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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 49


The looks I get when I walk back into the crowd in the back yard are priceless. Once Cici realizes who I’m holding, she comes barreling through the crowd with her arms already spread. I block her from taking him from me. He may not be mine, but he’s part of him and he’s a baby, so I’m going to hold on to him for a little longer.

“Back off baby burglar, he’s mine for now!” I hold a hand out and let Tala to the surface. My wolf is one of the biggest pup lovers I’ve ever known

“Geesh, pup hog!” she says, holding her hands in the air,

“Have you held him before?” I ask my friend through squinted eyes.

“Well, yeah. Every time I go see my parents and brother.” She states.

“Seriously? This is the first time I’ve laid eyes on him, and you’re trying to take him from me?” Tala actually growls viciously at my best friend, making her back way up.

“Okay, damn! Calm down, Tala.”

I come back to myself. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into her!” I glance at Declan and he’s smirking, but then it drops. Turning back, I see why.

“Hey, who do we have here?” Gavin asks as he comes and places his hand at my lower back.

“This would be your cousin.” I grin.

“Oh, Holden, is it?” He glances at Declan, and he nods back.

“My mom is going to be so upset that I got to meet him first. She’s been talking about coming to visit ever since she heard that he was born.” He runs his finger over Holden’s little fist, and he grabs hold of Gavin’s finger as he sleeps.

“For as strong as our genes are, you would think that he would look like you.” Gavin is still just staring in amazement at the little bundle in my arms.

I guess I didn’t even think about that, but now that Gavin has mentioned it, I know what he means. I glance at Declan who is gazing down at me, not even knowing what’s going on around him.

“Do you want him back, or do you mind if I hold him for a bit yet?”

He smiles at me, “You can hold him for as long that you want.”

I can’t explain it, but I’m being a bit possessive over this pup that isn’t mine. Maybe it’s because it’s Declan’s and he’s done so much for me, I don’t know, but even Tala is feeling it. She doesn’t really say too much to me these days, mainly because she doesn’t agree with me dating Gavin, but this is my life too, so she will learn to deal with it.


Amelia and I talk for a long while as she tells me her plans for her trip. I’m excited for her, she needs this. I think her taking this trip with her friend will be so good for her and she will come back a different she-wolf. Surprisingly, she leaves me to go talk to a long-time friend, Connor. Maybe Cici is on to something after all.

Looking around the yard, I notice both Declan and Gavin are sitting in the lawn chairs in the middle of the yard, far away from listening ears. It makes me smile, hoping that they will work things out, but I won’t hold my breath just yet.

Summer comes to sit beside me after a while, smiling as she sees the sleeping pup in my arms, “You will make such a wonderful mother someday.”

Looking down at Holden I smile. “I sure hope so.”

“You will, Quinn.”

I look her up and down and remember that I wanted to talk to her earlier, so I decided to get it over with now, “How do you know how to make that scent blocker?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me,” she chuckles, “I’ve always loved medicine. I would have gone to school had I not been taken. Jasper knew this, so he asked me to work on a spray that would block our scent, so others wouldn’t be able to tell when we were around.” She picks at an imaginary piece of lint on her skirt, “I had perfected it within two weeks’ time. Instead of simply saying thank you, he thanked me


by raping me and passing me around to his friends. He told me that it would be worse if I ever told anyone that I had made it for him, even his father.”

Igasp. “Oh, my Goddess! I am so sorry, Summer!”

“It’s all over now. Quinn. I would just like to forget about it, if it’s okay with you.”

“Of course!” I squeeze her hand with my free one, “I hope you find all the happiness that you deserve with Walker.”

The she-wolf glances over at her mate, “I think I will, Quinn, I really do.”

As the afternoon turns into early evening, pack members start dwindling down. Amelia and Declan come over to claim Holden back since I’ve hogged him all afternoon. He was just too precious to let go. Once they have him settled into his carrier, I remember that I had gotten a gift for him. I rush up to my room and dig the bag out of my closet before rushing back down the steps.

“Here, I had gotten this a while ago for him, but I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to give it to him.” i hand the big gift bag over to Declan.

Placing the carrier on the patio table, he rummages through the bag. There really isn’t anything too special in it. A few articles of clothing that he can wear in a few months, some rattles and teething rings. My favor is the set of t-shirts that I had ordered in every size for the first five years of the little guy’s life. They all say the same thing, ‘Storm River Alpha in Training’. Declan seems to really love these, so I guess did good.

*Thank you, Quinn. You didn’t have to, you know.” He says softly.

“Yeah, I know, but I wanted to.” I smile slightly.

“Take care of yourself and call me if you ever need anything. We are still your family regardless.” He smiles a bit sadly.

“Yes, Quinn. Always remember that.” Amelia agrees as she comes in for a hug.


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