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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 6

We reached the top of the stairs and went down the hallway to our right. Portraits were hung along the grey painted walls, a few chaise lounges, with small tables and lamps decorating the hallway. However, what had caught my eye was the massive, black door at the end of the hallway. Finally, we reached the broad wooden door, which was even taller up close. Calyx gripped the door handle, swung it open and led me inside the room.

“This is Cain’s room and now, yours as well,” He said as he gestured around the room.

I froze, thinking about what Calyx had just said to me. “Wait……Cain will be staying in here with me?” I asked obliviously, hoping I had heard him wrong.

He chuckled. “Well, yea. It’s his room, and you are his mate.” He stated as if I had just asked the stupidest question.

My wolf growled in my head as my nostrils flared, and I clenched my fists at my sides. “I’m not his mate.” I said through gritted teeth, “And, I won’t be sharing a room with him. I would like my own room, please?” I refused to share a room with him or even a bed.

He pursed his lips and sighed. “Well, that’s something you will have to take up with Cain, sorry darling.” He seemed genuinely apologetic.

I exhaled loudly with frustration. “Can’t you just……point me in the direction of a different room and say you had nothing to do with it?” I said as sweetly as possible.

He laughed. “No, no can do. He wants you in his room, and if I go against him, I assure you, it won’t be pretty. You wouldn’t want me to get into trouble, would you?” Calyx said with certainty and a little bit of cheekiness.

I rolled my eyes and grunted, “You really suck, you know that. I thought you and I were going to be best friends, but I guess not.” I pouted.

Calyx clasped his hand to his chest, pretending as if he had been wounded. “Ouch, that stings. You are a feisty one, Freja; you know that, and we can still be besties,” He said while nudging my arm.

“Yea, we will see about that,” I smirked.

He lightly chuckled. “Anyways, the closet is right over here.” Calyx pointed towards a black sliding door on my right. “The bathroom is over there.” He said while pointing to another black sliding door on my left.

Calyx then began to walk towards a set of French glass doors and pulled back the white curtains. “Through here is the balcony. You have the greatest view of the land from this room.” He said while looking through the glass.

I came up beside him and looked through the doors; the moon was shining bright on the yard, lighting everything up for everyone to gaze upon; it was one of the most beautiful sights I had seen in a long time.

Calyx stood there watching me for a moment, with a look on his face that I couldn’t quite decipher.

He gave his head a shake before taking a step back. “Well, I think that’s about everything. I’m sure once I’m gone, you’ll snoop around and get yourself familiar with everything.”

I sighed and nodded my head. “Thank you Calyx, I appreciate everything,” I said genuinely.

Calyx placed his hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it and looked into my eyes. “Not a problem; if you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.” He said with a bit of a creepy smile.

I smiled back and stepped away from him, as he was giving me this odd vibe at that moment, and my wolf agreed, as she was acting guarded and was on alert.

Calyx handed my bag to me and then left the room, closing the door behind him. Now alone, I finally took in the room. It was relatively spacious and not overly crowded, which was nice. The walls were painted a deep midnight blue, and a grey, brick fireplace decorated one wall, with a wooden shelf above it. A large wooden desk occupied a corner near the fireplace and within the middle of the bedroom was a four-poster, king-sized bed. The sheets were black silk; the comforter was fluffy and grey, accenting the room beautifully.

I took in a deep breath and rubbed my face with my hands. I needed a shower; to try and relax. So I walked over to where Calyx said the closet was and opened the door. My mouth immediately dropped open. “Holy shit!” I said aloud.

The room was more than a closet; there was a chaise lounge sitting in the middle of the floor. Two chairs occupied the space along the back wall, with a large mirror hanging between them. On the one wall, clothes were hanging, but only half of the rod was taken.

On the other wall were multiple drawers and smaller rods, where shoes were neatly placed. “Holy hell,” I thought to myself, this closet could be classified as a damn bedroom. I shook my head in disbelief, then placed my bag on the floor and walked out of the closet.

I looked to the other door in the room, where Calyx had said the bathroom was. I walked in, and I think my jaw had hit the damn floor. The bathroom was almost as big as the fucking closet. In the center of the room was a double sink vanity. The vanity was grey, with a white marble top and copper faucets. Two large oval-shaped mirrors hung above each sink. In the one corner was a massive stand-up shower, with numerous showerheads and a large wooden bench covering the one side of the shower wall.

On the other side of the room was a black clawfoot bathtub with copper faucets matching the sinks. I think I drooled a little bit looking around this room; it was my new favourite place.

I decided to shower, as I wanted to know what it was like to have a showerhead above my head.

I began stripping my clothes off and placing them into a hamper near the door. Then, I stepped into the shower and began turning all of the different knobs on the wall. Finally, after burning and freezing myself, I figured out how to work this damn contraption.

I stood in the shower, allowing the water to cascade down my body until my fingers began to prune. I didn’t want to get out, but unfortunately, I couldn’t stay in here forever. I stepped out and grabbed a towel off the rack. I dried my hair slightly and wrapped myself in the world's fluffiest towel. Ok, maybe I could get used to this place! As I stood there, I realized that I didn’t grab any clean clothes before getting into the shower. Good job, dumbass!

I opened the bathroom door and walked towards the closet but stopped when the bedroom door abruptly opened. Cain now stood in the doorway, his near-black eyes fixed on me, roaming up and down my body, which was concealed only by a thin towel.

He stepped further into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. Cain continued to stare at me so intently; it sent a shiver down my spine.

I shifted and cleared my throat. “Is there something I can help you with?”

The corner of his lip tilted upwards just a little; then, his facial expression became severe. “You disobeyed me, my love. I told you there would be consequences if you behaved as you just did downstairs. You embarrassed me in front of my people, and I will not tolerate that or let you away with such disrespect.” The tone of his voice was grave and ominous.

Cain took small, taunting steps towards me, but I didn’t move or flinch; I straightened myself and held my ground.

I arched an eyebrow. “What’s your point? Did you think I was going to stand down and take that shit from her?” My voice grew louder with each word “I am not some she bitch that will kneel before you and kiss your feet, obeying your every command.” I stated proudly and confidently. My wolf was proud of me for standing up to him.


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