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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 552

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 551

”Absolutely not?!”

Donald would never have expected Lord Mooore to turn down his request just like that.

It seemed as though Lord Mooore did not even think about it before turning down his request.



The Webb family was wealthier and more powerful than the Moore family. His son was even the eldest grandson of the Webb family. To put it bluntly, he was the most outstanding young man in the whole South Region.

There were so many girls from many different big and powerful families who were waiting to get involved with Sean, even trying to take the initiative to get closer to him!

They were giving the Moore family face simply by saying that they had taken an interest in Jasmine!

After all, the Moore family would be using the Webb family to climb up in status!

Lord Mooore had ten thousand reasons to agree to the marriage proposal, but he should not have any reasons to turn it down!

Yet, it seemed as though Lord Mooore had turned down the marriage proposal without any hesitation whatsoever. Why?

Why did he look down on the Webb family?

Donald felt very uncomfortable and could only ask anxiously, “Uncle Moore, do you think that Sean is not worthy of Jasmine?”

In his subconscious mind, Lord Mooore indeed wanted to say “No, he is not good enough!”.

Are you kidding me? Could Sean ever be compared to Charlie Wade?

In his eyes, Donald’s precious son could never be compared to Charlie Wade.

After all, Sean could not make him look ten years younger in a single day.

But Charlie Wade could! He could make him look and feel ten years younger!

Moreover, Charlie Wade’s talent and ability had already reached the sky. He had extraordinary strength and power. So, how could a junior from the Webb family possibly compare to him?

However, Lord Mooore could not speak too bluntly since the Webb family were still their friends and acquaintance after all. He did not want to say those hurtful words to them.

Therefore, he simply replied calmly, “Donald, please do not get too offended. I do not have the final say in this matter. As you know, the younger generation nowadays is all about freedom of love and marriage. I will leave everything to Jasmine to make her own decisions about her marriage. I do not want to call the shots for her lifelong happiness.”

Donald shook his head before he said, “Uncle Moore, don’t you know how our families work? In our family, no matter whether you are a boy or girl, there is no such thing as freedom of love and marriage! Don’t we have to follow all of our family’s arrangements? Uncle Moore, as long as you agree to the marriage proposal, I believe that Jasmine will not dare to disobey you.”

Families like theirs had always paid extra attention to their marriages.

Donald initially thought that Lord Mooore would certainly agree joyfully as soon as he proposed a marriage between Sean and Jasmine. After all, the Webb family was undoubtedly stronger and more powerful compared to the Moore family. It would be an upgrade for Jasmine to marry into the Webb family.

Moreover, Jasmine was at the perfect age to get married.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 552

In these wealthy and powerful families, the girls would often get engaged when they were twenty years old.

Moreover, most of them would get married as soon as they graduated from college at the age of twenty-two or twenty-three years old.

Therefore, Donald was hoping for Lord Mooore to mention this matter directly to Jasmine. He was also hoping that Lord Mooore would directly ask Jasmine to accept the marriage proposal.

Most of the girls in these wealthy and powerful families were all aware of these family arrangements for marriage. As long as the elders in the family made the arrangements, the younger generation would naturally obey them.

Lord Mooore did not expect Donald to continue persisting even though he had already declined the marriage proposal directly.

Therefore, he could only chuckle and wave his hand as he said, “To be honest, Jasmine is still very young, and I do not wish for her to be married yet. After all, her elder brother is not even married yet.”

At this time, Donald blurted out, “Boys can wait to get married even when they are older, but girls cannot do that! The latest age for them to get married is when they are at the age of twenty-four or twenty-five years old. If a girl waits until she is thirty years old to get married, that would be greatly discounting her own value too!”

Lord Mooore smiled faintly before he said, “For someone who sincerely likes Jasmine, it would not matter to them if she is twenty-four or twenty-five years old when they get married. Even if she is thirty, forty, or fifty years old, Jasmine will still be happily married.

However, if someone does not truly love her, there would be a huge difference for them if they got married when she was twenty-five or twenty-six. Therefore, I only wish for my granddaughter to be happily married.”

Sean hurriedly spoke up at this time. “Grandpa Moore, if you are willing to let me marry Jasmine, I promise you that I will definitely love her and treat her well for the rest of my life!”

Lord Mooore nodded before he said, “Of course I believe that you will treat her well. However, everything depends on Jasmine and I will not decide on her behalf.”

Donald felt a little upset.

He had already said so much and his son had even promised to love and take good care of his granddaughter, yet, he was still rejecting them. What did he mean by that? Was he looking down on the Webb family?

Donald was silent for a moment before he asked, “Uncle Moore, can I ask you a question? Since you keep turning down my request, is it because you have a better candidate in mind to become the son-in-law of the Moore family instead?”

When Lord Mooore saw that the other party was still persistent, he did not want to beat around the bush any longer. He wanted the other party to give up. Therefore, Lord Mooore nodded before he replied, “Yes. I will not hide it any longer. I do have a strong candidate in mind.”

After that, he added, “Jasmine also has a candidate in her heart, and both of us feel the same way about the same person.”

Sean was extremely disappointed when he heard Lord Mooore’s words. He had finally met a woman who made his heart skip a beat. However, he never expected that her family would reject him, look down on him, and also reveal that she already had a person that she loved!

Donald was also very shocked and could not hide the anger that he was feeling toward Lord Mooore at this time.

D*mn it! Did this terrible old man really have such high expectations that he even looked down on the Webb family? This was unbelievable!

As he thought about it, Donald frowned before he asked, “Uncle Moore, since this person can make you turn down the Webb family, he must be from a very wealthy and prestigious family in Eastcliff, am I right?”

Lord Mooore shook his head before he said, “No… that young man is just an ordinary man. He is not from any wealthy or prestigious family at all. In fact, if I remember correctly, he was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage ever since he was eight years old.”

Donald became even angrier when he heard Lord Mooore’s words, and he blurted out immediately, “How could an orphan who has no parents at all possibly be better than Sean?! Uncle Moore, what do you see in him?”

Lord Mooore laughed before he said, “Sometimes, people cannot be compared merely in terms of wealth and their family background. Some people are naturally more capable and talented compared to others.”

Donald frowned before he asked, “Uncle Moore, do you mean to say that Sean is not capable?”

“Of course not.” Lord Mooore smiled as he continued speaking. “I meant to say that everyone always has their own strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Sean could be very good in every aspect, but he might not be able to play basketball.

However, another person might not be good at anything at all, but he could be very good at basketball. If a girl is attracted to a guy because of his basketball skills, no one could say that Sean was not good in the first place.

In truth, Sean was not weaker than the other party, but he only lost simply because the girl was attracted to a guy who could play basketball.”

At this time, Lord Mooore’s inner thoughts were, ‘D*mn it, Donald. Why do you have so much nonsense to say? I have already said so much but you still refuse to retreat. Instead, you continue to argue and try to justify your position in this matter. Do you really want me to tell you face to face that your son is nothing but sh*t in my eyes? Will you finally be satisfied then?!’

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 553

Donald was a little annoyed by this unexpected response.

He thought that Lord Mooore would agree to his marriage proposal without hesitation and immediately accept his son as their family’s son-in-law.

However, Lord Moored had rejected his proposal over and over again!

Humiliation and confusion filled Donald’s mind.

Sean was equally frustrated and said, “Lord Mooore, why don’t you want Jasmine to marry me? Our Webb family is the number one family in the South Region. Even in this country, how many could dare say that they are better than me, Sean Webb?”

Lord Mooore smiled gently at him and said, “Of course, Young Master Webb is a very excellent gentleman, but you can’t force feelings to grow out of nowhere. You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.”

For Lord Mooore, it was hard for him to be too harsh against the father and son who did not have a clear conscience of the matter, so he could only beat around the bush and try to talk sense into them.

Sean snorted irritably, feeling rather upset and agitated.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 554


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