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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 537

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 536

At this time, Jasmine asked, “Grandpa, should we bring any gifts along with us?”

Lord Mooore replied, “Someone gave me a piece of cold jade a few years ago. It has the effect of calming the mind and giving peace to the owner. I want you to give it to Donald and tell him that it is for his son. Even though it might only have a small effect, it is better than nothing at all.”

Jasmine nodded before she said, “Okay, grandpa. I understand.”

Just then, Lord Mooore stood up before he said, “Jasmine, I want you to come with me.”

“Okay, grandpa.” Jasmine stood up without any hesitation and hurriedly followed her grandfather into his study room.

Upon entering the study room, Lord Mooore sat down on his mahogany chair before he asked Jasmine, “Jasmine, I want to ask you whether you have made any progress with Mr. Wade recently?”

Jasmine blushed as soon as she heard her grandfather’s words. “Grandpa, I… I… that…”

Lord Mooore smiled when he saw Jasmine’s flustered reaction. “Young girl, why are you so shy and embarrassed? Just tell me what the progress is!”

Jasmine was very embarrassed as she replied, “Grandpa, to be honest, Mr. Wade has been very busy recently. We have almost no chance to meet at all…”

Lord Mooore was a little disappointed, and he said, “Jasmine, you cannot be so nonchalant about this matter! You are still young, but your grandfather is already getting older! You might be able to wait, but your grandpa cannot afford to wait for another few more years…”

Then, Lord Mooore continued speaking, “Jasmine, grandpa is not asking you to be an unethical person with no morals at all. I am not forcing you to do anything with Mr. Wade if you do not want to. The main reason I am asking you to get closer to Mr. Wade is because I can also tell that you truly like Mr. Wade from the bottom of your heart. Am I right?”

Jasmine nodded slightly as her face flushed red immediately.

Truthfully, she had become even more enamored with Charlie Wade the more she got to know him.

She was a strong and capable woman who loved a man who was equally strong and capable. The stronger the man was, the more attractive she felt he was.

Therefore, it was completely inevitable for her to feel attracted and enamored by Charlie Wade.

Lord Mooore sighed softly before he said, “Well, the biggest pity is that Mr. Wade got married so early. However, in this modern society, people take these things very lightly nowadays. Therefore, it’s not a big deal even if a man has a second or third marriage.

So, you don’t have to be too bothered about the fact that Mr. Wade has already been married before. You don’t need to care who his first wife was. All you need to know is that you should do all that you can to keep a good man by your side forever.

Even if he has already been married ten times before you, the most important thing is to get him to stay by your side for the rest of your life.”

Jasmine nodded slightly before she said, “Grandpa, I understand what you are trying to say. I cannot chase after Mr. Wade too desperately because I am afraid that he would start to dislike me if I did that. I heard that Mr. Wade is still very loving and kind toward his wife.”

“Yes.” Lord Mooore nodded in agreement. “In that case, it is not wrong for you to fight steadily, step by step, as you try to win Mr. Wade over in secret.”

At this time, Lord Mooore recalled something and he quickly said, “By the way, it will be my eightieth birthday in a few days. Please invite Mr. Wade to come to my birthday banquet. Once he is here, you can take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to him and get to know him better.”

Jasmine hurriedly replied, “Yes, grandpa. I will do that.”

“Okay.” Lord Mooore nodded before he said, “Alright then. It is already getting late. You should head to the Castle Peak Psychiatric Hospital now to visit the junior of the Webb family first!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 537

Very soon, Reuben drove Jasmine out of the house, and they headed straight to the Castle Peak Psychiatric Hospital in the suburb.

In the Castle Peak Psychiatric Hospital, the nurses had just fed Kian, who was going crazy at this point.

Kian finally regained his consciousness after they fed him, wiped his mouth, rinsed his mouth, and washed his stomach for him. Kian had a very satisfied expression on his face as he lay on the hospital bed with his hands and feet tied up.

The few nurses resisted the urge to vomit as they walked out from the intensive care unit to the family resting room outside with a basin filled with the filth that they had just washed out of Kian’s stomach.

At this time, Kian’s father, Donald, and his brother, Sean, were sitting on the sofa with no expression on their faces.

After coming out of the intensive care unit, one of the nurses greeted them respectfully. “Mr. Webb and junior Mr. Webb, the patient, have already regained consciousness.”

Donald asked coldly, “Have you finished the gastric lavage procedure?”

The nurse nodded before she whispered, “Yes, we have already completed the procedure!”

“Okay.” Donald asked again, “The things that you fed him this time… have you already disinfected it?”

The nurse hurriedly replied, “It has already been sterilized. We placed it inside the pressure cooker and sterilized it at a high temperature and pressure. Even though we cannot eliminate the smell, I can assure you that there are no longer any bacteria or viruses in it…”

Kian’s iron rule of having extra ‘supplements’ every hour on the dot remained the same.

Donald naturally did not dare to stop his son from doing so. After all, he could see that his son was truly on the verge of death if they fed him even one minute later. Donald was afraid that something would really happen to his son.

Therefore, he discussed this matter with a team of medical experts before they came up with a temporary solution, which was to put those ‘supplements’ for Kian in a pressure cooker for at least half an hour in advance so that it would not contain any bacteria and viruses that would make him sick.

This was the only buffer they could come up with at this stage.

Donald glanced at the few nurses before he waved his hands sullenly and said, “Alright then, you can all leave now. Please remember to prepare all of his next meals in advance.”

The nurse nodded before she said, “Mr. Webb, you can rest assured that we have already prepared all of his eight meals for tonight in advance. Each of his meals has already been sterilized in advance, and we will serve the patient his meal at room temperature.”

Donald suddenly felt a surge of nausea overpowering him, and he quickly waved his hand as he said, “Alright, you can leave now.”

After the few nurses had left the room, Sean whispered to his father, “Dad, are we really going to let this continue? How could Kian possibly need to eat shit every hour?! If this news spreads to the public, the Webb family will definitely lose face!”

Donald asked, “What else can we do? Do you want me to watch your brother die?”

Sean hurriedly replied, “I did not mean that at all. I am just saying that we should bring Kian back to Sudbury. It is not a solution for us to continue staying here. We should bring Kian back home and use our own family doctor and nurses to handle him. At the very least, we can be more rest assured that they would be tight-lipped about this matter.”

Donald thought about it before he replied, “Okay, then. We will send your brother back to Sudbury, but we cannot leave Aurouss Hilll yet.”

“Why?” Sean asked in surprise. “What other business do we have here?”

Donald replied, “I suspect it is not an accident that your brother suddenly contracted this sudden illness. Something must have happened to cause him to behave in this manner. There must be some clues or information that we have not figured out yet. I plan to stay in Aurouss Hilll for a short while to investigate and look into this matter. I want you to stay here with me.”

Sean nodded when he heard his father’s words and said, “Yes, dad. I will stay here with you.”

Donald nodded before he said, “If that’s the case, we will arrange for our doctor to accompany Kian back to Sudbury tomorrow morning.”

Upon saying that, Donald stood up before he said, “Come, let’s go in and see your brother.”

The father and son stood up before they pushed the door of the intensive care unit open. At this time, a strong and disgusting stench overcame them immediately.

Even though the windows were all open and the exhaust fan was already turned on, the smell was still lingering even after a long time.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 538

Kian was lying on his bed with tears in his eyes as he looked out the window silently. He could smell the strong stench on his breath whenever he breathed, and he felt very disgusted with himself.


When he saw the decadent and desolate expression on his son’s face, Donald could not help but feel distressed.

Kian did not look at him but instead continued to stare out the window as he choked and said, “Dad, why don’t you just let me die? I am really on the verge of collapse because I have to do something so disgusting every hour of the day…”

Donald hurriedly stepped forward as he held his son’s hand and said, “My good son, you have to remember that it is always better for you to live than to die!”

Kian burst into tears before he said, “But, who can live an even more miserable life than mine? If I have to continue living like this for the rest of my life, I would rather be dead now…”

Donald felt very upset, and he said seriously, “Kian, don’t worry. Dad will definitely heal you no matter what method I have to use. I promise you!”

Kian turned his head around and looked at his father before he subconsciously asked, “Dad, do you mean what you just said?”

As Kian spoke, the strong stench coming from his mouth hit Donald directly.

Donald’s eyes reddened immediately, and he even shed two drops of tears. He resisted the wave of nausea that hit and his strong urge to vomit before he nodded and replied, “Yes, I mean it! You don’t have to worry!”

Then, Donald spoke again, “I will arrange for someone to take you back to Sudbury tomorrow. I will stay behind in Aurouss Hilll to find the culprit who did this to you. After that, I will surely find a cure for you. Make sure that you take care of your health after you go home. Wait for your father to come back with good news!”

Kian nodded excitedly as he suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 539


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