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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 25

Freja POV:

Cain’s hands wrapped around my body, not leaving any part of my sensitive skin untouched. He gripped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, then unclasped my bra, exposing my bare breasts to him. I reared back slightly and gripped his shirt tightly in my grasp before ripping it in half, revealing his sculpted abs and lightly tanned skin. A cheeky grin appeared on his handsome face as he stared into my eyes, and my breathing quickened, the lust growing within me. He pulled me closer to him again, taking my right breast into his mouth and sucking on my taut nipple.

I gripped his hair, tangling it between my fingers, as I squirmed on his lap from his sensual touch. Cain then flipped us over and laid me down on my back. He gripped the button on my pants and popped it open, then slowly pulled them off, not taking his eyes off mine. My feet slipped out, one by one, before Cain wrapped his fingers around my underwear and ripped them from my body, leaving me naked and exposed now. I gaped at him and his obsession with destroying my underwear. Cain narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, giving me a look that told me to keep my mouth shut. So, I did just that, remaining silent and keeping my focus on him.

Cain lifted my leg and placed it onto his shoulder; he started kissing my heated flesh, slowly moving upwards. He gently nipped on my thigh, making me squirm and moan. His hands ran up my legs and gripped my ass roughly before he bent down, and his mouth landed on my needy pussy. Cain licked, sucked and nipped at my throbbing pussy, causing me to writhe beneath him while screaming out his name.

I intertwined my fingers with his dark locks. “Oh, Cain! I need you.” I screamed out, squirming from the orgasm that was begging to be released. Releasing his hair, I reached for the button on his pants, but before I could get close to it, Cain grabbed my wrists firmly. “No!” He said in a deep, husky tone. Cain then pushed my arms back and above my head, placing them on either side of me.

He stood to his feet and slowly unbuttoned his pants, his eyes locking with mine. Cain popped the button open, slid the zipper down, and then removed his pants while taking his sweet time. In all of his glory, Cain now stood completely naked before me, and I gawked at the beautiful man who was my mate.

Cain lowered himself back down to his knees and leaned over top of me, caressing my body with his teasing hands while his mouth tauntingly roamed over my skin. His lips brushed over the peach fuzz of my belly, then took my right breast into his mouth, nipping at my erect bud. I squirmed from the anticipation, needing him to release the storm that was building inside of me. Cain was face to face with me now, and he stopped as he gazed into my eyes. His hand came up, and he ran his thumb across my bottom lip before engulfing my mouth with a kiss that was so passionate and deep, it was soul-shattering.

He reached between us and went straight for my aching pussy, rubbing my clit gently before inserting a finger. Cain pumped his finger in and out, but it wasn’t enough, and I needed more. He then added another finger, and his rhythm became faster, more intense. Finally, just as I was nearing the edge, Cain removed his fingers and roughly thrust his hard cock inside me. I gasped, and a moan slipped my lips as he began pumping mercilessly inside of me. His thick girth stretched me, adding to the euphoric feeling of ecstasy. Cain’s left hand gripped my wrists together and held them above my head, while the other hand cupped my thigh and bent it upwards, deepening himself within me.

Cain continued to pound into me, deep and hard, stealing the air from inside my lungs. He leaned down, capturing my lips with his and his hold on my wrists softened, allowing me to free my hands. I reached up, wrapped my arms around his torso and flipped us over, so I was on top now. At first, he seemed hesitant about this, as he loved having control, but I wanted to be in control this time. I positioned myself and sat up, his dick going further inside me, causing him to let out a satisfied groan. I moved up and down his length, gently swaying my hips. His hands gripped onto my hips, and his nails dug into my skin, making me hiss. I picked up the pace, pumping him harder and faster inside of me.

Our moans began to fill the forest as we neared our climaxes. Cain sat up slightly, wrapping his arms around my back and holding me tightly. One hand came up and tangled into my hair, then brought my face down to his, kissing me fervently. Cain thrust his hips upward in one smooth motion, and the climax that had been building burst through me like a firework. I screamed out his name before Cain filled me with his seed and reached his climax. I collapsed onto him, and he embraced me in his hold. He laid on his back, still holding me in his arms, and we stayed like that for a bit, enjoying each other. I didn’t want this moment to end if I were being honest, the troubles that lay ahead for us, was something I feared, and I wasn’t sure what was to come. I was just starting to get to know Cain, and I was falling in love with him.

I rolled on my side and stared into his eyes. Cain’s hand came up and cupped my cheek before kissing me tenderly. He reared back and looked up at the sky before sighing heavily. “We should probably get going; it's dark now.” He said frustratedly, and I wondered why his demeanour suddenly changed.

I glanced around us, just realizing that the sky was black now. “Yea, you are right.” I was not going to argue with him on this; with the dangers lurking around, it wasn’t wise for us to be out here in the dark, unprepared and with no backup.

We got off the ground and picked up our clothing, getting dressed quickly. I turned to look at Cain, and he was standing there with his torn-up shirt dangling off one finger. He raised an unimpressed brow, and his lips pursed. “Really? Now, what am I going to do for a shirt?” He asked me.

I puckered my lips before roaring out in laughter. “Well, I would give you mine, but I don’t think it will fit,” I said through my roaring laughter.

Cain gave me a neutral expression and rolled his eyes as he stuffed his shirt into his back pocket. I finished getting dressed and walked over to him, smiling ear to ear. “I’m not sorry; it was worth it,” I said honestly while running my hands down his chest.

He looked down at me. “Yea, I can tell.” Cain then smacked my ass hard. “Now, move that pretty little ass of yours.” He said, a smirk forming on his lips.

We began to walk back to the bike, not rushing and just taking our time. I looked up at Cain. “Thank you for doing this tonight; I really enjoyed it,” I said genuinely; it was something I needed, something we needed.

Cain stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me, smiling down at me. “Good, I’m glad, and I enjoyed this evening as well.” He winked, and I shook my head at him. Cain then pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, but as we neared the bike, Cain came to an abrupt stop.

My brows furrowed as I looked up at him, confusion rising within me. That was until I looked in the direction of his gaze, only to see the bike destroyed. I gasped at the scene before me. “What the fuck?” I said aloud, shock lacing my tone. I looked at Cain, and he was tense; his entire body had gone rigid, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists at his side. He looked down at me, and his eyes were pure black, his wolf right on the surface, just as mine was.


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