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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 295

“She thinks it will make her look better.” Neah replies, though she isn’t looking at them. “Make herself look like a hero.”

“To make her look worthy of being an Alpha.” Dane adds

“I tried.” Tara whispers. “I tried so hard and…”

“It’s not your fault.” Ryken tells her. “So many people tried to help her. We cannot help those that don’t want to be helped.”

“SHUT UP!” Neah screeches and the entire room goes silent.

“Get her out of here!” Abraxas demands

“I’ve got her!” I mutter, ”You stay here,” I tell Dane and hoist Neah on my shoulder and charge out of the training hall.

“Put me down Damien.” Her hands smack against my lower back as I carry her across the grounds. I really hope she doesn’t shift. She would be able to rip my back apart in seconds.

“Not until we are back in the house.” I mutter, locking my arms around her legs so she couldn't kick me.

“Damien!” Her tone is dark, I drop her on her feet as soon as we are inside and slam the door shut. Her eyes are a solid black as she stares back at me.

“Get out of the way!”

“Neah,” I grab her face, forcing her to look at me, “Don’t let her out. Think of your boys. They need you, they need their mother. You can’t let her win.”

She stares back at me, a tiny hint of blue appearing around her eyes. “My babies need their mother.” She whispers back

“Yes and Dane needs you and the Lycans need you.”

She rubs her temples, closing her eyes. When they open again, they are back to their usual colour. “It’s her isn’t it. She is my darkness.”

“We believe so.” I have had my suspicions for a long time. Everyone’s darkness is different and triggered by different things, but Neah’s seemed to be her own Lycan spirit and Abraxas was certain of it. “Why did you tell her to shut up?”

“She keeps accusing everyone of being a liar. Telling me to kill them. Telling me not to trust them. Sometimes she talks when I’m trying to listen and….”

“The words blur into one dull noise?”

“Yeah. It makes it difficult to hear anything. How did you know that?”


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