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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 237

“Are you sure you weren’t a shrink when you were human?” I muse over my coffee. He always did have this way of seeing things that others couldn’t.

“I’m sure. What I am saying is don’t give up. Not just yet.”

“When you went after Salem, I shared a room with Raven. I thought it might open a path for me, but it just seemed to make her hate me more.”

“Ravens her friend.”

“I know that.”

“It’s possible that she thought she was losing her friend to you.”

I roll my eyes. “What kind of high school crap is that?”

He laughs. “That’s exactly where you are missing the point.”

I frown at his words and blow out my cheeks. Sometimes, it was really frustrating just how right he was. “Can you get her to meet with me? You could be there too.”

“I can ask her, but I’m not making any promises.”

I give him a small smile, grateful that he was at least trying

Once he has finished his coffee, he leaves to check on Dorothy. Once again leaving me alone. How was it possible to feel lonelier in a pack full of Wolves than what it was when we were living in the derelict town?

Refilling my mug with coffee, I take it out to the front door and sit on the cool stones that formed my tiny porch.

People walk past and even when I put my hand up, they don’t acknowledge me, acting like I don’t exist. I did the same thing most days and each day, I lost a little more of the hope that I had found somewhere I could belong.

Klaus leans into my line of sight, waving a hand at me. “You okay?”

“I will be.” I mutter

He walks up to me anyway. His frame shadowing mine as he blocks out what's left of the evening sun.

“Fancy a walk?” He asks, his deep green eyes wide and expectant.

“You don’t need to feel sorry for me.”

He seems surprised by my response and almost a little offended . “I don’t. Now that I’m not really needed, I’ve got some freetime.” I roll my eyes as he fixes his man bun. “If you don’t want to walk, I can keep you company.”

He doesn’t even wait for an answer, plonking himself down onto the stone next to me. “I heard you were watching in the trees.”

“News travels fast.” I mutter, swigging the last of my coffee

“It’s a pack. It’s generally what happens.”

“Is that why you keep yourself to yourself?” I ask, not really interested in his choice of conversation.



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