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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 1161

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1161

Cameron Isaac and the three of them looked at Charlie Wade who was bathed in golden sunlight, and they were completely shocked and speechless!
Today’s Charlie Wade, overturned all their previous impressions of Charlie Wade!
Today’s Charlie Wade looks like a god in their eyes.

They didn’t dare to imagine that Charlie Wade easily killed the Eight Heavenly Kings by himself. Instead of getting hurt, he also summoned the Thunder, causing an avalanche and directly burying the Eight Heavenly Kings!
Moreover, Charlie Wade was in the avalanche with such destructive power, and he was unscathed.
Seeing Charlie Wade getting closer and closer, Liam couldn’t hold back and knelt in the snow with a plop.

He bowed to Charliena head: “Master Wade, please accept the next worship. In this life, I would bow down and worship Master Wade alone!”
Then Don Albertt knelt down with a plop, “Master Wade, Don Albertt respects you in this life!”
Cameron Isaac knelt on the ground tremblingly, with his hands up and down on the ground: “Master! From today, you are the only god in Isaac’s heart!”

Charlie Wade walked to the three of them, smiled faintly, and said: “From now on, I am still the same Charlie Wade, or the live-in son-in-law Charlie Wade, no matter what you think of me and how you treat me, keep it in your heart. Anyone tells what happened today.”
After the three listened, they repeatedly kowtowed. ?
Charlie Wade looked at Cameron Isaac and said seriously: “Cameron Isaac, especially you, you must not tell anyone in the Wade family what happened just now!”

Cameron Isaac gave a startled expression and blurted out, “Master, don’t worry, if the Wade family asks about it, I will say that these people died of an avalanche!”
Charlie Wade nodded and said, “That’s good.”
Having said that, he said again: “This seems to be the only way into the village. Now that the avalanche has closed the road, you can use the Wade family’s power to quickly repair these roads. Before the repairs are done, send them first. The helicopter came over to deliver some necessary supplies to the villagers.

Don’t let me affect their normal lives.”
Cameron Isaac said immediately: “You can rest assured, Master, I will call to make arrangements now, and the arrangements must be made properly!”
Charlie Wade gave a hum, looked at the time, and said, “Oh, it’s almost seven o’clock. My wife can’t find me and I should be anxious, so quickly send me back! I can’t make breakfast for my wife this morning.”
Everyone was stunned.

Is this still the master Wade who defeated the Eight Heavenly Kings just now?
Is this still Master Wade who summoned the sky thunder to cause the avalanche?
I just killed the Eight Heavenly Kings with such a domineering method, but now I am very upset because I can’t cook for my wife.

Cameron Isaac was the first to react and hurriedly said, “Master, I will take us to the airport by helicopter, and then we will fly back to Aurouss Hilll. If we can take you home in more than three hours!”
“Okay.” Charlie Wade nodded: “Hurry up.”

In the morning sun, a helicopter quickly left Golim Mountain and headed towards Golim Mountain Airport.
At the same time, the local media have received reports on the avalanche.
While the media and the locals were following up, the Wade’s disaster relief helicopter also started flying to the villages in Golim Mountain with a large amount of supplies.
At this moment, the Webb family of southern region.

Elder Webb, lying on the sick bed, is still waiting for news from the Eight Heavenly Kings.
He didn’t sleep much all night last night. On the one hand, it was because of physical discomfort, but more because he was always feeling uneasy.
Before dawn, Donald had called the Eight Heavenly Kings, and Duran told him that they were almost at their destination.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1162

So the Webb family thought that the next time should be the time for the Eight Heavenly Kings to snatch people, so they didn’t dare to bother too much.
Seeing that almost an hour has passed, Mr. Webb calculated that the strength of the Eight Heavenly Kings is so strong that one hour should be enough for them to kill all of them, and then rescue the Weaver family father and son.

So he said to Donald: “Donald, call Mr. Duran and ask how things are going on.”
“Okay!” Donald nodded immediately, took out his mobile phone and called Duran.
The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.
He opened his mouth and said to Old Man Webb: “Dad, no one answers, will you still be doing business?”

Mr. Webb nodded: “It is possible, then we will wait patiently.”
10 minutes later, Mr. Webb said again: “Donald, call Mr. Duran again!”
Donald immediately followed suit.
But this time the call still couldn’t get through.
Mr. Webb frowned, “It’s not right. With their strength, how could it take so long? Some second-rate bodyguards are just a few second-rate bodyguards. To Mr. Duran and the others, it is not a problem.

I still remember that back then. When I fought in the Quartet, Mr. Duran followed me into the opponent’s nest, and the opponent’s two dozen people were killed by Mr. Duran in one stick of incense. This level of strength is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.”

Donald counseled: “Dad, don’t worry. Golim Mountain is in a remote location, the weather is cold, and the place is isolated from the rest of the world. What kind of minor situation will be caused by unevenness.”
Elder Webb nodded gently: “Then wait a little longer!”
After another ten minutes, Mr. Webb continued to urge: “Donald, keep trying!”
Donald immediately followed suit, but there was still no change.

Mr. Webb is a little anxious now, he feels more and more that the situation seems a bit wrong.
Therefore, he urged Donald to call Duran over and over again.
Duran couldn’t get through, so he asked Donald to call other people in the Eight Heavenly Kings.
But the phone calls of several other people still couldn’t get through.
To be precise, the phone can be connected, but no one answers.
It took nearly an hour to reach the Eight Heavenly Kings, which made everyone in the Webb family feel a chill in their backs.

How can the eight heavenly kings disappear all at once? This is not realistic!
Even if the Eight Great Heavenly Kings encounter strong opponents, with their strength, it is impossible that none of them can escape.
After all, just a few hours before them, one of the sixteen people who went to Golim Mountain escaped.
Those people are ordinary second-rate masters who use guns better than their fists, and they are not martial arts masters at all.

There is no reason, a super warrior like the Eight Heavenly Kings can’t escape after going there, right?
Mr. Webb was nervous, and even his breathing became abnormally quick.
He firmly grasped Donald’s hand, his face was pale, and he whispered to himself: “Nothing is right, this time it is really not right.”

Donald could only persuade him: “Dad, don’t be so anxious, and wait for a while!”
Elder Webb said earnestly: “Mr. Duran has been following me for so many years and has never been in such a situation, so something is really wrong this time. I even suspect that they may have encountered an accident!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1163

When Charlie Wade had boarded the plane and returned to Aurouss Hilll from Golim Mountain, Webb’s family was already going crazy in a hurry.
The Eight Heavenly Kings rushed to Golim Mountain overnight, just to rescue a father and son, but he did not expect to go there and immediately lost the news.
Donald made the phone calls over and over again, and the cell phone he used was almost out of power, but he still couldn’t get through any cell phone.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly received a call.
The one who called him was the one who escaped from Golim Mountain last night.
He was still hiding in Golim Mountain City at this time. He was planning to wait until the Eight Great Heavenly Kings triumphed, and he was coming back with the Eight Great Heavenly Kings plane.
He didn’t expect that he hadn’t waited for the Eight Heavenly Kings, but he had waited for an astonishing bad news!

Just now, the local TV station of Golim Mountain was broadcasting emergency news. The news said that an avalanche occurred at the foot of Golim Mountain. The avalanche caused tens of thousands of tons of snow to vent down, breaking down the road into the mountain, and also two cars and Eight people were buried under the snow.
Local rescuers used large-scale rescue equipment to dig out eight unsightly bodies that had been hit by the snow.

Upon hearing the news, he immediately thought of the Eight Heavenly Kings.
Because he knew that the Eight Heavenly Kings drove two off-road vehicles into the mountain early this morning.
That ghost place doesn’t have many residents, and it’s not a tourist attraction. The local residents are very poor and can’t afford off-road vehicles at all.

Tourists outside don’t like to go to such remote places, so the roads there are basically There is no car to go in.
When the locals want to come out, they all come out in horse-drawn carriages. There is no off-road vehicle.
So he can almost conclude that the eight people who died in the avalanche were the eight heavenly kings!

So, he immediately told Donald the news.
After Donald got the news, his whole body was struck by lightning!
It took him a long time to recover from the shock. Then he looked at his anxious father on the sickbed and said with a trembling, “Dad, my people just told me that there was an avalanche at the foot of Golim Mountain.

Two cars and eight people are involved in it. All eight people have died. It is very likely that they are the eight kings…”
Grandpa Webb suddenly seemed to hit his heart with a heavy hammer, coughing several times, and blurted out: “This is impossible, how could the Eight Heavenly Kings die in an avalanche?! They are all masters!”

Donald sighed and asked, “Why don’t I let my people go over and recognize a corpse, and check if it is right?”
Elder Webb was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “If that’s the case, let’s go take a look.”

Claire Wilson Wilson got up in the morning and felt a little surprised when she didn’t see Charlie Wade’s shadow.
She called Charlie Wade and found that Charlie Wade’s phone could not get through, which made her feel a little strange.
After more than three years of marriage, Charlie Wade has never disappeared unexpectedly.

I used to wake up in the morning and couldn’t see him. He was either shopping for groceries or making breakfast.
But now, she suddenly couldn’t get in touch.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1164

Anxiously waiting until about 10 o’clock, Charlie Wade still couldn’t get through, and Claire Wilson Wilson began to feel a little worried.
What she thought was that Charlie Wade had been in close contact with many big people during the recent period, and helped many big people watch Feng Shui, and also took a lot of money from the big people, even this Thompson First villa. Rest assured.

Before that, Claire Wilson Wilson had always been afraid that Charlie Wade would have a thunderstorm, just like those thunderous financial products, and suddenly his reputation would go bankrupt.
If his credibility really goes bankrupt, those big men will certainly not spare him lightly.
Just when Claire Wilson Wilson was thinking about it, Charlie Wade called.

As soon as Claire Wilson Wilson answered the phone, he blurted out and asked: “Hey, Charlie Wade, where have you been?”
Charlie Wade had just got off the plane at this time and was about to take a helicopter, so he said to Claire Wilson Wilson, “My wife, I showed a friend of Feng Shui this morning. Their Feng Shui is quite strange, so I can’t use my mobile phone to radiate.

Which affected the judgment of Feng Shui fortune, so I turned off the phone.”
“Did you look at Feng Shui again?” Claire Wilson Wilson only felt that his head was so big, he blurted out, “Charlie Wade, didn’t we say it? Try not to show Feng Shui to others in the future.”
Charlie Wade hurriedly said: “My wife, this time I am not helping those big people to watch Feng Shui, but to help a friend of my former welfare institution to watch Feng Shui.

He has had bad luck recently, so he asked me to come and have a look. I can confiscate them.”
Claire Wilson Wilson breathed a sigh of relief when he heard him say this, and asked, “Then when will you go home?”
Charlie Wade said: “I will be there in about 20 minutes and half an hour.”
Claire Wilson Wilson said in a convenient way: “That’s good, I’ll wait for you at home.”
Cameron Isaac’s helicopter immediately carried Charlie Wade, Don Albertt and Liam to the city.

When I was approaching Thompson First’s first product, Charlie Wade said to Liam: “Liam, I will take the lawyer to Weaver’s Pharmaceutical when I have time tomorrow. After we sign the contract, I will give you a good stomach medicine.”
Liam blurted out: “Master Wade, Liam has vowed to bow down to you in this life. You helped me take Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals back. Liam is willing to hand all the shares of Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals to Master Wade!”

Charlie Wade waved his hand and said lightly: “I already said that I want 80% of Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals. No matter how much it is, I won’t want it, but no matter how little, I can’t promise to give you the prescription and keep it for you. 20%, I will never let you suffer, so you don’t want to tell me anything, just give me things like that.”
Liam’s heart shuddered, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, “Liam would like to follow Master Wade’s teachings!”

Charlie Wade nodded, then looked at Don Albertt and Cameron Isaac: “You two go back, remember not to tell anyone about this.”
“Master Wade, I will understand!”
“it is good!”

Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction. Seeing that he was almost at the Thompson First villa area, he said to Cameron Isaac: “Let’s land on the golf course. I will walk over the golf course.”
“Good master!”
After Charlie Wade hurried home, Claire Wilson Wilson couldn’t imagine that her husband hurriedly set off from Aurouss Hilll early this morning, went to Golim Mountain more than 2,000 kilometers away, at the foot of Golim Mountain, and killed eight villains with blood on their hands.

Since Charlie Wade’s current strength is very strong, and his physical stamina is even better, so even after tossing such a big circle, he can’t see any fatigue at all.
It just so happened that it was almost time for lunch, so Claire Wilson Wilson took him to the vegetable garden in the yard and happily picked a lot of the ingredients she wanted to eat at noon.
At this time, the door was pushed open, and Elaine Ma, Charlie Wade’s mother-in-law, walked in sneakily from outside with a crutches!


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