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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 1736

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1736

“The Takahashi family?!” Both were shocked.
Cameron Isaac blurted out: “Master! Is the Takahashi family going to kill you?!”
Charlie Wade nodded: “They want to follow me first, and then find a suitable opportunity to kill me.”
Cameron Isaac gritted his teeth and cursed: “A Takahashi family is just as powerful as the Eastcliff Sun family at best, so they have such courage!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “People are still very strong at least in this three-acre land in Tokyo.”
With that, Charlie Wade asked him: “Has the refrigerated car been found?”
“found it”! Cameron Isaac said: “We bought a freezer box to transport seafood directly from the seafood market at a high price. We drove over before the car had time to unload the cargo.”

Charlie Wade asked: “According to that, the carriage is still frozen, right?”
Cameron Isaac nodded: “In the car, it is 20 degrees below zero. The fish inside is so hard that it can kill people.”
Charlie Wade said with satisfaction: “Okay, you and Don Albertt lift this guy up and move it into the car before freezing.”

Cameron Isaac asked hurriedly, “Master, what about the Takahashi family? Don’t you ask them?”
Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “The Takahashi family sent a total of four ninjas, one dead, and three more. When the four brothers have gathered in the freezer, they will be sent to Takahashi Zhenzhi at once. I gave him a big gift!”

The frozen container truck has a quick-freezing function. When the power is fully turned on, the body of Tenglin Quintongtian can be frozen into a pile of ice in ten minutes.
Before a few people put Tenglin Quintongtian on the freezer container, Charlie Wade took off the cowhide cover that stored the shuriken from him, planning to use it for others.

Afterwards, Charlie Wade told Cameron Isaac’s subordinate who drove: “You first drive the car to a hidden place and park it properly. Remember not to cut off the oil and power of the refrigerated truck. Make sure that the container keeps cooling. I want to send four ice sculptures to Gaoqiao Zhenzhi. Don’t look back. People will turn into four piles of rotten meat when they receive it. It won’t be good if you give me a bad review.

After all, I am an overseas customer and an international friend.
The subordinate nodded quickly and said, “Don’t worry, I must arrange this car properly!”
Cameron Isaac asked at this time: “Master, we are going to Osaka next stop. Will this car follow us? Will it be alerted by the other party?”

Charlie Wade said: “In principle, where we go, this car will go wherever we go, but there is no need to follow us closely. If we set off tomorrow, let this car leave us two hours first.”
Cameron Isaac nodded immediately: “Okay!”
Charlie Wade waved his hand: “The three of you go back. I will deal with the scene and go back by myself.”

Cameron Isaac asked hurriedly: “Is there anything I can help? Or I will stay!”
“No.” Charlie Wade said lightly: “I will go back after I finish handling it. This will also prevent the group of people from seeing the clues.”
Seeing this, Cameron Isaac nodded and said, “Master, since this is the case, then I and Don Albertt will go back first.”

After Cameron Isaac and Don Albertt left, Charlie Wade dealt with some traces in the park.
He found all the six-handed swords in Tenglin Quintongtian. He did not discard the six-handed swords, but put them all back in the cowhide case and kept them next to him.
Afterwards, the blood stains on the ground were also cleaned up by him, leaving no traces.
After doing all this, he was alone, walking back to the hotel leisurely.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1737

The two juniors of Teng Lin Zhengzhe were watching around the hotel lobby.
Seeing that Charlie Wade returned to the hotel without incident, they immediately notified Teng Lin Zhengzhe. At the same time, the two of them were surprised at the same time. This guy seemed to have just gone out for a walk, and could not see anything. Didn’t Tenglin Quintongtian act with him for the traces of fighting with others? !

The reason why they think so is because both of them feel that even if Tenglin Quintongtian’s strength is not as good as Charlie Wade, it will certainly not be so weak.
If he has encountered an accident now, then his opponent will be injured a little bit, and it is absolutely impossible to look like nothing happened.

Teng Lin Zhengzhe, who had already installed several bugs in Charlie Wade’s room, quietly walked out of Charlie Wade’s room, and then told them on the intercom: “Come to my room!”
In fact, as soon as Charlie Wade entered the door, he noticed the breath of these two people.
After all, he followed himself all the way from Tokyo to Nagoya, and he was already familiar with these four people to a certain extent.

Seeing these people waiting for him in the hotel lobby, Charlie Wade knew that they must have a plan.
So he took the elevator back to his room quietly.
As soon as I entered the door, I felt another familiar feeling in the air.
From the inheritance of the “Apocalyptic Book”, Charlie Wade knew that everyone has their own unique aura.
The so-called breath is like the magnetic field in physics.

A big living person, no matter how good he is to hide his figure, if he doesn’t have the ability like Charlie Wade, it is difficult to hide his breath.
This is like a running car, no matter how environmentally friendly it is, it will definitely emit a faint exhaust gas, and the exhaust will still be in the air when the car is gone.

However, the smell of exhaust gas can be detected by anyone with a keen sense of smell.
However, the faint breath of a person is easy to dissipate, and unless the sense organs are extremely sensitive, it is impossible to detect it.
Teng Lin Zhengzhe thought he was hiding well, but he didn’t expect that Charlie Wade would have noticed the traces he left as soon as he entered the room.

So Charlie Wade calmly looked around in the room and found several wireless bugs hidden on the back of the furniture, the bottom of the sofa, and the ceiling.
Seeing this, Charlie Wade couldn’t help but sneer.
Since the Japanese friends even used the wiretap, and I didn’t perform a play for them, I’m really sorry for their troublesome arrangements.

So he took out his mobile phone and sent a text WeChat message to Cameron Isaac and Don Albertt: “My room was tapped. Don Albertt will not come to my room for now. Isaac will cooperate with me in a show later.”
Cameron Isaac hurriedly sent a text asking him what arrangements he had.

Charlie Wade sent him a bunch of lines he played live, and then sent him a voice: “Isaac, come to my room.”
After half a minute, Cameron Isaac knocked on Charlie Wade’s door.
When the door was closed, Charlie Wade spoke nervously, “Isaac, I feel that Nagoya is a bit weird.”
Cameron Isaac hurriedly followed Charlie Wade’s script and asked him: “Master, what do you mean by weird?”

Charlie Wade said with some worry: “When I went for a walk just now, I always had a strange feeling, as if someone had been following me.”
“No, master!” Cameron Isaac hurriedly said, “We have already left Tokyo, and we went to Yokohama in the middle, and now we are in Nagoya. Maybe no one will follow us here all the time?”

“It’s hard to say.” Charlie Wade sighed: “I played that bastard on the streets of Tokyo. It seems that I have a damn background. As the saying goes, strong dragons do not suppress local snakes. We go out and provoke the local big family. It’s still a little troublesome!”

At this moment, in Teng Lin Zhengzhe’s room, the three of them were already dumbfounded when they heard it on the radio.
The third child blurted out: “Brother, I heard what this guy meant, he didn’t seem to meet Quintongtian directly?”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe stopped him with gestures, and said: “Keep listening!”
At this time, Cameron Isaac said again: “Master, are you a little too sensitive? I don’t feel anyone is following us.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1738

Charlie Wade said very seriously: “I always feel that something is wrong. Just now when I was out for a walk, I inexplicably heard someone behind it seemed to be fighting, and there was the sound of weapons colliding, but I looked back, what? nothing.”
Cameron Isaac thought for a moment, and said, “Master, I think you are still too sensitive. Maybe you have auditory hallucinations.”

“It’s still not quite right.” Charlie Wade smacked his lips: “The movement I overheard was very chaotic. It seemed that several people struck for a while, and then someone struggling and whimpering as if their mouth was covered, waiting for me to follow. When the voice walked over, there was a pool of blood on the ground, and there was also a shoe. That shoe was f*cking weird…”

Cameron Isaac said: “Master, the blood may be animal. As for shoes, what’s weird about a shoe?”
Charlie Wade said very seriously: “Do you dare to believe that there is a damn knife on the toe of that shoe? It’s like a f*cking movie, it’s a damn door.”
Cameron Isaac exclaimed: “What? There is a knife on the toe of the shoe? Is this too weird?!”
In Teng Lin Zhengzhe’s room, when they heard Charlie Wade’s words, all three looked terrified!

The second child said with some horror: “Brother, this should be Quintongtian’s ninja shoes!”
Teng Lin Zhengzhe also became nervous and frowned, “According to what he said, it is possible that Quintongtian was harmed by others?”
The third child added at this time: “It is very likely that he is also a ninja!”
On the other side, Cameron Isaac asked Charlie Wade: “Master, do you think this is the legendary Japanese ninja?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said in agreement: “I think it’s possible too!”
Cameron Isaac asked curiously: “Did you happen to have a ninja fighting with a ninja?”
Charlie Wade groaned: “I always think it shouldn’t be so coincidental. I feel vaguely in my heart that maybe this matter has something to do with me.”

“Can’t it?” Cameron Isaac blurted out: “According to you, is it because someone wanted to mantis catch cicadas at you, and then was followed by other oriole?”
Charlie Wade said: “The ghost knows, it’s possible, so I think this place in Nagoya is a bit weird. Let’s finish our work as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible!”

Cameron Isaac snorted and said: “Master, I will make arrangements for me to arrive at the airport in the middle of the night, and the pharmaceutical factory will start trial production in the early morning. As long as the trial production is okay, let’s leave this place of right and wrong!”
“Okay.” Charlie Wade sighed and cursed in a low voice: “It’s f*cking annoying. I have never had to worry about it since I’ve been in Japan.

If I don’t withdraw quickly this time, I might have to get involved in the disputes of the big Japanese family. go with.”
Having said that, Charlie Wade waved his hand and said: “Okay, you go back and tell everyone to stay alert to avoid making mistakes!”
“it is good!”

After Cameron Isaac finished speaking, he left Charlie Wade’s room.
At this time, Teng Lin Zhengzhe was a little confused.
He and his two younger brothers felt that what Charlie Wade said should be true.
There are four reasons.

First, it is impossible for Charlie Wade to retreat unscathed after starting hands with Tenglin Quintongtian;
Second, Charlie Wade couldn’t detect the bug in the room, so he didn’t have to lie in the room and act;
Third, Charlie Wade mentioned Tenglin Quintongtian’s ninja shoes, and mentioned the short blade hidden in the ninja shoes! This feature is very secretive.

With the three of them understanding Tenglin Quintongtian, it is impossible for Tenglin Quintongtian to use this hand to press the bottom of the box when it is not a last resort and must work hard!
Fourth, Charlie Wade just said that he heard that there were many people fighting, and there was only one person in Tenglin Quintongtian. If many people were fighting, it would prove that he was ambushed by many people, so this is also right with his sudden disappearance. Ok.

After analyzing all of this, Teng Lin Zhengzhe gritted his teeth and said: “All of this shows a fact: we were targeted by another group of ninjas!”
Teng Lin Zhengzhe’s second junior brother blurted out and asked, “Brother, who do you think it will be?”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe thought for a moment, and said seriously: “We have never offended any ninja family on weekdays, so I guess that the one who did it on Quintongtian is most likely the enemy of the Takahashi family!”
The third junior slapped his thigh immediately: “Damn, is it the Ito family?!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1739

At this moment, Tokyo, Japan.
Maki Takahashi ended a whole day of talks with Fitz and Zara.
The talks between the two sides can be said to be very in-depth, and both sides are very satisfied with each other.
This is mainly because Fitz and Zara feel that this person Takahashi Zhenzhi is very good, and he does not need to guide him to kill the Ito family himself.

He already has this consciousness.
Secondly, it is also because in order to finalize the cooperation as soon as possible, Takahashi deliberately released a few percentage points of the profit share on the specific cooperation terms.
Fitz originally wanted to talk about the next three-to-seven cooperation agreement.

Whether it was with the Takahashi family or the Ito family, only 30% of the benefits would be given to them.
But what I didn’t expect was that Takahashi himself reduced his expected profit share to 25%!
Even Zara feels that the target of this cooperation can basically be finalized, that is, the Takahashi family. As for the Ito family, there is no need for negotiation.

But out of business reputation, the siblings decided to talk to the Ito family before making the final decision.
After all, before I came, I had made an appointment with someone from the Ito family, and I couldn’t just kick the opponent out before I met.
Therefore, even if they just walked through the scenes, they couldn’t let the Banks Familyy talk.
This is the business field.

Even if he has sharpened his knives secretly and is about to slaughter the other person to eat meat, he will still be very polite on the surface, and even call him brothers and sisters.
Machi Takahashi is indeed a smart man.
He knew that the Ito family could never offer better terms than their own. Even if the Ito family could accept a 25% share of the bill, they couldn’t take the initiative to propose to the Banks Familyy to unite with the Banks Familyy to kill themselves.

After all, when doing business in peace times, most people are afraid to shout and kill. Even if they have this idea, they are still hiding in their hearts and afraid to speak out.
Ito Yuhiko didn’t know the malicious plan of the Banks Familyy, and naturally it was impossible to actively cater to their tastes.
But I am different.


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