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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 522

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 521

When the news about the Weaver family hit the streets, Charlie Wade, who had kicked Jordan and Jeffrey into living hell and helped Liam to rise up, was in the kitchen cooking lunch for his wife and in-laws.

At the dining table, Jacob Wilson and Elaine Ma were actively talking about the Weaver family. They loved to talk about such gossip, especially Elaine Ma. She would be thrilled for the next three days if she knew about the misfortune that happened in another family.

When Elaine Ma mocked Jordan and Jeffrey for their misfortune, Claire Wilson Wilson chided, “Mom, don’t mock others like that, it’s not nice.”

Elaine Ma snorted in disdain. “Huh, I can ignore other people, but I won’t miss a chance of mocking the Weaver family!”

Then, she said in a sheepish tone, “Oh yes, did you know that Wendy was seemingly with Jeffrey a few days ago?”

“Huh?” Claire Wilson Wilson gaped in bewilderment. “No way. Jeffrey is thirty-something, isn’t he? He is at least a decade older than Wendy! I don’t think Wendy wants to be with him.”

Elaine Ma clicked her tongue amusingly. “Haha, do you really think Wendy is a saint? Tell you something, I heard that she had been Kenneth’s lover for some time! You know Kenneth, right? Kenneth Wilson, the chairman of Modestway Group in Eastcliff. Then, it was Kenneth who passed her to Jeffrey!”

This time, it was Jacob Wilson who was in utter shock. “What? Did you say Kenneth from Eastcliff? Wendy was his lover? No way! Kenneth is older than Chris!”

Elaine Ma said, “Your mom wanted to curry favor with Kenneth so that she could get investment from him to save the company, so she instructed Wendy to sleep with Kenneth. I must say, the guy kept his promise, he invested 10 million into the company. Everyone knows about it, it’s the truth.”

“Oh my goodness…” Claire Wilson Wilson gasped, “How could Grandma do that?! How could she ask Wendy to be with Kenneth just for money? How could my uncle and aunt agree to such an arrangement?”

“Them?” Elaine Ma snorted contemptuously, “I bet they were looking forward to it!”

Then, she said in a mocking tone, “Well, the old lady had quite wishful thinking, but too bad Kenneth only invested ten million and that’s it.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said, “Wilson Group’s debts amount to about thirty million, the ten million is just a drop in the bucket. I guess Grandma and the rest must be having a difficult time now.”

“She deserves it!” Elaine Ma growled, “Your grandma deserves every last bit of it! Don’t you see how she has bullied us for so many years? I wish that they’d go bankrupt soon and I hope to watch the old coot sleeping on the street! Only then would she realize how many mistakes she’s made! Honestly, I feel relieved and at ease when I think of it!”

Jacob Wilson started awkwardly, “Enough. Mom might be wrong at some point, but you can’t curse her like that! If they really go bankrupt and they are kicked out of the house, do you think we can turn our backs on her when she comes to us?”

Elaine Ma blurted furiously, “Are you kidding me? I don’t care, of course! So what if she has to sleep on the street? I won’t even care if she starves to death! Did you forget what she said and how she looked at us when she kicked us out of her family? I will never forgive her!”

Jacob Wilson sighed and said nothing more.

He was indeed angry with his mother, but he wasn’t as angry as Elaine Ma was.

Elaine Ma smiled triumphantly and said, “Huh, I can’t wait to see the end of the Wilson family. When they are done for, we’ll be moving into the big Thompson First villa, and it would be like heaven and hell! Until then, I’ll let them know that fortune knocks once at every man’s door!”

She turned to Charlie Wade and urged, “Charlie Wade, have you been in contact with Mr. Zeke White? Ask him to urge the contractor to speed up their renovation progress. I want to move in next month!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 522

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. White informed me that the work will be completed next month and we can move in then.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said, “Would it be good to move in right after the renovation is completed? Shouldn’t we wait for a while for the smell of the paint and whatever to disappear first?”

Elaine Ma interjected, “Ah, it’s okay. I went to see the progress with your dad the other day. They used imported non-polluting materials for the renovation containing zero formaldehyde. There was really no smell at all in the house. In fact, they installed an air purifying system in the house that replaces fresh air twenty-four hours a day, it is very advanced and healthy!”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded without a word. She was rather indifferent and aloof about the whole idea of moving to the Thompson First villa, but Charlie Wade was right.

They would not live on the same floor as her parents after moving into the new house. In this case, they would have more privacy and personal space, unlike now, where there was no such thing as privacy even in their own room.

Moreover, she promised Loreen that she would reserve a room for her in the villa and invite her to live in. After all, it wasn’t so nice for a girl to stay alone at a hotel.

Charlie Wade couldn’t be bothered by the villa. He lived a great and lavish life before he was eight, and spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence in the orphanage. He was already at the stage where he was not pleased by external gains and not saddened by personal losses.

At this moment, Elaine Ma received a text message that made her smile when she glanced at it.

She lifted her delightful gaze and said, “An old friend of mine is asking me to play eight rounds of mahjong at her place this afternoon. I won’t be home for dinner.”

Jacob Wilson asked in surprise, “Eight rounds? Won’t it take about ten hours then?”

Elaine Ma rolled her eyes in annoyance and said, “So what if it’s ten hours? I even played for two days straight when I was young!”

Jacob Wilson tried a persuasive voice instead. “You said it yourself, when you were young, but you’re not young anymore! Sitting for long hours makes one prone to many illnesses—lumbar disc herniation, cervical problems, high blood pressure, all of which are caused by sitting for too long.”

Elaine Ma waved her hand agitatedly, “Ah, shut it! I’m feeling fine, don’t curse me!”

Claire Wilson Wilson frowned and said in a concerned tone, “Mom, I don’t mind if you play mahjong for leisure, but please, there are two things I want to say, so listen. One, don’t play for too long and two, please don’t play by the rules that will make you win or lose thousands of thousands per round, okay?”

“Argh, you’re no fun! We’re just playing to pass our time!” Elaine Ma said nonchalantly, “Besides, I’m doing this for our family! Look at your dad who’s a loser. Look at Charlie Wade, who isn’t only a loser, but also a liar who goes around deceiving people—I bet he will cause trouble to our family!

And you, you are still in the beginning of your business and have not earned any money yet. How else can your dad and I retire leisurely? I’m depending on mahjong to earn some side income for the family!”

Charlie Wade was agitated by his mother-in-law’s harsh remarks. She still mocked him once in a while and even felt that he was a big liar. In his mind, he imagined such a scene—he would slap her across the face and said, “Since you think I’m a big liar, then don’t move into the villa that I’ve gotten from deceiving people!”

His mother-in-law needed to learn some lessons for herself!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 523

Since people were waiting for her, Elaine Ma did not even bother to finish her meal. She quickly grabbed her bag before she took a cab to an older villa complex in Aurouss Hilll, the West Garden Villa.

An old friend of hers lived in the vicinity of this villa complex.

The West Garden Villa had been relatively prosperous and luxurious in Aurouss Hilll twenty years ago. However, since it was already an old villa complex, it was not as luxurious and elegant as it used to be.

In the past, Elaine Ma felt that the West Garden Villa was already very good and luxurious. Moreover, she felt that she would never be able to move into a villa like this in her lifetime.

Nevertheless, things were different now. When she thought of how she was going to move into the best villa at Thompson First very soon, Elaine Ma felt a little dismissive of the West Garden Villa.

Her old friend who lived at this villa complex was called Summer Gibson, and Elaine Ma had met her many years ago.

Summer came from a pretty good family background. Her husband made a lot of money in his early years, and after he passed away in an accident, he left Summer with a lot of money,

After raising and sending her child abroad for further education, she would simply play mahjong for fun to pass time every day.

Summer was very rich but she had very lousy hands and poor mahjong skills. Therefore, she would always lose points to Elaine Ma whenever they played mahjong together. Elaine Ma would always have more points and a better hand than her.

Therefore, Elaine Ma regarded Summer as her God of Wealth and would definitely be there whenever Summer invited her over to play mahjong.

As soon as she rang Summer’s doorbell, the door was opened almost immediately. At this time, a woman who was about the same age as Elaine Ma quickly greeted her with a warm smile on her face. “Sister Elaine Ma, you’re here! Come on in!”

This middle-aged woman was none other than Summer.

Elaine Ma hurriedly greeted her before stepping through the door and saying with a smile, “Oh, Summer! I am sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.”

After that, both of them headed to the living room. At this time, the other two friends who had gathered to play mahjong with the both of them were already sitting and waiting for Elaine Ma at the mahjong table.

“Sister Elaine Ma, you are finally here!”

Another middle-aged woman said impatiently when she saw Elaine Ma walking into the living room. “Come and sit down! We will start by playing eight continuous laps today!”

As soon as Elaine Ma and Summer sat down at the mahjong table, the mahjong game officially began.

As Elaine Ma rubbed the mahjong tiles in her hand, she turned around and said, “Summer, you have already lived in this villa for quite a long time, right?”

After touching a tile, Summer smiled before she replied, “Yes, this villa was bought for more than ten years ago, mainly for investment purposes. After my child went abroad, I was living alone in the city, but the villa was too big for me. I could not help but feel very anxious living alone in such a huge villa.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 524


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