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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 351

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 351

Just as Claire Wilson really felt that there was a significant modification in Charlie Wade, Kenneth, who had simply gotten away from the hall, returned with four bodyguards by his side!

These 4 bodyguards were the 4 most capable bodyguards helping him, as well as each of them had remarkable toughness and combating skills.

In his point of view, it would certainly be easy for these 4 bodyguards of his to kill Charlie Wade!

Nonetheless, he did not intend to kill Charlie Pitch in front of the crowd of individuals.

He wanted to force Charlie Fall to entry as well as call him his ‘grandfather’ in front of everybody below today! After acquiring back his very own face, he would certainly then ruin Charlie Wade’s member!

Afterwards, he would try to find one more opportunity to do away with Charlie Pitch in the future!

Everything that he was mosting likely to do today was simply to eliminate all of his pent up anger. Kenneth knew that the only way he would certainly be able to eliminate all the hatred that he was really feeling within was by killing Charlie Wade!

He had currently lived for even more than fifty years, as well as he had actually never ever really felt as self-conscious or degraded as he felt today.

After hurrying right into the location with his bodyguards, Kenneth aimed at Charlie Wade prior to he screamed, “I will provide one million dollars to the individual that damages his member today!”

One million bucks was a significant sum of cash to the bodyguards. Consequently, as soon as they listened to Kenneth’s words, all four of the bodyguards had a grim expression on their faces as they hurried toward Charlie Wade at the same time!

When Claire Wilson saw the bodyguards rushing at Charlie Wade, she shouted out in fright and wished to pull Charlie Wade away.

However, Charlie Wade stood still without relocating in all.
Escape? No way!

He was Charlie Wade Wade! Just how could he perhaps be afraid of this type of battle?

He was not in the smallest little bit terrified whatsoever!

Charlie Wade had already grasped all of the combating abilities that he had examined from the, so he was specific that these bodyguards would not be a match for him at all!

The four bodyguards looked at Charlie Wade as though he was a bundle of banknotes! They were all worried that they would certainly lose out accurate if they were one step far too late, so they all rushed at him seriously.

Charlie Wade smiled as his eyes secured onto the movements of the four bodyguards at the same time. At this time, Charlie Wade was simply patiently waiting for them to rush at him so that he can destroy them right away!

One of the bodyguards that had exercised dashing quickly took the lead and also grinned prior to he said to Charlie Wade, “Young man, you must be tired of living! That gave you the guts to tinker Chairman Wilson? I am going to eliminate you!”

As soon as his voice dropped, the bodyguard had actually currently shown up in front of Charlie Wade.

Just as every person believed that Charlie Wade would certainly encounter a severe beating, Charlie Wade unexpectedly jumped on the place prior to kicking the bodyguard in his breast.

The bodyguard who had to do with one hundred as well as ninety centimeters high flew back immediately!

With simply one kick, Charlie Wade had actually already damaged fourteen of his ribs!

There were only twenty-four ribs in a human’s body, as well as Charlie Wade had already damaged over half of them with one kick!

As the bodyguard hit the ground after flying a specific distance, blood started spurting out of his mouth, and also he looked really unpleasant and pathetic.

Already, the three bodyguards who were left had actually currently caught up.

Every one of them were rushing forward as they marked Charlie Wade as their target due to the fact that they were all terrified that they would lose out on the one million dollars.

Consequently, they did not anticipate this boy to instantly end up being an effective human cannonball, and he right away kicked the three of them, instantaneously knocking them to the ground!

” Wow!!!”.

Everyone experiencing the scene can not help however exclaim aloud.

No one would have pictured that Charlie Wade would have such a powerful kick!

Currently, one of the women at the scene exclaimed, “This! He is just like Ip Male!”.

Charlie Wade glanced at her before he sneered, “Ip Guy? Even if there are 10 Ip Man’s in this globe, he could never ever be compared to me, Charlie Wade Wade!”.

Charlie Wade was not bragging!

Even though the martial artist, Ip Man, was really very solid, he had actually not exceeded the range of a common individual.

On the other hand, given that Charlie Wade had been examining and also exercising every little thing that he learned from the, his body had actually been literally as well as inside strengthened by the spiritual power. Therefore, no matter exactly how strong an ordinary person was, they would certainly never be able to take on Charlie Wade!

By now, the initial bodyguard that was started the upper body by Charlie Wade had already lost consciousness.

The continuing to be three bodyguards were all pushing the ground, sobbing as well as crying out loud because they had actually experienced various fractures around their bodies.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 352

The bodyguards had a horrified look in their eyes as they looked at Charlie Wade!

Why was this boy so frightening?! The 3 of them were attacking him at one go, and also yet, they were actually beat by simply one young man? They had lost their combat efficiency just like that?! This … this young man was just a God!

Charlie Wade strolled toward the three bodyguards before he looked at them with a cool expression on his face. “Because you enjoy being a dog for others, I will make sure that you can only crawl on the ground in the future!”.

Afterwards, Charlie Wade stepped on one of the bodyguard’s appropriate leg!


The man’s right kneecap was crushed quickly.

After that, he increased his foot once more and also ultimately squashed the opponent’s left kneecap.

When the other two bodyguards saw this, they were all shivering in shock!

Afterwards, the two bodyguards began crying and also pleading Charlie Wade for mercy.

Charlie Wade responded coldly, “You are all criminals who are crueler than any person else when it comes to hurting other people. Nevertheless, when you are hurt, you are extra afraid than any individual else! If I allow you go today, you will most definitely show this vicious expression on your face when you handle individuals who are weaker than you in the future! I have to destroy you today for the people!”.

Adhering to that, no matter their crying as well as pleading, Charlie Wade squashed all of their kneecaps.

Break! Break!

There were now three even more individuals who would certainly not have the capability to depend on their own 2 feet again in this world!

Everyone at the scene was surprised by Charlie Wade’s ferociousness.

Kenneth and also Wendy were likewise trembling in worry currently!

Kenneth would certainly never have pictured that Charlie Wade would certainly be so terrible and strong!

He never expected Charlie Wade to beat all four of his most qualified bodyguards easily!

He had actually ruined them completely.
They were all professional competitors, and one of them was actually the nationwide fighting champ simply a few years ago!

Kenneth felt his legs going soft, and he felt chilly in the area where he had damp himself previously.

He turned around calmly as he attempted to escape.

No matter what happened, he could not allow himself to fall into Charlie Wade’s hands …

At this time, a person all of a sudden screamed, “You, old man! Are you trying to get away after provoking Mr. Wade?”.

Right away afterwards, the group of people given way as Don Albertt strolled in with a group of men behind him. Albert sneered prior to he stopped straight in front of Kenneth.

Kenneth checked out him with a worried expression on his face prior to he asked, “You … that are you?”.


Albert gave Kenneth a limited put across his face without even responding to his concern.

There were 5 fingerprints on Kenneth’s face as he claimed intensely, “Who do you believe you are? You really dared to strike me ?! I am the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce!”.


Albert did disappoint him any type of grace in all as well as provided Kenneth an additional put across his face.

” Chairman? I uncommitted if you are the chairman! If you are disrespectful towards Mr. Wade, you are courting death on your own!”.

Kenneth was very angry, yet he was also terrified at this time. He hurriedly claimed, “This is all just a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! There is just a basic misconception in between Mr. Wade and myself. I am mosting likely to leave now. I’m leaving now!”.

” You intend to leave?” Albert smiled contemptuously before he said, “Have you asked for Mr. Wade’s permission to allow you leave?”.

Kenneth hurriedly turned and also faced Charlie Wade prior to he begged in a shivering voice, “Charlie Wade, Mr. Wade, this is all just a misconception. Those 4 guys wished to create difficulty for you and I might not stop them! They currently obtained the ending that they should have now! Please simply let me go currently …”.

Charlie Wade responded and smiled before he stated, “Okay, of course I can allow you go. I’ve already allow you go once.”.

After that, Charlie Wade checked out Kenneth with a lively expression on his face as he said, “However what should you do so that I will let you go? Do you require me to educate you what to do?”.

Kenneth hesitated that Charlie Wade would certainly disable him equally as he did to his bodyguards. He quickly knelt to the ground before he cried and begged, “Dad, please, please just spare your kid this time …”.

Don Albertt was stunned, and also he blurted out right away, “Oh, my God! You are actually useless!”.

Kenneth smiled bitterly prior to he said, “I will certainly inform you the reality. I have actually currently discovered my lesson …”.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 353

Contemptuous mockery echoed around them.

Kenneth was such a crybaby! He had actually called Charlie Wade ‘daddy’ 3 times throughout a couple of mins!

Was he truly the chairman of the distinguished Modestway Group? He was such an embarrassment to himself as well as his firm!

Regardless, Kenneth couldn’t care less about any one of that!

A terrific guy understood when to produce as well as when not to.

You had to be alive, and also only after that could you utilize your member, right?

He was defeated, required on his knees, had needed to call Charlie Wade daddy, had peed his pants …
As well as currently, he had to call Charlie Wade ‘Grandfather’ …

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 354


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