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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 313

Klaus had been open when telling us what he found out about his past. And thankfully, Klaus and Abraxas were nothing alike and I wanted it to stay that way. Klaus was a kind guy, he wasn’t an asshole like the Hunter standing in front of me and I didn't want him to change.

“I didn’t say he was. And I’m not sure I care for your attitude.”

“My attitude?” I snort and inhale too much tea at the same time, forcing it to erupt from my nose like a volcano as I splutter

He smirks at me and my fingers tighten around the cup, ready to launch it at him. His hazel eyes move to my hand and the smirk turns into a grin. “That pup seems to have got you worked up already.”

“What the fuck did you say?”

He stares at me, yet doesn’t repeat his words. Surely he couldn’t tell already, I was barely pregnant.

Abraxas tilts his head to one side, “You heard me.” He winks and turns away, I launch my cup at him anyway, only for his hand to reach out and catch it.

He turns and walks right up to me, carefully placing the empty cup on the stone porch next to me. “I will let that one go, this time.”

His eyes flicker in past the open door.

“She’s not here.” I mumble


“Your Lycan mate.”

“I don’t have a Lycan mate.” He mutters as his forehead wrinkles into a frown. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

“Why are you denying it?” I push, “Just reject her.”

“Rejecting her would imply that we are mated. As we are not, I cannot reject her. I have told Neah the same thing.”

“It’s not the truth.” He denied any ounce of it being a possibility. Maddie was clear though. She knew exactly who her mate was and had no reason to lie about it.

He grins at me. “It’s my truth, Mallory. My mate was a huge part of my life. I can not just move on.”

“How long were you together before Blair killed her?” I ask. Abraxas never spoken about his mate, his unborn child or his parents.


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