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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 1601

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1601

Charlie Wade was sitting in Trevor’s car on the way to Sun’s home. Loreen sent him a WeChat message, saying, “Charlie Wade, I have booked the air tickets for the two of us back to Aurouss Hilll. It’s nine o’clock tomorrow morning, okay?”
“Yes.” Charlie Wade replied: “How much is the ticket? I’ll transfer you.”
Loreen complained: “It’s just a plane ticket, so you have to give me money? You are too far apart from me, right!”

Charlie Wade said seriously: “You paid for me, how can I not pay you.”
Loreen snorted and asked, “Then you saved me several times, how can I not repay you? When will Mr. Wade give me a chance to agree with me?”
Charlie Wade was speechless and said helplessly, “Well, I won’t be polite to you about the ticket. See you at the airport tomorrow morning.”

Loreen said: “Then you got the airport before eight o’clock, don’t get up late.”
Charlie Wade said, “Don’t worry, I will be at the airport on time.”
After hanging up the phone, Trevor on the side asked nervously, “Mr. Wade, are you going back to Aurouss Hilll tomorrow?”

Trevor asked again: “Mr. Wade, when will you come back again?”
“Not sure yet.”
Trevor felt cold.
He originally thought that if Charlie Wade would stay in Eastcliff, he would go to his uncle’s house every three to five days to fawn on him. Maybe after a while, he would be able to forgive him for what he did before and restore his fertility. .

But Charlie Wade will leave Eastcliff tomorrow, and he won’t have a chance to cheat in the future. What can I do?
If Charlie Wade only comes back after three to five years, how can he live these three to five years…
Charlie Wade also saw through his thoughts and said lightly: “Even if I am not in Eastcliff, you can still perform well in front of your uncle’s family. If they are satisfied with your performance, I can consider getting you back to normal in advance.”

Trevor breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I will work hard!”
When Charlie Wade returned to Sun’s house, Orrin had already gone to the Sun Group.
He recovered from a serious illness and was in very good physical condition, so he devoted himself to work, struggling to strengthen his control in the Sun Group.
Except for the servants at home, Charlie Wade only saw Stefanie lying on the sofa reading novels.

Because all the villas are heated by the floor, even though it’s cold outside, the villa is still very warm. The temperature in the room is constant at about 28 degrees. You can wear shorts and short sleeves at home like summer.
Stefanie was wearing a lace nightdress, and her slender and white legs were overlapped and exposed to the air.

Her figure is indeed the best among all the women Charlie Wade has ever seen. Even the little pepper Aurora who has been practicing martial arts all the time can’t compare with it.
This is mainly because Stefanie’s body proportions are so good, she is the #9 perfect body that all female stars dream of.
The so-called #9 perfect body refers to the height of a woman, which is equal to nine times the length of her own face. A woman with this ratio has the most perfect body. It is extremely difficult to find a woman with such a perfect body ratio in life. It’s not an exaggeration to pick one.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1602

Seeing Charlie Wade’s return, Stefanie stood up happily, ran to him three or two steps, and said with a smile: “Charlie Wade, why did you come back so early? I thought you would not come back until the evening!”
Charlie Wade felt that his arm was being held tightly by her hands, and it was inevitable that he was a little bit disheartened, but he didn’t dare to think about it, and said, “It’s nothing more than attending a birthday banquet, and I will be back when it is over.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade asked her: “Aunts and uncles are not here?”
“Yeah.” Stefanie said softly, “My dad has gone to the group, and my mother is going to a charity dinner. There are charity auctions and wine parties. I won’t eat at home at night.”
Charlie Wade nodded. He knew that with Angie’s status, she was also a top-ranked super celebrity in Eastcliff. Her husband made a high-profile comeback, and she had to use her method to make a high-profile comeback to be able to support her husband.

Stefanie asked tentatively at this time: “Brother Charlie Wade, are you sure you are leaving tomorrow?”
Charlie Wade said, “Yes, I will leave tomorrow.”
Stefanie looked a little lost, hesitated for a moment, remembered something, and said: “Charlie Wade, will you accompany me out for a tour!”
Charlie Wade asked her: “You are a big star, just go out on the street, won’t you be followed by the paparazzi?”

Stefanie smiled and said, “Just like the last time I picked you up at the airport, just disguise it!”
After speaking, Stefanie said again: “I’ll take you to the place we played when we were young, do you remember Millenia Square?”
“Millenia Square?” Charlie Wade frowned, always feeling that this place name was strange and familiar.
Stefanie said: “It’s the place where we often asked our parents to take us when we were young. There are many small vendors, small shops, lots of delicious and fun things, and Millenia Square is next to Heathbrook.

When we were young, it was winter. We would go to Heathbrook ice skating car, do you remember?”
In Charlie Wade’s mind, a fragment of childhood suddenly appeared.
In the picture, I and Stefanie together, led by their parents, went to Paddock Alley to eat candied haws, and play ice carts on the ice in Heathbrook.

The winter in Eastcliff is very cold. Thick ice will form on the lake in Heathbrook. After the ice is frozen, people will go skating and playing ice carts on the lake. The children are all sitting on the self-made ice carts. An iron rod stabs and moves on the ice.
At that time, children didn’t have any electronic products to play with, so when winter came, Charlie Wade wanted to go skating in Heathbrook.
He still remembers that Stefanie’s parents had a very beautiful courtyard house at Heathbrook.

Every time his parents took him to Heathbrook, they would first take him to visit Stefanie’s parents, and then have a meal in the courtyard of Stefanie’s house.
Thinking about it now, those memories that have not appeared in my mind for more than ten years are still vivid after so long.
At that time, Stefanie was just a follower. Wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, like a small cotton ball, her little hands stretched out from the sleeves of the cotton-padded jacket, grabbing the corners of his clothes tightly, and would not let go.

At that time, she always had the nam “Charlie Wade” on her lips, her voice was sweet and waxy, and she was a little bit shy, it was really cute.
However, that place I loved most when I was a child, I haven’t been to it for 18 years.
Thinking of this, Charlie Wade’s heart was full of nostalgia.
So he asked Stefanie, “Daisy, is your courtyard on the back beach still there?”

“Yeah!” Stefanie said with a smile: “That is a protected building, and it is not allowed to be demolished. My dad spent a lot of money to renovate it two years ago. If the traffic in the city center is not too heavy, we would all want to move there. Permanent residence.”
As she said, she couldn’t hide her excitement and asked, “Charlie Wade, do you want me to take you there now?”
The memories in Charlie Wade’s mind swarmed, and his heart suddenly became excited, and he blurted out: “Yes!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1603

After receiving Charlie Wade’s definitive answer, Stefanie danced happily, ran back to the room, and immediately changed into a thick long down jacket.
To prevent people from seeing herself, she also brought a warm mask and a furry hat with two cute rabbit ears.
In addition, she also holds a pair of round-framed black-rimmed eyes in her hand. After wearing it, she is a cute and adorable girl. She has a great style with Stefanie, who is crazy attraction to all men. deviation.

In fact, in Stefanie’s bones, she is a cute and strange girl.
She has a simple mind, no love experience, no experience of getting along with the opposite sex, and no secretive thoughts of those girls outside.
Charlie Wade saw the shadow of her childhood from her face. Looking back now, Stefanie was the sweet burden of her childhood.

The reason why I say it is a sweet burden is because, although I don’t want her to be with her every day, calling me Charlie Wade like a stalker, but deep in my heart, I really enjoy the feeling of turning around me. .
Stefanie saw Charlie Wade look at her a little lost, her pretty face suddenly flushed, and she said timidly: “Charlie Wade, why are you looking at me like this…”
Charlie Wade came back to his senses and smiled awkwardly and politely and said, “It’s just that I suddenly thought of things when I was young, and I was a little distracted.”

Stefanie’s heart was sweet and joyful, she lowered her eyelids slightly, and whispered, “Let’s go quickly!”
In order not to expose Stefanie’s identity as much as possible, Charlie Wade and she drove the humble old Volvo all the way from the villa area to the city center.
Heathbrook is in the center of Eastcliff and it can be said to be one of the most prosperous places in Eastcliff.

Moreover, this place has not been over-developed. The old courtyard houses are well protected. If you want to see the life of Eastcliff, you have to come to this place.
More than half an hour later, Stefanie drove into an alley near Heathbrook. From this slightly narrow alley, it is difficult to tell whether every household in it is an ordinary family or a large family.
In Eastcliff, there are two kinds of people who live in the courtyard.

One is a very poor person who lives in an old bungalow. There may not even be a toilet at home. You need to run to the public toilet every day. Even in the middle of the cold winter, you have to get up and run to the public toilet;
There is also a very wealthy person.
If you want to live in a courtyard house, you must first have enough money to make the courtyard house very livable.

Because courtyards are mostly single-story buildings, from the outside, no one can see what the inside looks like. Only when you come in will you find the differences.
Some courtyards are crowded with briquettes, bicycles, and kimchi jars full of aisles. It is very difficult to walk. There are also many shabby-built shacks and there are many safety risks.
But there are also courtyards, from the outside, they do not show the mountains or dew, and are not eye-catching at all, but after entering, they found that there is a cave inside.

This is the case with Stefanie’s courtyard house.
Other people’s courtyards are crowded and messy, while Sun’s courtyards are magnificent and antique!
Inside, there is not only a whole piece of white marble carved into the wall, but also nine majestic Tamrons with different poses.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1604

This is the Nine Dragon Wall that was unique to ancient royal buildings. It can be said to be the highest standard. There is a similar Nine Dragon Wall in the Forbidden City.
It’s okay to put it in modern times. If it’s in ancient times, no one can use such high-standard things except the emperor.
Once discovered by the royal family, it would be a crime of treason, and it could even punish by death.

Moreover, this courtyard has four entrances and four exits, and the entry yard has actually built a miniature version of Eastcliff garden, with rockery, pavilion, small bridge, and running water.
There were only a few loyal servants of the Sun family in the courtyard, so Stefanie had no scruples, took off the mask, took Charlie Wade’s arm, and said to him, “Charlie Wade, do you remember this yard? When we were young, we often played hide and seek here.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “I remember, but I feel that it is not the same as in the memory.”
Stefanie smiled and said, “This is a refurbishment. Compared with before, there are some changes.”
After that, she pointed to the frozen water and said, “There have always been many good koi carps here. Some have been raised in Sun’s house for more than 30 years, and some are still what you have seen before! But now It’s cold. The koi have been raised in the next wing, and they will be released when the spring begins. Would you like to go and see?”

Charlie Wade said in surprise: “How long does the Koi live?”
Stefanie smiled and said: “The life span of a koi is about 25 to 30 years. If it is well raised and taken care of, it can live a few more years.”
With that said, Stefanie shook her fingers seriously and said: “Look, there are several kinds of pets. If you raise them well, they may live longer than you. The other is the koi, and the other is the tortoise and Parrots, macaws and sunflower parrots can live to 60 or 70 years old.”

As soon as the voice fell, she took Charlie Wade and said, “Go, I will take you to see them, and see if you can recognize them!”
Afterwards, Stefanie took Charlie Wade to a wing next to the courtyard.
This wing room has a large area, and more than half of the area inside has been made into a constant temperature fish pond, in which a lot of huge koi are swimming around.

Stefanie pointed to one of the koi, which was nearly one meter long, and said excitedly: “Do you remember it? You used to name it Dax, which is the Dax in Doraemon.”
Charlie Wade smiled and nodded: “Remember, in the impression when I was a child, he seemed to be the largest.”
Stefanie nodded and said, “It is a Taisho three-color koi. My dad said that the price of buying it was worth the price of a three-bedroom in Eastcliff Third Ring Road.”

Charlie Wade was slightly startled, although he was a little surprised, but he was not too shocked.
The koi is actually very expensive. Some time ago, the eldest lady of the Firth family spent more than 10 million Dollar to photograph a piece of koi news. Charlie Wade had also seen it.
Therefore, the value of precious koi cannot be measured by the dimensions of ordinary ornamental fish.
At this time, Stefanie bent over and squatted on the edge of the fish pond, beckoned and called to the huge koi, unexpectedly the koi swam over directly, Stefanie reached out to touch it, and it did not hide at all. .


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