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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 1251

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1251

At this time, the insults upstairs had escalated.
The middle-aged woman scolded angrily: “Why did I give birth to a money-losing woman like you? I worked so hard to support you to study and go to college. You haven’t made money for your family for two years, so you rushed to give birth to others.

My child, I knew you were such an unconscionable thing. When you were born, you shouldve been thrown away!”
The young woman cried and said, “Mom, I go to college and rely on student loans. I still repay the loan. At that time, you didn’t want me to go to college. You wanted me to marry as soon as I was 18. Said that the earlier a girl marries, the more valuable it is.”
“I tried my best to get admitted to the university.

You still didn’t let me go to school. You almost tore up my admission letter and threatened me that if I went to university, you wouldn’t pay me a cent for living expenses. These things Have you forgotten?”
“Now you say you worked so hard to provide me for college. Have you provided me a penny?”
The middle-aged woman scolded angrily: “The Lady gave birth to you to be the greatest favor to you. You don’t know how to be grateful, and you’re still clamoring with me here, turning you back!”
The young woman cried and said, “I don’t want to yell at you, I just want to reason with you!”

“The four years I was in college were not easy. All my living expenses had to rely on me to work and make money.”
“But I am a girl who is not in good health and often gets sick. The little money earned by working is not enough.”
“In school, if it weren’t for Steve, who had been helping me take care of me, I might not have been able to graduate from college at all! I might have starved to death!”

“Steve knew about my family situation at that time, but he never disliked me, so as long as he is willing to marry, I am willing to marry, even if there is no gift of a penny, I am still willing to marry!”
The middle-aged man scolded, “You bastard, do you think the bride price is for you to decide? Do you think the bride price is for you?

The bride price is for your brother to buy a house. Your brother will marry a wife and give birth. My child, this money will depend on the inheritance of our family! If you don’t have a penny and you just marry like this, wouldn’t you want to drive your mother and me to death?”
The young girl stubbornly said: “No matter what, I will marry Steve today, even if I take a taxi to Aurouss Hilll to marry him, or even walk to marry him, I will marry!”
There was a crisp sound.

The middle-aged man scolded angrily: “You’re a shameless loser! You patted your butt and left, leaving our family of three here. We are just a 30-year old house. Your brother married a wife and had children?”
When Claire Wilson Wilson heard that he had started upstairs, he immediately pulled Charlie Wade and said, “Let’s go over quickly!”
Originally, Claire Wilson Wilson felt that it was indeed inappropriate for this family of four to argue about themselves as an outsider at home, and now it is somewhat embarrassing to go upstairs.

But when she heard the hand slap upstairs, she didn’t care about it.
The couple rushed to the 5th floor, and Claire Wilson Wilson immediately slapped the door of 501.
After a while.
A wicked young man opened the door and looked at Claire Wilson Wilson and Charlie Wade vigilantly: “Who are you looking for?”
Claire Wilson Wilson said, “Are you Jon? I’m Claire Wilson Wilson, your sister’s high school classmate, do you remember me?”

Upon hearing this, the ailing young man immediately said in surprise: “Oh, it’s Claire Wilson Wilson! Of course I remember you! Claire Wilson Wilson, I haven’t seen you in a few years, you are more beautiful than before!”
Charlie Wade saw that this kid saw his wife’s eyes full of scorching heat, and he was a little dissatisfied. He asked Claire Wilson Wilson, “Wife, who is this little brother?”
Claire Wilson Wilson introduced: “This is Jon Stark, the brother of my high school classmate Isabella Stark.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1252

After speaking, he introduced Jon: “Jon, this is my husband Charlie Wade.”
“Husband?” Jon asked in surprise: “Sister Claire Wilson Wilson, are you married?”
Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and smiled: “I have been married for more than three years. Where is your sister? Is she at home?

At this moment, a girl with red five-fingerprints on her face came over, pretending to smile and said: “You are here at first!”
This girl is also pretty and has a good figure. She can definitely be regarded as the upper-middle class.
It’s just that the girl is wearing a very cheap wedding dress, and it can even be seen that the lace part of the wedding dress is a little off.

A man and a woman walked out of the room again. The couple looked like they were in their early fifties with a cold expression. Looking at Claire Wilson Wilson, they asked Isabella, “Who are these two people? They come. What are you doing?”
Isabella said: “Claire Wilson Wilson is my high school classmate. She has been to our house before, but you two may have forgotten.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said politely: “Hello, aunt and uncle. By the way, I haven’t introduced you yet. This is my husband Charlie Wade.”
Charlie Wade nodded slightly at the family, without speaking.
The middle-aged woman questioned suspiciously: “Isabella, what does it mean for the two of them to come to our house?”
Isabella said, “I ask Claire Wilson Wilson to drive and take me to Aurouss Hilll.”

“What?!” The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and cursed: “You loser are really determined to marry that bastard?!”
Isabella nodded, and said stubbornly: “If I make up my mind, it won’t change!”
After finishing speaking, she said to Claire Wilson Wilson: “Claire Wilson Wilson, I’m sorry to trouble you, so I made a special trip so far.”

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said, “Isabella, what are you doing so politely with me?”
Isabella smiled with satisfaction and said: “Claire Wilson Wilson, it’s not too early, it will take a long time to drive, or let’s start now.”
“Good.” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and said, “Then let’s go now.”
“Wait a minute!”

At this time, the middle-aged man with a fierce face stood in front of Isabella and said coldly: “You are a loser, the more you talk about you, the more capable you are, right?”
“I’m telling you, even if the king of heaven is here today, you can’t take her out of this door!”
“Also, I have already greeted your sister-in-law. She has an acquaintance in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the county hospital.

She can also work overtime to help with an operation on weekends. You will honestly follow me to the county hospital to get the baby Get rid of it, and don’t deal with that bastard Steve from now on!”
“Impossible!” Isabella said categorically: “I cannot kill my child, and no one can stop me from marrying Steve. Unless it is Steve who does not want to marry me, otherwise, even if you want Cut off relations with me, and I want to marry today!”
The middle-aged man immediately picked up a rolling pin that was as thin as his wrist, and pointed it directly at Isabella’s face with the tip of the rolling pin, and cursed with his canthus: “If you dare to go out of this door, I will hit your leg. Broke!

Even if I break your leg, I can sell you to the disabled in the countryside for 200,000 Dollar. Saying nothing will make you cheap for that Steve!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1253

Charlie Wade hadn’t spoken all the time, but when he saw Isabella’s father, he even picked up the rolling pin and suddenly became angry.
It’s nothing more than talking cold words and personality attacks and insults. After all, he was his wife who came to help send off his relatives, not to take care of other people’s housework, so all he thought was to drive the car and leave quickly to complete the task of sending off the relatives.
However, seeing that the other three people, parents and younger brother, are such assholes, he is really intolerable.

So he blocked his wife Claire Wilson Wilson and Isabella behind him, looked at Isabella’s father, and said coldly: “Do you know that all your actions are illegal? You interfere with your children’s marriage? Freedom is against morality; personal assault is against the law; the intention to sell his daughter is against the criminal law!”
Isabella’s father said in a cold expression, “How old are you? What does our family’s affairs have to do with you?

Before I kick you out, you dare to pretend to be in my house? “
Charlie Wade said with a shame: “Today is forced, I still pretend to be!”
After that, he said to Claire Wilson Wilson and Isabella: “It’s getting late, let’s leave now, if anyone dares to stop, I will not forgive him!”
In fact, Isabella is now in a hurry, because if he goes to the hotel prepared by her mother-in-law and misses the auspicious time booked by her mother-in-law, she will definitely be even more dissatisfied with herself.

It doesn’t matter if her mother-in-law gives her face, the point is, she doesn’t want her mother-in-law to put pressure on her fiance.
In fact, her mother-in-law has always looked down upon herself, and she has been desperately preventing her fiancé from marrying her, because their family really feels that the situation in their family is too far from them and is not worthy of their family.

However, the fiancé has been under pressure and repeatedly said that he did not want to marry. This time, the two of them used the method of unmarried first pregnancy in order to get married. Finally, it was considered as a compromise with the in-laws.
Therefore, it doesn’t matter if your in-laws embarrass yourself a little. As long as today, you will be able to be with your fiancé in good faith.

So she seriously said to her parents and brothers: “I know you are very dissatisfied with me, but for the past two decades, I have always obeyed your instructions, obeyed your wishes, and taken into account your feelings. , The only thing that didn’t follow you was to enter the university. Now, it’s the second time that you didn’t follow you. I hope you can consider it for me. After all, I am also a human being, not the assets and tools of the Stark family. I also pursue happiness. right!”
“You pursue a fart!” Isabella’s father shouted angrily: “I will never allow you to step out of this door today!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “You are not qualified to stop this matter today. You dare to stop and try.”
Isabella’s brother yelled angrily: “Damn! She won’t let me get married, then she won’t even want to get married! You outsider don’t get out of the way, be careful that I f*cking kill you!”
Charlie Wade raised his hand and slapped him sharply, slapped him to the ground with a slap, and turned around several times.

When Isabella’s father saw that his precious son had been beaten, he gritted his teeth and picked up the rolling pin, and swung at Charlie Wade’s head.
“Our Stark family has a single pass for several generations.

If you dare to beat my son, I will kill you!”
Seeing the strength of the opponent’s smashing at Charlie Wade, Claire Wilson Wilson was big enough to smash a person’s head into a scoop, and said nervously, “Charlie Wade, be careful!”
Charlie Wade didn’t move, just looking at the oncoming rolling pin, the next second, he waved his hand violently, and directly cut the thick wooden rolling pin with his bare hands!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1254

Isabella’s father used all his strength and felt that the stick was hitting hard steel. Then, a violent vibration came from the tiger’s mouth. He immediately let go of his hand and hugged himself because of the pain. Screamed at his wrist.
Look at the rolling pin, it has been broken in two!
This shocked Isabella’s father!

Such a hard rolling pin can also be cut by hand, and the other party seems to have nothing at all. This guy looks like a practitioner!
How can I afford such a character? In case he beats himself into a concussion with a punch, he will find someone to make sense. After all, he is just an old sling with no money and no power. After being beaten, there is no way to find someone to help avenge…

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but become jealous of Charlie Wade.
Seeing that he was afraid to step forward, Charlie Wade said to Claire Wilson Wilson and Isabella: “Let’s go.”
Although Isabella’s brother and younger brother were full of anger, they did not dare to step forward to stop them at this moment.
Isabella’s mother sat on the ground and cried and cried, “You have no conscience. I raised a daughter like you and really blinded my dog!

If you just leave like this, go and marry That Steve, I will just jump directly from our stairs, and let me die!”
“Mom…” Isabella cried and knelt down and begged: “I beg you to fulfill me this time. Give me two years. I must find a way to make more money for my brother. For the first payment of a house, if you agree, I will do what I say. If you don’t agree, then I have nothing to do. No matter how you force me, I must marry Steve for the sake of the child in my stomach today! “

Isabella’s mother cried hoarsely: “I don’t care, your brother can’t wait for two years. You must buy the house within half a year at most. If you agree, give your brother a note, oh no, it’s better to give Your brother writes an IOU of 300,000 Dollar, and the IOU states that it will be repaid within half a year. If you write it, I will let you go. If you don’t write it, I will show it to you!”
“Yes!” Isabella’s younger brother Jon also hurriedly said: “Sister, you write me an IOU. I will go back to the blind date.

People ask me about the house, so I can use the IOU to talk about things and let the girl relax. Heart!”
Isabella collapsed, and blurted out, “Where do you think I will get 300,000 Dollar in half a year! Are you trying to force me to death?”
Isabella’s mother yelled: “If you don’t force yourself, how can you know how good you are? Anyway, you have to write this 300,000 IOU today, or if you don’t write it!”
“Impossible!” Isabella completely gave up, stood up, and said blankly: “I can’t live for you for everything.

Since you don’t agree to my solution, then forget it and you will not support me. This daughter.”
After she finished speaking, she was cruel and said to Claire Wilson Wilson: “Claire Wilson Wilson, let’s go.”
Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and took her down the stairs. Charlie Wade followed behind, staring at the family of three.
The two men did not dare to come forward. The woman saw Isabella really gone, so she cried and said: “Things with no conscience, go, and I will jump down here when you go. You wait. Collect the corpse for me!”


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