickly go back downstairs to re- lease my mother and sisters.

"You killed him." My mother says as soon as I appear once more.

"I did, how did you know?"

"Your father was my mate, Ledger. I felt it when he died. It wasn't as strong since our bond has weakened over the years, but it was still there.

"How was he your mate and still did what he did?" I ask in disbelief.

"It's the Shikari's way of life, Ledger, but he couldn't ig- nore the bond between us either, that's why he locked me up here." I grab the keys hanging on the wall and go to unlock the cell door, "Why did you do it, son?"

I glance at her, "I grew up being told that you walked out on us, that you didn't love me. It was just recent that I learned of you and learned of my heritage, but when he just told me of my sister's fates, what he had planned for them, I knew I couldn't let him follow through with it and there is only one way that I could have stopped him." Using my shirt to grasp the bars and open the door, I open it as far as it can go.

"So, what is your plan now? They will never let you live once they find out that you killed Marco."

"I already had a plan to get you and my Alpha out of here; I didn't know about my sisters. Now that I have father's pow- ers too, I should be able to get us all out of here. I need you to stay here for just a few minutes while I teleport back and get my Alpha. I will come back and get you and my sisters, and we will go back to the states."


My mother begins to cry, "I never thought I would ever

get out of here alive, Ledger. Thank you for not turning out to be like your father."

I step up and kiss her forehead, "I will keep you safe from now on, but we need to get a move on. You gather up the girls while I go grab Alpha Declan, and I will be back for you."

"Okay, please hurry! The guard will be back within the hour to check on us." She informs me.

Shit, I should have known that he would have guards watching them as well, "Okay, I have to go then, so I can make it back before then."

Closing my eyes, I teleport myself first to my room to grab the book I was looking at, and then I make a pit stop in my fa- ther's office as well. I grab his big book of spells that he looks at religiously and the small picture frame of the two of us from when I was about twelve years old.

'Alpha, is it safe to come to you?'

No answer.

Damn it! 'ALPHA?' Still nothing, so I have no choice but to chance it. I won't have much time but if I can at least grab his hand, I can get him out of here. Hearing hurried voices out in the hall I have a feeling that it's already spread about my fa- ther, the council would have felt it, so I teleport down to the cell and it's just as I thought, they've beaten him until he passed out and didn't heal him. He's unrecognizable at the moment.

Taking hold of his hand, I chant the freezing spell and I teleport us just as one of the guards get to his cell, "Stop, Ledg..."

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The spell goes into place, and I'm gone before he can even finish my name which means they will be on our tail just as soon as the spell lifts, so I have no time to waste. Getting to my family home, my mother and sisters are anxiously waiting for me, all crowded together where I had left my mother just moments before.

"Are you ready? They are on my tail, so we have to go now!"

"Yes, we're ready when you are." My mother states as she smiles.

Securing the bag with my books on my shoulder, I take one of my sister's hands, "Take hold of each other's hands and don't let go no matter what or you will be lost."

Throwing the Alpha over my shoulder and taking hold of my sister's hand again, I look at the others, making sure we are all linked together and then close my eyes, imagining Dark Moon's pack house.

It's still the wee hours of the morning at the pack house. Luna and Spencer, I'm sure have just gone to bed because they would have gotten back just an hour or so before. Hav- ing the five-hour difference between us fucks with my head, because where it was about nine thirty in London, it's now only four thirty in the morning here.

The pack house is dark, but I know I landed us in the living room, so I quickly go over and turn the light on and then lay the Alpha on the couch.

'Luna, are you awake?'


'Yes, Luna...''


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