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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 592

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 591

Hannah already knew that Zeke was the one who had given Charlie Wade the villa at Thompson First.

Therefore, she knew that she would have to push Elaine Ma to the limit if she wanted to win the villa at Thompson First over from Elaine Ma.

Hannah knew that Charlie Wade would not sit back and watch idly if Elaine Ma did something so unreasonable.

At that time, she would finally have the opportunity to take over the villa.

Therefore, Hannah told Elaine Ma, “You have already lost so much money. I think that it will be very difficult for you to win back all your money if we continue betting only ten thousand dollars. Why don’t we raise the bet instead? How about fifty thousand dollars? Anyway, you have enough money to cover your losses with the villa, but if you win, you can easily win back all your money in just two games!”

Elaine Ma had already lost all of her reasoning at this point, and she simply wanted to win all of her money back. Upon hearing this, Elaine Ma immediately nodded in agreement as she blurted out, “Alright, then! Let’s bet fifty thousand dollars instead!”

Linda said, “But you don’t have the house deed for the villa, right?”

Elaine Ma replied, “It does not matter at all. The villa belongs to my son-in-law, and anything that my son-in-law owns belongs to me!”

Linda shook her head as she said, “I think there is no way I can give you money for a mortgage without the house deed. It is simply too risky for me.”

After that, Linda stretched out five fingers as she said, “Well, why don’t you sign an agreement stating that you will mortgage the villa to me instead? I can lend you fifty million in total. I will give five million dollars to you first, and I will transfer another five million to you each time you lose it all.”

Elaine Ma nodded before she said, “Alright then, I will mortgage the villa to you for fifty million dollars! Fifty million dollars should be more than enough for me to win my money back!”

Linda smiled slightly before she said, “Okay, then! We can continue playing after we sign the agreement.”

At this time, Elaine Ma quickly signed the agreement to put down the Villa A05 at Thompson First as a mortgage for fifty million dollars without any hesitation. After that, Linda transferred five million dollars to her.

As a result, Elaine Ma lost five million dollars after only playing another three rounds of mahjong!

Linda smiled before she said, “Oh, don’t worry. You have another forty-five million dollars. I will transfer another five million dollars to you!”

After that, Linda transferred the five million dollars that she had just won back into Elaine Ma’s bank account.

After a few more rounds, Elaine Ma had lost the second batch of five million dollars.

Elaine Ma was about to collapse at this point.

In the blink of an eye, she had already lost her savings of more than two million dollars, her house, and she had already lost ten million dollars after putting Charlie Wade’s Thompson First villa down for mortgage…

Gambling was, in itself, a psychological black hole. Once someone falls into it, it would be very difficult for the person to climb out of it. Instead, the person would gradually be consumed and swallowed by the black hole.

This was the reason why it was difficult for many gambling addicts to get a hold of their lives. This was because they had no control over their own state of mind at all.

This was also the same case for Elaine Ma.

She had already put everything she had into this game, and she simply wanted to continue gambling because she knew that she had to turn things over and win back everything she had lost.

However, it was impossible for her to win in a carefully planned game. She was simply a lamb that was getting slaughtered over and over again without any possibility of turning over and making a comeback.

Five million dollars, come and gone, one after the other.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 592

In fact, these five million dollars was made up of Elaine Ma’s two over million dollars, including the two million dollars that Hannah had put in as bait. Linda was simply repeatedly lending the same five million dollars that Elaine Ma kept taking and losing back to her. After a whole night, the fifty million dollars that Elaine Ma got from mortgaging the villa was already lost.

At this time, Linda told Elaine Ma, “Sister Elaine Ma, I am sorry, but it seems as though you have already used up the fifty million dollars that you got from the mortgage.”

Elaine Ma felt as though she was going insane, and she blurted out immediately, “My villa is worth more than one hundred million dollars! You cannot simply take a mortgage from me for just fifty million dollars! You should give me another fifty million dollars for it!”

“I am sorry.” Linda smiled slightly before she said, “We have already signed a mortgage contract, and everything is written in black and white. You were the one who agreed to mortgage the villa to me for fifty million dollars.

According to our agreement, you have three days to raise the money. If you are trying to raise money, it would be fifty million dollars, plus another five million dollars as interest. Therefore, you owe me fifty-five million in total. If you can pay me fifty-five million dollars, you can keep the villa, but if you cannot pay me, the villa that you mortgaged to me will officially belong to me.”

Elaine Ma blurted out immediately, “No, that vila does not belong to me! It belongs to my son-in-law, so what I said does not count at all!”

At this time, Elaine Ma knew that she could not bring the villa into this situation because the villa belonged to Charlie Wade.

If she asked Charlie Wade for the villa, her daughter and husband would definitely find out that she had lost so much money as well as their house deed! They would also find out that she had mortgaged Charlie Wade’s villa and lost all of that money.

Therefore, Elaine Ma hurriedly said, “Sister Linda, you have already won a house and more than two million dollars from me today. So, please, can you just forget about the villa? You have already won so much and made so much money from me today!”

As soon as she heard Elaine Ma’s words, the expression on Linda’s face changed as she said coldly, “Elaine Ma, are you trying to run away without paying up after losing to me? Do you really think that I can be bullied so easily? Don’t blame me for turning my back on you if you do not pay me what you owe me!”

Elaine Ma hurriedly cried out loud, “Sister Linda, I know that you are a good person. I really cannot give you the villa because it does not belong to me at all!”

Linda was very indifferent, and she simply replied coldly, “You should stop talking nonsense in front of me! You can either choose to pay me the money you owe me, or transfer the ownership of the villa to me! Otherwise, I will ask my nephew to come and collect the debt from you!”

Then, Linda continued speaking, “My nephew is a gangster. If you refuse to pay me the money you owe me, I will ask him to chop off your hands immediately!”

Elaine Ma cried bitterly as she said, “Sister Linda, even if you kill me, I will not be able to give you fifty-five million dollars…”

After that, Elaine Ma turned around and quickly begged Hannah, “Sister-in-law, why don’t you put in a good word for me? Isn’t Sister Linda your friend? Didn’t you say that Sister Linda did not care about money at all? Please help me ask her to let me go this time. Please help me…”

At this time, Hannah said helplessly, “I am sorry, Elaine Ma, but I really cannot help you in this matter at all. After all, you’ve lost too much money.”

Even though it seemed as though Hannah pitied Elaine Ma, she was actually feeling very happy and refreshed in her heart!


Elaine Ma, you stinky woman! Who asked you to show off your wealth in front of me? Who asked you to taunt and humiliate me in the first place? Now, you are finally suffering this fate because you offended me! Your savings, your house, and even your son-in-law’s villa belong to me now!

From now on, Elaine Ma would be left with nothing at all!

When Elaine Ma realized that it was useless for her to beg Hannah, she hurriedly knelt in front of Linda as she grabbed the latter’s legs and said, “Sister Linda, you are so rich. Please do not push me into a dead end. Can you please let me off? I really cannot come up with so much money!”

Linda kicked her away before saying in disgust, “Don’t try to bargain with me now. Why didn’t you say that you would return me my money when you were winning earlier? Why are you asking me to let you off now that you’ve lost money to me? You owe me tens of millions in debt. So, how could you possibly be so thick-skinned?”

Elaine Ma hurriedly got up after she was kicked to the ground. She continued crying and begging, “Sister Linda, I really do not have that much money to give you!”

Linda simply stared at her before she replied coldly, “In that case, ask your son-in-law to come and transfer his villa over to me!”

Elaine Ma replied immediately, “No, I cannot do that. If my family finds out about this, my husband will divorce me…”

Linda glared at Elaine Ma with a cold expression on her face before saying, “Elaine Ma, are you really going to refuse to pay me what you owe me? Alright, then. Just wait. I will call my nephew now and ask him to come over and teach you a lesson if you do not pay me what you owe me today. You can either choose to pay me the money or give me the villa. Otherwise, I will ask my nephew to beat you up until you are half dead!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 593

Linda had already exposed her true colors.

She was already entering the finishing stage of slaughtering the pig!

When Elaine Ma saw the murderous expression on Linda’s face, she felt that she could not possibly be a wealthy woman at all.

She suddenly realized that she had probably been cheated.

After looking at Hannah, she felt that something was really wrong at this point.

Why would Hannah take the initiative to come and apologize to her today? Moreover, why would Hannah even take the initiative to invite her to come over to play mahjong with them?

Was this really planned by Hannah?

There was something amiss with Linda too!

Wasn’t she supposed to be bad at playing mahjong?

So, how could she possibly win so much money from her then?

As she thought about this, Elaine Ma suddenly realized that she had probably been fooled!

At this time, Elaine Ma pointed a finger at Hannah before she blurted out furiously, “You with the last name Queen! You are such a shameless b*tch! You actually colluded with others and set up a trap to cheat me of my money!”

Hannah was taken aback and she quickly replied, “Elaine Ma, what are you talking about? Why are you saying that I cheated you when you had lost the money on your own? Didn’t you see that I’ve also lost money today?”

Elaine Ma continued scolding, “Don’t try to fool me any longer! You told me to signal to you before we started playing. So, why didn’t you give me any of the tiles that I needed?”

Hannah had a dodgy expression on her face as she said, “What are you talking about? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say at all. I think that you should pay Sister Linda the money that you owe her as soon as possible. Stop talking to me about all these useless things!”

Linda also glared at Elaine Ma with a cold expression on her face as she said, “The one with the surname Parker, you’d better hurry up and pay me the money that you owe me! Otherwise, I’ll make sure to teach you a lesson tonight!”

Elaine Ma lost her temper and she pushed all the mahjong tiles onto the ground before she cursed, “You’re all b*stards! I know that the three of you ganged up to cheat me of my money! I won’t give you anything today!”

Linda frowned as she said, “No? You’re refusing to pay up? Okay, just wait. I’ll ask my nephew to come over immediately!”

After she was done speaking, Linda took out her cell phone before she made a phone call.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 594


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