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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 

The mention of Asena caused Alpha Calhoun’s gaze to soften, but it was not enough to make him change his mind

That does not give you any right to question my business. I love your daughter, not you. Now get out,he stated firmly

Deborah was seeing red. Alpha CalShe was quickly cut off

Don’t ever step a foot in this pack house ever again. Not even to welcome Asena when she returns.” 

Deborah was stunned. When she received the pictures and coupled with all the gossip news she received, she was so furious, thinking that her presence would wake Alpha Calhoun from whatever slumber he was in, but this was what she got

It would be better for her daughter to cut her studies short and return home to stay with her man before vultures like Aurora took advantage of it. Without another word, she headed out of the door, but Alpha Calhoun was regretting some things

His anger had caused him to say too much, and the realization only hit him when he turned to the side

Aurora was not there, but he could hear the banging of the door upstairs

Though Alpha Calhoun never intended to mention Asena in front of her, he could not understand her reason for being upset, feeling helpless. Deborah got home furious, as she called her daughter on the phone. Mom, can it wait? I’m in the middle of something important.” 

There is nothing more important than what I’m about to tell you,Deborah said seriously over the phone, Asena had to get a place to hide away to speak to her mother

Alright mom, I hope its as important as you say. I’m listening.” 

Asena, you have to come home now,her mother’s desperate voice sounded at the end of the line, Asena was taken aback

Mom, I still have over a year to return. You know how Cal is very concerned with my education. He talks about it when he calls 

He calls you every day?her mother was slightly relieved

I’m the first person he speaks to as soon as he wakes up from bed and he also calls me before he goes back to sleep.” 

The woman could not convince her daughter anymore. Alpha Cal had even said it in front of Aurora that he loved Asena

Okay then. Please get back to whatever you were doing and make us proud.” 

Right mom, I love you.” 

I love you too.” 

Three months passed with Aurora training with Rene, away from the rest of the warriors as she tried to avoid Alpha Calhoun

every day.” 

She would prepare his meals before he woke up, and it was the same with the office work. She mostly returned to prepare his bath before he returned from the mountains

Rene was indeed a weakling, but Aurora was patient with her and her it was just a week ago that she began to amaze Aurora with wonderful skills

It also saved Aurora from training with the warriors and exposing her fierce wolf. Rene was like Blair to Aurora, except that Blair was very tough. However, she treated Rene like the way she would treat Blair, a kid sister

Sometimes, she would cook with Rene in her small room and even felt more comfortable there than the pack house, but Alpha Calhoun never allowed her to spend a night away from the pack house

Also, it was better for Aurora to be with Rene than with any of the hungry wolves who wanted to devour her

Things continued like this until another six months later when the Crescent Moon pack was faced with an attack. Alpha Calhoun had gone to the mountains with his warriors as usual when it happened and received a call on his phone from one of the pack warriors

Alpha, the rogues are attacking the pack.With Alpha Calhoun and his strongest warriors about an hour away from the pack should they even travel in wolf form, he panicked

Sound the war sirens to alert everyone, and tell Aurora to get the elders and children to safety. I believe she can protect them better. I’m coming back right now.” 


Chapter 177 

Close to Rene’s tiny house where Aurora was training with her, the blurring sound of the war siren was held with warriors running in different directions

What is that?Aurora asked, though knowing it was a war siren

Alpha Calhoun must have gone to train in the mountains, but the pack is under an attack,Rene said with fear in her voice. She was doing better now but had not fought with anyone except her teacher, Aurora

The growls of wolves were heard as Rene shivered. The Alpha is not around. Are we gonna die?” 

Aurora tried to calm her down. No one is gonna die. Just trust me.At the same time, a mindlink zapped through her mind. Aurora, the Alpha wants you to keep the elders and children safe. The pack is under an attack

Aurora could not obey the voice when Alpha Cal was not there in person. She spoke seriously to Rene

Now is your time to prove your worth to the pack. Go get the elderly and children to the safehouse. Can you do that?” 

I can, but what if they don’t allow me?” 

Be confident but don’t be afraid to kill a rogue who gets in your way. Shift at any time.” 

Rene was shivering. What about you?” 

Go now. I will take care of the rogues.” 

It’s dangerous. Please, I don’t want to lose you.” 

Just do as I’ve said, and everyone would be fine. Go now. Help the omegas to take care of the defenseless.” 

Rene wiped a tear and ran in the direction she saw the elderly. Aurora braved herself and ran towards the rogues, communicating with her wolf

If I shift, can you hide our color?‘ 

When are we leaving this pack? I’m getting tired.’ 


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