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The Alpha novel Chapter 13

Scarlet's POV

Ever since Ethan informed me that he was taking me as his date to some fancy party, I can't stop smiling. My wolf and I feel like giddy schoolgirls. I woke up early to exercise and get ready for Isa's arrival. I'm excited to finally get to go out and explore a little. Suddenly I hear the ding of the elevator before Isa's voice carries down the hall. "Scarlet! You ready?! Let's get this show on the road!" she calls.

I quickly run out of the bedroom and towards her. When she spots me, a wide grin spreads across her face and she instantly wraps me into a tight embrace. "Hi Isa! How have you been?!" I question happily as she loosens her grip on me.

"Doing better now! It's about time you convinced my pigheaded brother into letting you spread your wings a bit," she says with a wink before throwing an arm over my shoulders. "Alright boys," she adds, addressing Levi and Tony who are my guards at the moment. "Time to take this girl on a shopping expedition."

I smile and roll my eyes at her. She's making it sound as though we are about to go on safari. In reality, I'm really excited. This will be my first time to go shopping like this. Growing up in The Scourge, all my things were always scavenged, made, or hand-me-downs. I've never had money to spend anyway. Not to mention that all the malls and stores are within pack territories so I wouldn't be allowed to go there anyway.

Isa drags me towards the elevators and swipes her ID card once we are inside with my guards. We descend to the main floor where I am led to a black SUV. Within ten minutes we are pulling into a parking garage and getting out. When we walk into the large building my jaw drops. I have never seen anything like this before. There are so many stores lined up with displays in giant glass windows. The floors are covered with shiny, white tile and everything looks so clean and sleek. Large light fixtures hang from the high ceilings and railings wrap around each of the higher levels. It seems to go on forever.

As I gape, Isa loops her arm around mine. "So, where do you want to go first?" she asks with a toothy grin.

My eyes widen. How am I suppose to know? I don't even know my options. I don't even know what brands still exist since The Great War. "Umm..." I begin as I look at her.

Her smile grows as she waggles her eyebrows at me. "Too many to choose from? Don't worry. We have plenty of time to hit them all. We are going to get you completely stocked up and I'm just the girl to help you do it," she exclaims before dragging me into the first store.

I begin browsing and my fingers lightly run over the items hanging along the aisle. Soon I come across a nice black dress that I like and I look for a price. My eyebrows shoot up into my hairline when I find a tag hanging from the neck of the dress. "Oh my goddess! Is this a typo?!" I question, astonished. Isa simply laughs at me.

"Girl, we're in Selene LaCroix. What did you expect?" Selene LaCroix is a very famous and very expensive designer. She is a Luna of one of the many werewolf packs in France. I had come across an old magazine that talked about her when she was first starting out after The Great War. She was compared to designers such as Dolce and Gabbana and Versace. Elegant, stylish, and meant for the extremely wealthy.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else...."


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