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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 413


‘She is not happy.’ Aero groans

‘I am aware.’

‘There’s still time to change the plan.’

‘No, we need this done. And we need it to work.’

"Are you going to say something?" I ask my mate

Neah doesn’t say anything, though she really doesn’t have too. I can feel it through our connection and by the way she stares back at me from the top of the staircase.

She carefully gets to her feet, her hand gripping the bannister. Her blue eyes lock on mine for just a second. “I hope you know what you are doing.”

She turns away just as Brax appears. His eyes move from her to me, then he watches her with a small frown as she disappears down the hallway. “You’ve seriously pissed off that one.” He muses as he makes his way toward me.

“I know.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me, “Don’t you think you should go after her?”

“Usually I would, but right now my presence will anger her more. She needs time to think and process what’s happening.”

“And what is happening? What have I missed now?”

I fill him in and he spends most of the time shaking his head and snorting dismissively.

“So let me make sure I understand this. Blair made a threat. Samara is in some weird form of denial and you think you can solve the problem by bringing Blair out of the dungeons. I have to say, I’m with Neah on this one and that is really fucking hard for me to admit.”

“You don’t run the pack, you don’t get a say.”

“That’s fair.” He mutters. “But put it this way. You are talking about Samara playing a game, Blair could very well be in on it. Her reaction could just be part of the plan. You know that, right?”

“I don’t think she is. Not this time. The defeat she feels is on display for all to see. She asked us if she gets to live if she followed the rules we put in place and then thanked Neah. She is broken. Maybe you need to spend some more time watching her.”


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