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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 6407

Chapter 6407 
The endless stream of freight trains did not stop until it got dark. 
Charlie and Duncan observed their operating rules. 
Generally, after the diesel locomotive towed the entire train of freight cars into the freight yard of the terminal, 
It would be unhooked in the freight yard, 
Then turn around via another line and tow another train of cars away. 
The cars full of goods left in the freight yard would be towed by the dispatching locomotive to a factory building built on multiple rails for unloading. 
After unloading, the goods would be inspected by customs and then transported to the bulk cargo loading, 
And they were unloading terminals by freight trucks in the port for loading. 
To the southeast of the freight yard, there is also a large-scale railway marshaling yard. 
If the goods imported to the port of Casablanca need to be transported by rail, They will be assembled here after completing the customs clearance procedures, 
And then towed by the locomotive to the destination. 
This means that the freight train itself is isolated from the interior of the port. 
The goods sent here have not yet gone through the customs clearance process, 
While the goods waiting for transfer here have already completed the customs clearance procedures, 
So the management of the freight train yard is relatively lax. 
After nightfall, Charlie and Duncan had dinner at the hotel. 
In the restaurant, Charlie saw a young waiter from China, 
So he asked him, “Young man, do you know what language the locals use more often?” 
The waiter said, “Sir, ordinary people here speak Arabic more often,” 
“And civil servants in government departments and school faculty and staff basically speak French.” 
Charlie nodded. 
Morocco has been under French colonial rule for a long time, 
And French is very popular in the government and education system. 
However, Charlie does not know much about French. 
His parents taught him some when he was a child, 
But he learned it in a short time and it took a long time, 
So Charlie’s understanding of French is limited to some basic terms. 
So he thanked the waiter, and after the waiter left, he asked Duncan: 
“Can Inspector Li speak French?” 
Duncan nodded and said: 
“Because I deal with people from countries surrounding the United States and 
European countries all year round,” 
“I have learned French and Spanish, and I am quite proficient in them.” 
Charlie breathed a sigh of relief: 
“That’s good, otherwise I would have to find a translator now.” 
Duncan hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I don’t know anything about Arabic.” 
Charlie said: “It’s okay, we are going to deal with port staff tonight.” 
“The port is especially important to Casablanca.” 
“The management positions there should have received local elite education since childhood,” 
“And French must be their first language.” 
Duncan nodded and said: “If they speak French, there will be no problem.” 
After dinner, the two took a taxi to the management office of the port railway,” 
“Which is responsible for the transportation scheduling of the entire port railway. 
Duncan looked at the door of the management office and asked Charlie with some doubts: 
“Mr. Wade, are we going to go in directly?” 
Charlie nodded. 
He had just used his spiritual energy to check the situation inside the entire management office. 
At this time, in addition to a security guard in charge of security work outside the management office, 
There were a total of nine people working inside. 
Six of them were in the largest room on the second floor, 
Which should be their dispatch room. 
The remaining three were in different offices. 
Charlie’s idea was very simple. 
He directly used psychological hints to control the security outside the door, 
Asked him who was the highest person in charge here, 
He then asked him to take the two people to find the other party. 
So, he said to Duncan: “Inspector Li,” 
“When you see me patting the other person’s shoulder later,” 
“Just ask him in French who is in charge here,” 
“And then let him take us there.” 
Duncan nodded. He knew that Charlie had great magical powers, 
So he didn’t need to ask more questions. 
He just followed his instructions. 
The two of them came to the door of the management office. 
The security guard outside the door saw that they were two Asians, 
So he shouted to them in broken English: 
“Leave! Leave!” 
Seeing that the security guard directly wanted to drive the two away, 
Charlie smiled and said in English: 
“Brother, don’t you remember me?” 
As he said that, he used a stream of spiritual energy to pass into the other person’s brain, 
And he walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder like an old friend. 
Chapter 6406 
The two checked in and took the room card to the room on the 22nd floor of the hotel. 
Their rooms were one south and one north, 
And the room on the north side just happened to have a panoramic view of the entire port. 
Coming to the living room of the north room, the two of them overlooked the port of Casablanca in front of the French window. 
Duncan saw at a glance the railway freight yard with at least twenty tracks in the south of the port. 
He looked east along the railway line and said to Charlie: 
“As far as I know, Casablanca is the economic lifeline of the entire Morocco.” 
“Most of the phosphate mined in the country is shipped from here to all parts of the world.” 
“Duke Mining of the Warriors Den also exports phosphate overseas from here.” 
“I think the phosphate is transported directly to the dock by rail.” 
Charlie said: “Have you checked their phosphate exports?” 
“We checked it.” 
Duncan said, “AI checked the import and export data of Moroccan phosphate companies,” 
“And Duke Mining was not included in it.” 
“If Duke Mining does not export itself, then their production capacity should be handled by other companies to help them with export business.” 
Duncan said, “In order to find out where their phosphates are going,” 
“AI checked all companies engaged in import and export business in the port of 
Casablanca and locked in one of the import and export companies.” 
“The main business of this company is to export phosphates to companies around the world.” 
“They do not have phosphate mines themselves, which means they are acting as an agent for the export business of some phosphate companies.” 
“AI analyzed the customs declaration data of this company.” 
“The annual export volume is higher than the output of Duke Mining.” 
“I think in addition to Duke Mining, it should also act as an agent for the export of some small companies.” 
“In addition, this company also does a small amount of import business.” 
“Most of the imports are various mining machinery and equipment,” 
“And then they are sold in Morocco.” 
“However, they are said to be sales, but in fact, they only provide equipment for Duke Mining.” 
Charlie asked curiously, “Is this also found out by AI?” 
“Yes.” Duncan said, “This import and export company imported a batch of Liebherr heavy mining equipment from Germany two years ago.” 
“AI confirmed in the repaired Skyline database that this batch of Liebherr heavy equipment was working in the open-pit mining area of Duke Mining.” 
“This brand of equipment has not been found in several other large companies.” 
“For other companies, the cost of Liebherr equipment may still be too high.” 
After that, Duncan said, “AI also found a lot of food imported from the United States from their customs declaration materials, mainly beef, wheat, and vegetables.” 
“I suspect that these foods were secretly shipped to Duke Mining after customs declaration.” 
Charlie said, “Food can be purchased locally.” 
“It is unnecessary to import from the United States.” 
“It is probably because Duke Mining’s consumption is obviously higher than normal,” 
“So they don’t want people to notice it.” 
“Yes.” Duncan said, “They are quite careful in this regard.” 
“There are several local food suppliers, which disperses the demand.” 
“It is difficult for ordinary people to find out their specific food consumption.” 
“Combined with a portion of secretly imported food, it can basically be seamless.” “But they certainly didn’t expect that there would be an AI model with incredible computing power to continuously analyze all their data and information through various dimensions.” 
Charlie pointed in the direction of the railway and asked him, 
“Inspector Li, since Duke Mining’s phosphate is transported in by this railway,” 
“If I want to transport the Warriors Den’s assassins out of Duke Mining,” 
“This railway should also be the only way.” 
“I think we can use this railway line as a breakthrough point and focus on it.” 
Duncan agreed and said, “AI has analyzed several production sectors of Duke Mining.” 
“The mining area is responsible for mining the raw ore,” 
“Which is then transported to Duke Mining’s refinery near the mining area by trucks and conveyor belts.” 
“The refined phosphate is loaded at the railway freight yard in the refinery and then transported directly to the port.” 
“As long as Duke Mining needs to transport phosphate, it must have empty trains to load it.” 
“If we can get the driving videos of these freight trains, we should be able to figure out the basic process of trains entering Duke Mining.” 
“Through the videos, we should be able to see if there are any loopholes in this process.” 
Charlie nodded and said, 
“From here, the railroad does not lead directly to the dock.” 
“After these goods are transported to the port by rail,” 
“They need to be loaded and unloaded first,” 
“And then go through a series of customs export procedures before they can enter the cargo loading and unloading area of the dock. 
Let’s sneak in tonight and study it carefully.” 
“If we can get the people from the railway loading and unloading area to the dock loading and unloading area quietly,” 
“If this step can be achieved, then we will have a chance to take all the people away.” 


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