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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 1401

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1401

On the way home, Charlie Wade drove, and Claire Wilson Wilson sat in the co-pilot, still excited.
Her circle of friends has completely exploded today, and countless people like and commented, envious of her having such good luck to be able to eat with the most popular female star Stefanie Sun.
Claire Wilson Wilson kept bowing his head, fiddling with his mobile phone, his expression of excitement was beyond words.

After replying to the comments of a few friends, she looked at Charlie Wade with a look of admiration, and blurted out: “Husband, I only found out today that you are really amazing. I didn’t expect that even big stars like Stefanie Sun would appreciate you watching Feng Shui. Do you really have a few brushes besides fools?”
Charlie Wade smiled and said, “I never said that I think Feng Shui is a fool, but you, dad and mom always think I am fooling. People, Feng Shui is the essence left by the ancestors, and there are traces to follow.”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and said seriously: “I know that Feng Shui was left by the ancestors, and I believe it. I just don’t believe in Feng Shui, you can watch Feng Shui.”
Charlie Wade was not convinced, and asked her, “Why don’t you believe that I would watch Feng Shui?”
Claire Wilson Wilson said, “Because I know you! Like yourself That said, you grew up in the orphanage, and the orphanage does not teach people how to look at Feng Shui.

After you came out of the orphanage, you went to work on the construction site, and then my grandfather asked me to marry you. You have been Doing housework at home, I never saw you ever learn Feng Shui.”
Charlie Wade said with a smile, “Feng Shui is something like research. When you were at work, I liked to study gossip when I was fine at home. If you have more, you will understand.”
In fact, Charlie Wade really didn’t know much about Feng Shui before getting the Apocalyptic Book.

He only learned some Wing Chun when he was young. After all, the Wade Family Ancestor has the inheritance of martial arts.
Charlie Wade’s current medical skills, alchemy techniques, geomantic occult techniques, and even those somewhat mysterious metaphysical techniques, were all obtained from the Apocalyptic Book.
But this was the biggest secret in his life. He couldn’t tell his wife Claire Wilson Wilson, and he might not even tell a second person about it in his entire life.

In addition to the Apocalyptic Book, the second biggest secret in life is his identity as the Wade Family Master.
However, it is difficult for him to hide this matter from the whole world, after all, the Wade family and the Wade family’s subordinates all know themselves.
It’s just that my wife, and the others in Aurouss Hilll still don’t know.
When the two returned home, Claire Wilson Wilson was still busy replying to Moments, and went into the villa with his head dull.

Charlie Wade parked the car, and just about to get off, he received a WeChat voice from Stefanie and said to him: “Charlie Wade, my stomach is upset, can I give them some Nova Dias to disperse?”
Charlie Wade replied her: “Daisy, if you need stomach loosening, I will ask Liam to send you a bit of it. Don’t worry, I will ask him to give you more. Is ten boxes enough for you to eat?”
Charlie Wade didn’t want it before. Before Nova Dias was released, too much medicine was leaked out.

However, for Stefanie, he would naturally make an exception.
Stefanie said at this time: “Charlie Wade, I have an upset stomach, shouldn’t you come and give me medicine in person? It’s in vain that I have been looking for you for so many years and sending medicine is such a small thing. To deal with me, you really disappointed me!”

Charlie Wade helplessly said, “Daisy, are you not a moral kidnapping? Anyway, what you need is Nova Dias, who will give it differently?”
Stefanie said angrily: ” Who told you that I only need Nova Dias? I still need my fiance who has reunited after so many years! Anyway, my stomach hurts, you can figure it out! If you don’t feel bad about me, then I will find me Dad filed a complaint, it really doesn’t work, I will tell your wife the truth!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1402

Charlie Wade said embarrassingly: “Daisy, I have a very stable relationship with your sister-in-law, you can’t get involved with a third party!”
“My third party got involved?” Stefanie said angrily: “Wade When I was four or five years old, I was betrothed to you by my parents! You and your wife have only been married for three or four years!”
“Also, you have disappeared for so many years, not only did I not forget you, but I did not disappoint. The marriage contract that year, the beginning of chaos and the end of abandon!

For so many years I have been brainwashing myself, no matter how good a man I meet, I always tell myself that I have a fiance, I will find him, and now I finally find you, you Say that I am a third party to intervene?!”
Stefanie became more and more angry at this time.
She didn’t want to care too much about Charlie Wade, saying that he let herself down, but subconsciously wanted to act like a baby with him.

However, she didn’t expect Charlie Wade to say that a third party stepped in.
This really immediately ignited the resentment in her heart!
Originally sitting with Claire Wilson Wilson for dinner and talking with Mrs. Wade one by one, she was already very depressed. To talk about the third party, it was also Claire Wilson Wilson who got involved in his marriage contract with Charlie Wade.
Now, this Charlie Wade turned the cart before the horse and said that she was a third party, which made her feel wronged.

Then, she cried and said, “Charlie Wade! When you arrive in Eastcliff, I will let you Look at my dozens of diaries over the past ten years! You start from the day you disappeared and read one by one. If you are not in the diary one day, I will count as myself losing! You big pig, hurt me. After so many years, you still treat me this way now, do you still have a conscience?”
Charlie Wade felt bad for a while.

Everyone respects him as a true dragon in the world, but this girl is good, she doesn’t give him any face, and directly calls him a pig!
However, he didn’t dare to be angry, and he didn’t have the face to be angry. On the contrary, he still felt very guilty in his heart.
Although he is cruel and merciless when facing enemies, he has always been very grateful and grateful to those who have been kind to him, and Stefanie is no exception.

Hearing her crying, Charlie Wade said hurriedly: “Daisy I’m sorry, I said something wrong, I apologize to you.”
Stefanie asked him: “Then what should I do with my stomach ache?!”
Charlie Wade said immediately: ” Wait a minute , I will deliver you the medicine personally!” Stefanie asked, “Do you have Oracle Nova Dias ready-made there?”
Charlie Wade said, “No, but I can go to the pharmaceutical factory to get it, and I will deliver it to the hotel myself. , Are you satisfied now?”

Stefanie said, “Forget it, the pharmaceutical factory is quite far away. It’s so late, so I won’t bother you. You should arrange for someone to send it over, although I have my opinion on you. It’s very big, but I still love you with all my my heart.”
Charlie Wade suddenly thought, this spleen and stomach are not tuned. Although taking Niranex has a good effect, Niranex is a medicine that is more inclined to relieve symptoms and discomfort than immediately Cure.

This medicine is a bit like lozenges for a sore throat. Some lozenges are very comfortable to eat, and the sore throat can be relieved immediately. However, the root cause of throat inflammation and irritation may not be cured well.
Nova Dias is a medicine of this nature. If Stefanie Sun really has some hidden problems in her spleen and stomach, he still needs to cure the root cause to solve the problem once and for all.
Thinking of this, he immediately said: “You are waiting for me in the hotel, and I will give you systematic treatment in the past.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1403

Charlie Wade was not good at telling his wife Claire Wilson Wilson about going to see Stefanie, so he could only tell her that Liam had something to do temporarily and let himself go and help.
Claire Wilson Wilson didn’t think too much, and asked him not to go home too late, so he went back upstairs to take a bath alone.
Charlie Wade drove out again and returned to Shangri-La Hotel. At this time, Stefanie was in her top luxury suite, waiting nervously for Charlie Wade’s arrival. The room she lives in is Shangri-La’s presidential suite.

Donald and his son Sean once lived in this room.
This is Shangri-La, with the highest specifications, the largest area, the most expensive, and also the most luxurious room. The huge room has a building area of ​​hundreds of square meters. However, at this moment, there is only Stefanie in this presidential suite.
Her assistant Cherie lives next door to her.

When Charlie Wade rang the doorbell of the room, Stefanie, wearing a satin nightdress, hurriedly opened the door for him.
Seeing Charlie Wade standing outside the door, Stefanie was very happy, but her mouth deliberately hummed a few times and said, “Oh, you are willing to leave your wife aside and care about your childhood sweetheart fiancee?”
Charlie Wade chuckled, “Didn’t you say that the stomach is upset? I’ll help you see it.”
“Huh!” Stefanie muttered, “If you still have a conscience, come in!”

As he said, his body flashed aside and let out the entrance.
Charliemai stepped through the door and saw that her presidential suite was astonishingly large. He couldn’t help asking, “Aren’t you afraid to live in such a big room alone?”
“Afraid.” Stefanie said casually: “Or don’t leave at night, and stay with me here.”
Charlie Wade coughed twice: “Men and women are not giving or receiving marriage. Besides, you are a celebrity and a public figure.

You must pay attention to the influence in everything. If your fans know that there is a man in your room who does not come home at night, they Will be disappointed.”
“Disappointment? It doesn’t exist.”
Stefanie waved her hand: “People all over the country know that I have a childhood sweetheart fiancé, and they also know that I have been looking for him.

If fans find you staying in my room overnight, then I will simply tell them that you are what I have been looking for for many years. That fiancé.”
Charlie Wade hurriedly said: “Oh, how did this make it? The current stars are only popular when they are single. As soon as they announce that they have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, or even announce that they are married, the fans immediately crash. People’s star journey will also be greatly affected.”

Stefanie didn’t care: “Do you think I really care about the star? Although the Sun family is not as strong as the Wade family, but if I want to, I can buy half of the entertainment circle at any time. Who cares about the star? I? I am the entire Star Way.”
Charlie Wade took it. Miss Sun’s family really has the strength, to say this.
Although China’s entertainment industry is huge as a whole, it has to be compared with others.
The total box office of movies in the country is only 64.2 billion a year, which is only worth a small district in Eastcliff.

This 64.2 billion will support countless movie theaters, countless film companies, well-known directors, well-known screenwriters and well-known actors.
As the saying goes, there are more monks and less meat, so the net profit that the entire industry can create each year is not much.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1404

So for a large family like the Sun family with hundreds of billions of dollars, as long as they want to, they really have the ability to buy half of the entertainment industry.
So Charlie Wade sighed and said, “Okay, hurry up and sit on the sofa. I’ll give you a pulse.”
Stefanie looked at him and asked in amazement: “Are you really good at treating people?”
Charlie Wade asked back: “Of course it will! Do you think I lied to you?”

Stefanie curled her lips: “I thought you were pretending to see a doctor as a reason, and wanted to run into my room at night to take advantage of me…”
“I…” Charlie Wade almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood: “I’m not that bad!”
Stefanie gave him a white look and said, “Tell you, don’t think that I am the kind of casual woman. I grow up so that I have never held the hands of other boys except you!

And, even if You are not married now, even if you want to fulfill the marriage contract with me, I may not agree, at least you have to have an inspection period for you first, you can only after my inspection, otherwise you will become a scumbag for so many years Man, I wouldn’t consider marrying you!”
Charlie Wade asked back: “If that’s the case, why do you keep talking so bluntly? One will be your fiancée, another will be married, and another will be a stepmother or something.”

Stefanie said angrily, “Do you know what it means to book in advance? For example, if you are a driver and I have booked you, you have to wait for me obediently and never pick up other orders. But then again, although I booked you, but I don’t necessarily have to take your car. Then you make me dissatisfied, and I can change to another car at any time!”
Charlie Wade helplessly said: “It’s all right, I won’t tell you this, I can’t tell you, don’t you have an upset stomach? Come and I will show you, I will go home quickly after watching, your sister-in-law is still waiting Let me go home to sleep.”

Stefanie wrinkled her nose and asked: “Charlie Wade Wade, you deliberately angered me, right?
“No.” Charlie Wade said, “I’m not here to check your body!”
Stefanie touched her stomach, and hummed: “Look how nice I am to you! Even the opportunity to find you after so many years has come at the expense of your health. You say me If there is nothing wrong with the stomach, how could it be possible to pick up this stomach-breaking advertisement from you?


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