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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 401

“You don’t trust me do you?” He asks

“You are not trustworthy.”

He takes a swig from the bottle and puts it back in front of me. “See. Now drink. We have to move soon.”

He moves to the window, scanning the area. I knew we were still in the forest, but not Black Shadow’s forest because there are no abandoned cabins there.

“Is Samara the Witch?” I ask. It couldn’t be him if I was mated to him.

“No. I am. Well, half Witch. Though I am particularly proud of how strong I am.” He turns back to face me. “Samara is the only one that knows that about me, and you obviously. Clearly my Lycan side has been linked with yours. Even funnier knowing that you are a Wolf” He lets out a low growl.

“You thought your Witch side outweighed your Lycan side?”

“I did, until I stumbled upon you. You scented me when I was hiding in the pack as Ash Thomas.”

“Only briefly, I thought my mind was playing tricks. I picked up your scent and then, in seconds, it was gone.”

“Had to keep myself hidden while I sussed out the pack. I couldn’t have you ruining it for me, could I.” He gives me a big grin.

“That’s how you disconnected the link to Neah? Because you can hide who you truly are?"


“She will kill you.”

“I’m sure she will try, but will she kill you in the process?”

He does a final check outside and pulls me to my feet. Ushering me out into the forest. Even though it was dark, the birds were already singing, a sign the sun would be rising soon. I don’t fight Cooper, there was no point, he had the upper hand. So I walk, letting him guide me through the forest until I recognised the location where Dane had asked me to bring clothes for Neah.

“Where are we going?”

“Well seeing as my little escapee has abandoned her house, I thought we could spend a few hours there. You know, close by but not too far away. Get some decent rest instead of that shitty cabin.”


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