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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 199

Chapter 49


The pain brings me to my knees once again causing my wolf to howl out, knowing that our mate is being shocked once again. Thank the Goddess that it was only the one time this time, but it's one too many if you ask me. I hate that I can' t feel my mate; I feel empty without her. The bond is still there, but the emptiness is enormous, and I know that not only me, but Achilles will go insane if we don't get our mate back soon.

Our plan is solid, or at least we think it is. After bringing in Miss Beatrice to confirm a few things, we worked out all the kinks and now we are ready to go. We know that we have to do this when the moon peaks, but the problem was finding that exact moment. According to Miss Beatrice, though, the moon's peak is different than what we thought. The moon is out for roughly twelve hours a day, so the peak is actually the time that is smack dab in the middle of those twelve hours. That is not what we were originally thinking, so thank God- dess that Ledger thought to bring the witch in on this to help, otherwise, we would have missed our window.

The time difference is another issue to consider. They are five hours ahead of us and we must use their moon's peak, not ours, so with the moon peaking at eleven forty-five over there tonight; that will make it six forty-five here. We have only a few minutes to get in and get out, without sounding the alarm and bringing hell down upon us. As long as Emery is by herself, it shouldn't be an issue, but if by chance she isn't

alone and we have to fight, the only chance we will have is killing the fucker and breaking all the wards once they go back in place after the allotted downtime.

We have absolutely no qualms about killing the fucker, but the most important part is getting Emery back home. We still have a little over an hour before it's time and so I go in search of my brothers. I feel the need to be with them at the moment, and if I've learned anything, it's to always go with what I'm feeling. When I find them both in the kitchen, I'mo- tion them to follow me, and I lead them to the Alpha office.

"What's up?" Decker asks when he notices me locking the


"I just want to make sure that we aren't disturbed. I felt the need to be with the two of you..."


"Awe, how sweet! We love you too, bro!" Asher bats his eyes and claps his hands together.

"Seriously, Ash? I'm not meaning it like that." I roll my


"Well, fuck you then!" He says jokingly.

"I want to try something, and don't ask me why because I don't know why, I'm still learning." I glance around and see that they both are wearing the bracelets that were given to us. Taking mine off, I palm it and instruct my brothers to do the same, "Okay, I want us to hold it up to our mate marks, but we need to link together, so I will hold mine up to Decker's and he to yours," I tell Ash, "And you hold yours to mine. I want to try and see if I can get some kind of vision. Something is telling me to do this, so..."


"Well, say no more then," Asher states, "We know better than to question your feelings, bro!" They both take their bracelets off and palm them just like I did.

I place my hand over Decker's mate mark, letting the amulet touch the marking, then like a domino effect, my brother's do the same until we are forming a circle. Nothing happens, but it's not always that easy either. I close my eyes and think of Emery, but again, I get nothing. When I open my eyes, both Decker and Asher are staring at me.

"How about you two fuckers close your eyes too and con- centrate on our mate." I instruct them both.

"Oh, my bad!" Decker snickers.

"Tell us this next time, bro!" Ash states and then closes his eyes.


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