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The Alpha's Rejected Heir novel Chapter 6

Alessandro pov

I sat in the living room after putting my mom on her bed in our room, uncle micheal and the man I had come to know as Jermaine black my so called father's brother which would make him my uncle sat there talking, from there conversation I heard that I still had grandparents and an aunt who will be visiting the day after tomorrow.

I soon tuned them out though because my mind was still on my mom I know your probably wondering what 17 year old worries about his mom that much but I can't help but worry aside from the blood moon pack it has always been just me and my mom against the world and I know she had a horrible childhood so I make it my daily duty to make her smile and feel loved and appreciated.

Sometimes though she's just too stubborn I can't believe she went into the woods alone and now she's hurt I know my mom is like super badass I still can't believe she killed two rogues without even shifting but, she's not immortal, she needs to be more careful. I sighed hoping her leg heels quickly I can't stand to see her hurt it puts me and my wolf on edge. I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt my mom's presence I turned to see her hopping into the living room I quickly got up to help her get to a chair

"how are you feeling mom?" I asked her as she sat in the chair

"I'm fine sweetie" she replied

"So, your Michael's baby sister whom he can't stop talking about" uncle jermaine says

"I'm Jermaine black brother of the alpha" stretched his hand to my mother

flirt much I thought to myself

"Rosalyn Parker sister of the beta" my mother replied shaking his hand

Before anymore pleasantries could be exchanged a voice interrupted us.

"So it was you, for a second I thought I was hallucinating, long time no see Rosalyn" the voice said

We all turned to look at the person who spoke, I looked him over once before realizing who he was i instantly got in a defensive stance guarding my mother

"And who are you?" He asked annoyance clear in his voice because i kept growling at him unconsciously.

"Alpha this is my sister and her son Alessandro remember I told you they were coming for my wedding" uncle micheal says

"Ah yes I remember now" he said still looking in the direction of me and my mom

He walked towards us but I growled at him again he stopped in front of us and stared at me studying my features I saw his eyes go wide before his face became emotionless.

"Rosalyn who is the father of your son?" He asked my mom

She turned and looked at him but she didn't answer him he asked her the question again by this time he was seething with anger

"Is he mine?" He asked anger rolling off him in waves

By now everyone was staring at us in confusion there was also more person's in the living room than there was before including aunt Genevieve.

"I said is he mine!!!!!!?" He shouted making the house boom from the power in his voice but his alpha tone doesn't work on my mom not even mine does only alpha Xander own works but he doesn't use it on us.

I was about to say something when mom stood up and walked away but he grabbed her hand and gripped it, and she winced in pain by now I was beyond furious how dare that bastard put his filthy hands on my mother i stood up to approach them but mom stopped me and yanked her arm away from his grip she sighed before turning to me asking if i was OK with her telling him, i nodded, I didn't care whether or not he knew it doesn't change anything she then turned back to him saying

"17 years ago on that night we had sex, after what happened next I left, then a few days later I found out I was pregnant so to answer your question yes Alessandro is your son"

As the words left her lips she was being pinned to the wall held there by a very angry alpha but I was more pissed than he was and in that moment all I could think was I'm gonna kill him.

Chapter Six 1

Chapter Six 2


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