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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 163

One-Hundred Sixty-Two: Construction Time


I am not sure how I got stuck on babysitting duty. Luckily I wasn’t the only one. Blain, Reecie, and Rye were also assigned babysitting duties. This, however, was not your typical babysitting job. I had to laugh when Dustin told us what he needed us to do. I knew why Rye and Reecie were given this task. I am not sure why he thought Blain and I would be able to help if shit hit the fan, but here we are.

“What gave Dustin the idea that Blain and I can do anything if shit happens?” I ask.

“Chris said that you two would be able,” Rye says.

“I am glad Chris has faith in us,” I state.

“Dustin asked Chris who would be able to help calm shit down if needed. Besides Reecie and Kaleb, who has to work, for some reason, you and Blain can defuse a situation with them. Listen we have watched over the years and observed who can control these two to an extent. For some reason, you and Blain can break through that fog of anger when they get pissed.” Rye says.

Well, that was news to me. I had never noticed it. I mean, that day when Kaleb ended up on our island, I was there and talking to Kylani to try and keep her from exploding. Yeah, I haven’t seen her that pissed in a long time. I thought it was funny when a few of the guys ran. I also don’t blame them at all. I knew she was more worried than anything. That is the one thing that you learn if you have been around these two long enough. They are like two life-sized mood rings. Yes, her eyes were glowing, and the red hue was there, but it wasn’t the same red as when she was pissed.

“I am not even around them that much.” Blain comments.

“Yes, but for some reason, you have the same ability to break through the fog of pissed off,” Reecie tells him.

“You do realize depending on who and why I might not bother stopping them from killing some of these arrogant assholes,” I tell him.

“Yeah, Dustin knows, and so does Chris. They will turn the other way if someone wants to be stupid.” Rye says, smirking.

I can tell most of us are done trying to make sure none of these bastards gets themselves killed. If they want to be stupid and have a death wish, then by all means, please piss these two off. I have seen them pissed, and it is fucking terrifying. I can tell Blain is thinking the same thing. I watch as the architect talks to them. I smile because he showed up with coffee and food. Blain outright laughed at the blatant bribery being used to keep them happy. They do seem to be in a better mood today. Yesterday they seemed irritated at something. I know no one has done anything, so I am guessing something was said at their family meeting, or there is something going on, and they haven’t told us yet. I hear a few growls and turn to see the animals walking towards us.

“Making friends wherever they go,” Blain remarks.

“That’s if they even cared,” I reply.

I just watch the scene with a smirk on my face. I can tell these guys want to shift and challenge these animals. They plop down not far from the girls who are sitting on a blanket on the ground. Kylani has the twins with her. Phantom lays his ginormous head between the two little boys, who look like tiny pebbles next to that ginormous head. They wiggle over to him and try to pull themselves onto him by using his fur as handles. He literally just lays there while they do this. Kylani isn’t even watching this. If someone were to look, they would think she doesn’t care or isn’t paying attention. I can guarantee she knows where those two boys are at all times. Besides, I know those animals aren’t going to let anything happen to those two little boys.

“So have we found out anything?” I asked Reecie.

“Nothing new. Nigel is still in contact with his guy.” He answered.

“When is he….” I started to say.

That’s when we heard the growl. There have been some growls throughout the day. Mainly when the boys start to wiggle too far away; apparently, they have learned the tone of their mother’s growls. This was a very blatant warning growl. The four of us look up to see a couple of the warriors walking up from behind. They are trying to be quiet, so they don’t disturb the kids that are napping. I see them stop and try to figure out why the animals are growling at them because they look right at them. They continue to keep walking closer. Rye stops them because the growling is getting louder.

“What can we help you two with?” Rye asks.

They tell us that they found something that they wanted to show to Kylani. It was addressed to the beta, but since Kaleb is working, they thought giving it to her would be alright. Rye takes the envelope, and the warrior apologizes. We explained to talk quietly next time. I do understand why they were quiet. I lean back in my chair and watch the architects talk to the girls. So far, they seem to agree with everything. I honestly don’t think these guys would argue with them. So far, this babysitting job has been easy for now.


One Hundred Sixty - Two:  Construction Time 1

One Hundred Sixty - Two:  Construction Time 2


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